Lip Gloss and Black


The last few shows of the tour came and went quicker than Jayde expected. She found herself kind of sad to be packing away the last of what didn't sell this year. Yes, she was ready to actually be able to sleep and shower in the comforts of home, she'd still miss doing this.

"Hey you," Zack said, coming up behind her.

"Hey Zee," she turned to give him a smile, "I figured you'd be off celebrating already."

"Nah, I'm taking a small break from Gena. She's pissed again over something stupid so I opted to stay here and help you guys. If that's cool anyways."

"Sure," she grinned.

"So, any plans after you get back home?"

"Move all of my shit from that apartment I stayed in to back home with my mom."

"Oh wow. You want some help?"

"Nah, I don't have much to grab," she smiled, "Just clothes and bedding, movies, my tv and DVD player. The actual bed is Becky's spare."

Zack nodded, "Think they'll be there though?"

"They're on vacation in Denver."

"That's good at least."

"Right?" she sent him a small smile.

They continued to pack in silence. She wiped a stray tear away as she grabbed the last box.

"You have any plans tonight?" Zack asked once everything was in the van.

"I'm just gonna chill at home with my mom. It's been a while since we've had family time," she shrugged. "You?"

"I'm not sure. Brian's parents are throwing us a welcome home barbeque and everyone's gonna be there."


He sighed, "Gena's pissed at me again for whatever reason so I'd rather not be around her right now."

"Zee, when are you gonna wise up and either marry the bitch or leave her ass?"

He chuckled, "Got me."

Jayde shook her head and grinned, "You're hopeless."


They said their goodbyes to the Berrys. Jayde shifted uncomfortably trying to hold back fresh tears from falling down her face.

"You ok?"

Jayde cleared her throat and laughed, "Yeah. Just a bit emotional is all."

Zack pulled her into a hug, "Hey it's not goodbye forever. We'll all keep in touch and hang out and shit."

She nodded, "I'd like that."


Jayde had been settled back into her old room at her mom's place for about a week now. The first three days at home she practically slept all day long; not on purpose or anything she was just that worn out. By the end of the week she landed herself a job working at the music shop down the road from home.

Her first week of work was eventful. A few kids from one of the home shows she worked at recognized her immediately and asked what it was like to work for the guys. While talking about it, she was fine but once the group of kids left, she cried a bit at the memories.

For a while the guys kept in touch daily. But soon it turned into once or twice a week to maybe once a month. Hell she couldn't be mad at them though. She knew they were busy with home life and song writing. Still though, she missed them alot.

As her second month of work began, she received an envelope in the mail from one of her cousins. While she opened the piece of mail, she wondered why exactly Abigail was even reaching out to her.

"You're invited..." she scanned over the invitation. "Month and a half...Please RSVP immediately with guest information as well as your own."

Jayde groaned, "What a fucking nightmare."

"What is?" her mom, Nancy, asked as she joined her on the front porch.

Jayde handed her mom the wedding invitation, "I think you have one too."

"Wow. I can't believe she's actually getting married. I pinned her as one of the girls in the family to just sleep around and party; not settle down to start a family."

Jayde grinned, "I know! I don't really get why she's invited me though. We've never been close."

"Maybe it's her way of saying she does care and wants to be your friend."

"Yeah right ma," Jayde sighed. "She told me I'd never amount to anything and that I'd be alone until I died."

"I'm sure it was a joke sweets."


Now she needed to figure out what to do to prove her cousin wrong once and for all.


Jayde found herself panicking at work. She was nearing the month mark of the deadline and she still hadn't found someone to help put her cousin in her place once and for all. Jayde wanted to cry, but being at work meant no personal problems could happen. Sighing deeply, she went to the back room to grab boxes so she could fill in empty spaces in the CD racks.

While she was going through what was what in each box, she heard the door chime go off signaling a customer had just stepped in. She decided to just take the boxes up front and sort them out from the counter.

"Hey Jay."

She glanced up and nearly dropped the boxes she was carrying, "Zack. What are you doing here?"

"Shopping for music?" he asked raising an eyebrow with a smirk plastered on his face.

She sent him a glare for the smart ass reply.

"I didn't know you worked here, that's awesome. Like it?"

She nodded while placing the boxes on the counter, "It's fun."

"Cool. So other than this what have you been up to?"

"Work. Apartment shopping. Sleep. Repeat."

This time Zack sent her the glare," Smartass."

"Yes I am," she smiled sweetly. "What about you? I feel like it's been ages since talking to you last."

"I know and I'm sorry about that. We've been busy working on the next album."

"It's ok Zee. You guys have lives, families and a career to think about. I'm just a random extra," she shrugged. "But it is nice to see you again."

"Its nice to see you again too," he smiled. "So what's new in the world of Jayde James?"

"Eh, not much really," she shrugged. "You?"

"I broke up with Gena."


Zack nodded, "About a month ago. Surprisingly she was fine with it, and I was too obviously."

"Wow," Jayde nodded. Suddenly an idea popped into her mind causing her to grin.

"What's that grin about," Zack asked smiling.

"Let's go to the back room," she suggested while locking the doors and switching the open sign to closed.


"Shut up Baker," she laughed.

"So what's up?" he asked as they sat down.

She took a breath, "So about a month ago I received an invitation to a wedding in the mail."

"That's always fun," he chuckled.

"Yeah right. Anyways its from my cousin who I absolutely hate and who feels the same in return..."

"So why go?"

"Will you shut up for two minutes," she laughed. He nodded and signaled for her to continue, "Anyways, I wanna go just to rub in her face that I am doing better than she thought I would and that..."

"You have a man at your side. But you don't have a man-that I know of anyways-so you wanna ask me. Am I right?"

"Dammit Zack nevermind," she blushed a deep shade of red completely embarrassed.

As she got up to leave, he grabbed her wrist, "I'd love to help ya out."
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Meant to post this last night, but I passed out early lol. Thank you for the comments, recs and subscribing to this! Please enjoy:)