For the Cloak

Ten - Alduin

I glance over at Ulfric as he works at his desk, I had doubt bubbling in my chest as I thought about my plans to betray the protectors of Windhelm. I knew Ulfric didn’t deserve what I had planned, but at the same time I couldn’t just forgive him for what he did to me, could I? The more I thought about it the more that I realized that I love Ulfric, regardless of what he had done to me before, he had changed and he wants to be public with me now. That’s more than I ever could’ve asked for. I sit up slowly and go over to where Ulfric was working, he glances up at me and puts his quill down. He opens his arms and I sit in his lap without second guessing myself. This felt natural and it had me doubting I could continue my mission for Alduin.

Ulfric pets my ears as he looks at me, “what has got you feeling so down, Makoto?” He asks as he pets me.

I close my eyes and nuzzle my head into his chest, “I’m having doubts about my mission, I had all these plans to come in here and win your heart, then crush you like you did me, but I can’t do it Ulfric. I love you, I have for a very long time and doing this to you feels like a piece of me will be destroyed in the process. If I don’t do it, I’ll bring the wrath of Alduin down on myself and in the process, you will get hurt, and I don’t know if I can do this still,” I say as I dig my claws into his shirt.

Feeling Ulfric’s fingers rubbing my ears made a small purr come from my throat, Ulfric chuckles lightly and holds me in his lap, “I’m sure we can protect ourselves, Makoto, but I want you to do what feels right to you. If you don’t think you can continue with Alduin, then I’m sure we can think of a plan to get you away from him. And if you want to continue your mission then I won’t stand in your way, I love you, I love you enough to die for you if that would make you happy,” Ulfric said as he pets my ears.

I shoot up into a sitting position and look him in his loving eyes, “no! I don’t ever want you to die for me! Don’t ever say you’ll die for someone as low as me!” I beg as I hold him. In that instance, in my panic at the idea of him dying, I knew I had my answer and judging by the look on his face he knew I did as well.

I shake as I picture him lying dead at my feet, “I-I want to say that I don’t love you, that this is all just some ploy on my end to gain your trust, and maybe at first it was, but the more I thought about what happened and what you’d done, the more I realized that I didn’t care. You could walk all over me and stab me in the heart, but I’ll always come back to you. You protected me so many times and kept your people from hurting me, despite the fact that you said yourself people who aren’t Nords shouldn’t be in Skyrim, and I’ll never forget that” I say as I look up at him, “I love you Ulfric, more than you could ever imagine,” I say as I lean up and kiss him softly.

Ulfric didn’t hesitate to return the kiss as he holds me close to his chest when we break for air he looks down into my eyes, “and I love you Makoto, more than you could ever imagine,” he said as he hugs me close, “I couldn’t be sorrier for what I had done and said to you, you didn’t deserve what happened, and I know you said you’ll always forgive me, but I can’t forgive myself quite as easily. The pain on your face, in your eyes, hurt me deeper than any arrow or sword could,” he said as he strokes my back.

I hug him tightly, “it’s okay, we’re together again, and nothing will change that. Now we have to figure out what to do about Alduin,” I say as I hug him.