Lip Gloss and Black


Old story of mine right before MySpace changed into what it is today. Found this plot in my notes on Facebook. Banner made by me, DeathbatCookie™.

Jayde is one of the merch girls for the band Avenged Sevenfold. Though she's friends with the guys, she believes in a strictly professional relationship between herself and the guys during and after work hours. At points her and Zack bicker back and forth just because that's how they handle personal problems.

After months of tour life comes to an end, Jayde receives an invite to a snobby cousin of hers wedding in the mail. Realizing everything her cousin has told her in their younger years has come true, Jayde comes up with the idea to pass Zack off as her fiancée just long enough to prove her cousin wrong. After finally getting him to agree, they spend an entire month getting stories straight and prepare for their big day at the wedding. Jayde often questions why she chose Zack to be her fake fiancee, but comes to terms that it's because, although all the guys would be a good choice, Zack is just way more compatible for her.

This story ends with a twist though.

Title credit: Atreyu- Lip Gloss and Black.

I own nobody famous, only characters I've created. The girl in the
Banner is a Hot Topic model, just using the picture for visual references. 90%of this is already completed so it'll be a while before I wind up with writer's block on this ***hopefully***