‹ Prequel: Love on the Brain
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Make You Feel My Love


“I’m gonna go and make a call.” Michelle announced, as she got up to her feet and started searching for the purse she had abandoned in the chair next to Jade’s bed.

“Can you come back later?” Jade all but muffled, knowing that she shouldn’t crave Michelle’s attention this early.

“Of course.” Michelle only smiled back sweetly, before she paddled her way out of the room, ignoring Brian as she walked passed him.

“I was just… uhm,” Brian started, trailing off, meanwhile his fingers pinched the bridge of his narrow voice. “In the neighbourhood.”

“You just happened to stalk around in the hospital?” Jade cocked her eyebrows at him, watching meanwhile he buried his hands in the pockets of his jeans and shuffled into the room, looking as though he didn’t really know what he was doing here.

“Something like that.” he muffled.

Brian looked like he hadn’t slept in days. His dark hair was standing in every possible direction and he had dark circles under his eyes. Stubbles decorated half of his face, and the t-shirt he was wearing had been wrinkled up, looking as though he had slept in it.

“You look like hell, Haner.” Jade announced, meanwhile the dark-haired man frowned at her.

“Says the one in the hospital bed?” he responded, making the brunette giggle.

“I guess I am,” she shrugged. “What are you doing here?”

Brian brought his hand to his face, rubbing his eyes with the tip of his rigid fingers. He had asked himself this so many times while walking down the corridor.

What the fuck am I doing here? How come I think it would be okay to just show up after how I acted last time?

“Brian, just because I’m chained to this bed doesn’t mean I have all day.” the brunette said, snapping him back to her gaze.

“I wanted to see you,” he blurted out. “And apologize.” he added.

“For what?” she cocked her eyebrows at him again, obviously skeptical.

“I was a prick last time I was here,” Brian confessed. “And all the times before that as well. I shouldn’t have fought with Will.”

“No, you shouldn’t.” Jade agreed, her eyes trailing towards the sight of her hands.

“I’m really sorry, Jade. About everything, really.” the guitarist said, once again running his hands over his face.

Jade nodded slowly, signalizing that he was allowed to sit down, before she watched him make himself comfortable in the chair next to her bed.

“How are you holding up?” she asked.

“Better than you, obviously.” he snickered, making her roll her eyes at him.

“Very funny, Haner,” she dropped dryly. “Are you guys working on the new album?”

Brian could barely believe his own ears. There she was, chained up to a hospital bed after her former boyfriend nearly killed her in a car accident, and instead of letting him ask the questions, she started asking him about his life as though they were old friends who just happened to bump into each other.

“Come again?” he pressed out, narrowing his eyes at her, almost like he had to make sure he’d heard right.

“The band that you play in, I believe it’s called Avenged Sevenfold, remember?” Jade repeated. “Aren’t you guys working on new music?”

“We took a break after all the shit that went down.” Brian confessed, watching as the disappointment spread on Jade’s face.

“You guys…” Jade shook her head. “You can’t stop living your lives because of this. It’s nothing, I’m getting better.” she assured him.

“Jade…” Brian lowered his voice. “You almost died.”

“I know that, Brian,” she said harshly. “It’s kinda hard to forget when you can’t move without hurting.”

“It’s been tough on all of us, and we just needed a little break.”

“You guys know this isn’t what I would want,” the brunette announced to him. “And it’s not like any of you are spending your time here with me anyway.” she added.

“We’re sorry about it,” Brian urged. “Things have been so fucked up that they’re not sure how to cope with it.”

“Tell the guys to suck it up and get started on the album, please.” the brunette all but pleaded to him.

“It kills me to know that I’m stopping you.”

“You’re not stopping us, Jade,” he said to her. “Don’t ever think that.”

“You guys are really great. I don’t tell you enough.” she whimpered, her eyes merely looking at him.

“You haven’t heard us in a lot of years, Jade.” Brian half-chuckled.

“Of course I have!” she argued. “I saw you in New York." Jade admitted.

"You did what?" Brian half-choked.

"You guys went touring in America, and I drove to New York to see you." she announced.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he voiced, trying to hide the fact that he was somewhat hurt.

Jade pressed her lips together, the pressure a little too much as she hissed a little.

"I tried to convince your guard that I knew you guys, but he didn't let me in," she lied. "And Val and Jimmy didn't answer the phone." Jade added.

"Why didn't you call me?" Brian asked.

"Haner, you're terrible at answering your phone," Jade pointed out, chuckling a little. “You put on a great show though.” Jade said to him.

“Thanks,” Brian sent her a gentle smile. “We’d love to see you in the audience soon.”

“Well, that won’t be anytime soon,” Jade chuckled. “I’m not allowed to join a crowded venue with mosh-pits for at least three months.” she told him.

“Luckily for you we’ll play plenty of shows after that as well.” he snickered at her.

“Can I get a VIP then?” she wiggled her eyebrows while talking, making him laugh at her.

“I’ll have to think about it.” he mocked.

“You little shit,” Jade rolled her eyes. “What’s the point of having celebrities friends if it doesn’t benefit me?”

“So that’s why you decided to come back?” Brian cocked his eyebrows, watching as a wicked grin curved her lips.


“You look better, Jade. Seriously.” Brian suddenly said.

It was true. Her face was still bruised and her body was still covered in wounds, but she looked way better than she had done last time he’d seen her.

“I didn’t know your kinda type was greasy hair and a hospital-gown, Brian.” Jade played.

“There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me.” he said, a shit-eating grin covering his lips.

“And thank God for that,”

“Well, if it isn’t our favourite patient,” Molly, her ginger-haired co-worker said from the door entrance. “How do you do?” she asked while padding into the room, the familiar clipboard in her hands.

“I’m doing excellent, Dr. Stewart.” Jade chuckled, while watching her friend look over her notes.

“You’re doing a lot of progress,” she mumbled with her eyes fixed upon her notes. “I think you’ll be able to go home at the end of the week.”

“With lots of new medications, right?” Jade cocked her eyebrows.

“Oh, yes, definitely. You should keep taking paracetamol and at least some immovane.” Molly told her friend.

“Can’t wait!” the brunette sighed.

“Hang in there, Perez. You’ll be back at work before you know it,” Molly assured her. “And we’ll update you on everything that’s worth knowing in the meantime,” she winked.

“You guys are the best people I know of!” Jade voiced out loud.

“We love you, honey!” Molly chuckled. “But I need to get going. I’ll see you later!”

“I should probably get going.” Brian told the brunette, before he got to his feet and glanced over at Jade.

“Tell the guys to get their shit together,” Jade said to him. “And that if they’re not gonna work on that album, then they can visit me in the hospital. I won’t accept anything else.”

“Gotcha, ma’am!” Brian chuckled, saluting her, before he took off.
♠ ♠ ♠
Jade can soon go home again, but what will happen then? My draft is soon emptied, but I already have a couple of chapters written! So there's a lot of things to look forward to!

Let me know what you think will happen! Keep up the good work, guys! You guys are incredible!

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