Just Business


By the time I knew it I was back home in Chicago, the temperature must have dropped at least 20 degrees. Henry dropped me off at my apartment and carried my bags up. I unlocked the door and he came inside dropping them by the couch.

He smiled and leaned against the door way. “Well, home at last.”

I smiled. “Yeah, it seems like it.”

We were quiet for a minute before he took his hands out his pockets and stood in the doorway. “Well, I better get home. I had fun this weekend.”

“Henry wait.”

He looked at me and paused. I walked towards him and took his hand. “Do you want to get dinner? Or I can come over and make something?”

He grinned. “I would like that. I would like that a lot.”

I leaned up and placed a kiss on his cheek, his hand and held mine a little tighter and he wrapped both his arms around me in a hug. We stood there for a good two minutes before he let me go.

“I’ll call you okay?”

I nodded, and he closed the door behind him going down the stairs. I sighed dragging my bag back into my room and dropped down on my bed. I knew I needed a nap or at least a couple hours of sleep before I could even function.

I pulled the covers over my head and sighed. What was I doing to myself? Was I making the right choice?

My phone buzzed with a text. Max

Hey! Are you home yet? -M

Yeah, I just got home, currently wrapped up in a sea of blankets. I cant move. -E

LOL, well when you feel better want me to pick you up? I have no food in my house and I have to admit, I missed your company this weekend. -M

What did you do all weekend? -E

Work, meetings ate takeout and drank alone. Basically, sums up my life. -M

You poor thing. - E

I sense sarcasm. -M

:) I’ll text you when I get up from my nap. - E

I tossed my phone onto the night stand and closed my eyes taking in the smell of what was left on my clothes from Henry. Shit, I was fucked.

I woke up to my phone vibrating on the table next to me. I picked it up and looked at the time. I had slept for six hours so it was ten after eight.

“Hello?” I said groggy.

“Wake up sunshine. I’m here.”

I groaned. “Max, I’m so tired.”

He knocked on the door and I got up walking to the front door opening up. He was grinning from ear to ear like he was happy to see me, which means Max had an awful weekend.

“I told you I would call you when I was up.” I groaned.

“It’s after eight p.m. El, it’s time to get up. Let’s grab a bite, we have a lot of catching up to do.” He said with a grin.

I sighed and put my hair up. “Fine, come in let me get dressed.”

He stepped in closing the door behind him and his eyes started to wander around the apartment.
“You.. live here?” He asked curiously.

“Yes? Is there something wrong with it?” I asked cracking my bedroom door watching him and changed into some sweatpants.

He wandered into our small kitchen and continued to examine everything. He raised a eyebrow amazed, it’s like he’s never seen anyone live like this in his life.

“It’s just… really..” he trailed off like he was trying to find the right words without offending me.

“Small?” I said.

“No, well yes, just different.”

I came out with my bag over my shoulder and grabbed my keys and coat. He grinned again like a kid on Christmas morning and I couldn’t help but smile myself. We got into his car and I looked at him.

“Now remind me again, have you been eating takeout all weekend?”

“Maybe.” He said with a smile.

I rolled my eyes at him and we drove down to the local market. We pushed the shopping cart around the store quiet for a minute before he spoke.

“So, were having another event soon.” He said trailing next to me.

“What kind of an event?” I asked looking at the chicken breasts and threw two packs into the cart.
“My Dad is setting a up a charity event for the holidays, I think it’s a company that is similar for Toy’s for Tots.”

I nodded. “What are your plans for the holidays?” I asked.

“I usually spend Thanksgiving home with my family, Christmas I’m usually alone because I don’t really do Christmas.”

He picked up some sausage dropping it into the cart and walked towards the dairy aisle.

“What do you mean you don’t do Christmas? Are you a scrooge?” I challenged.

He looked at me with a raised eyebrow and held the end of the cart. “Maybe.”

I grinned. “Well, you’re going to love having me around.”

He rolled his eyes and wandered ahead of me with his cart. Once we finished he loaded everything into his car and we drove back to Max’s apartment.

He unlocked the door and carried the bags into the kitchen. He took out some pans and unpacked the groceries. From the corner of my eye, I noticed a lacy red bra was hanging off the arm of his couch.
“Um, did you have company?” I asked pointing towards the bra.

“Oh, yeah it must be my sisters. She comes here to do laundry sometimes.”

He walked over to it quickly and put it in the laundry room, If I knew Max long enough I knew he was full of shit- but who am I to judge him? We weren’t dating or anything right? It was his business not mine.
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Sorry it took so long to update, i had the worst writers block for months and now I'm finally getting my groove back. Let me know what you all think.