Sequel: Broken
Status: Finished !!

Diary Of Insanity

In A Month

~♦~ Matt’s Point Of View ~♦~

I was in the car on my way back from a bar with Jimmy, Zacky, Brian and Val talking about the most random shit, Johnny was back at the hotel with some girl he’d met last night which was just as well cause there wasn’t any room in here anyway. A few minutes later we were all singing along to the radio drunkenly when my phone started going off.

“Hey?” I asked, noticing I didn’t recognise the number that was flashing up on the screen.

“Yeah Matt it’s Chloe, I have something your gonna want to hear.” she gushed as I sighed, realising I knew who I was talking to. “Are your parents there?”

“Not really, I’m in the car on the way back to the hotel. Has something happened?” I asked, worry starting to set in slightly as I wondered if something had gone wrong.

“Damn right something’s happened but don’t worry nothing bad!” she sounded as though she was smiling. “So when you gonna get back to the hotel?”

“In about ten minutes, why?” I asked confusedly if there was nothing bad going on then why was she so anxious to talk to me, my mum and dad?

“Because I’m sitting outside in my car and I’m bored off my ass, plus I have great news so hurry up!”

“You do realise you could go inside right? I mean you don’t have to wait outside for us, Johnny’s inside, you could go hang out with him.” I noted, forgetting she didn’t really know who Johnny was.

“Please will you just hurry up because if I don’t get to share this news with someone soon I will actually go crazy.” I laughed as I nodded to Jimmy who was watching me with a questioning expression, a sign for him to just forget about it.


Nine and a half minutes later we were back at the hotel with Chloe standing outside glaring at us as we walked over towards her, we hadn’t even said hi yet when she turned around and quickly walked inside and over to a seat in the lobby where my parents and Johnny were.

I walked over with everybody else patiently following and sat down next to my mum and dad to wait for the news that Chloe had. When she sat down she simply opened up her bag and took out some files before handing them over to my dad.

“What are these Chloe?” he asked as he flicked through them, by sitting next to him I noticed that all of the files either had Jennifer Sanders or Jennifer McKray written on them. McKray being the name of Jen's adoptive parents.

“Everything is there. Everything you’ll need to get her out.” She smiled as she uncovered the reason she’d wanted to meet with us.

“Wait so you mean, if they give the lawyers this shit then Jen’s outta that place?” asked Jimmy looking over my dads shoulder from his spot behind the couch to inspect the folders.

“That’s exactly what I mean. Well, obviously it’s not going to be as easy as just handing over a few bits of paper, but most of the work is done now. She should be out within the next month to two months.” I heard my mum gasp and looked over to see her sitting with her hand covering her mouth and tears in her eyes. Slowly she stood up and walked over to Chloe before sitting next to her and puling her in for a tight hug.

“Thank you Chloe, you really are a saint.” she smiled.

“Don’t be silly, anyone with a head on their shoulders would know that what’s going on at Lakeview is wrong and would want to change it. Even if it was just by getting one girl out or them all.” she smiled back as she pulled a small packet of tissues out of her jacket pocket and offered one to my mum who’s tears were now streaming down her face.

“So you got everything, even that file you said Anne was holding onto with her life?” I asked slightly curious as to how she’d managed that one.

“Yup, lets just say Anne would do anything to keep a hold of both her husband and her bit on the side.” she smiled evilly showing that she’d obviously blackmailed Anne into giving up the documents.

“Dude that’s great! Just think, in about a months time we’ll be back in HB with a new addition to the crew to corrupt.” laughed Johnny.

“Erm Johnny don’t you think Jen’s been through enough corruption to last her the next, what, ten years?” asked Brian, making a very valid point.

“Alright well, we’ll be going to bed. Got to get up early tomorrow so we can go share the news with your sister.” smiled my mum as she stood up from her seat with dad following her.

“Alright, night mum.” I smiled as I stood up and walked over to her, kissing her on the cheek. This whole thing had been so hard on her, it was great to see her smile. It was great to see the light at the end of the tunnel and for this whole thing to be nearly over.

“So…” started Jimmy before Johnny took over and finished his sentence for him.

“We heading out? You know, go celebrate?” asked Johnny, hope gleaming in his eyes since he hadn’t gone out the first time and was still very much sober to his dislike.

“Nah lets just go get wasted in the hotel room.” stated Brian as everyone stood up to leave. Chloe stood up, picked up her back and turned to leave the hotel.

“Hey Chloe, you wanna come up, help us celebrate?” Val asked as Chloe bit her lip slightly something I noticed Jenny did quite a lot of.

“Erm, I don’t think I should. I‘m working tomorrow morning” she shook her head slightly.

“Oh come on, your not gonna leave me to be the only girl are ya?” she smiled and before we knew it we were all heading up to room to have a party.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey hope you liked it!!

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Thanks to all of you who have previously comented this story,
it means alot to me, thanks!!!!