‹ Prequel: Love on the Brain
Status: ♡ 3 comments = update! ♡

Make You Feel My Love

Being you

Jade was surprised when she woke up and saw Michelle’s bed being empty. Her fellow brunette had gone all out yesterday with Jimmy, the two of them not leaving the bar until the bartender practically threw them out.

She was soon greeted by the sound of Michelle’s puking, as the brunette pulled the sheets over her head, letting out a yawn, before she made her way out of the bed and walked over to the bathroom.

“You need anything, honey? Aspirin? Water? Food?” Jade mentioned, standing in the door entrance, and seeing her friend throw her guts out.

“What about a sober life?” Michelle suggested after a while, finally looking up at the brunette.

“God, you look like hell,” Jade mouthed. “Go and take a shower. I have aspirin in my toilet bag.” she told her.

“Thanks,” Michelle nodded. “I think I’m gonna go and nap for a little longer, and then I’ll jump into the shower.” she half-slurred, as she got up and walked passed her friend.

“That sounds like an excellent idea.” Jade agreed, crawling unto her own bed again.

The two of them fell asleep shortly after their conversation, and they kept sleeping through a couple of messages and alarms, until Val threw her knuckles against their door.

“Did someone fucking die in there?” the blonde yelled, demanding their attention.

“Fuck off, Val!” Michelle groaned from her bed, obviously not ready to face the world outside her hotel room.

“I’ll have Jimmy kick down this door and you know I’m not kidding, sis!” Val announced from the other side.

“She’s not kidding, Michy.” Jade murmured, her hand already gripping her sheets.

“Sometimes I hate my sister.” Michelle voiced back.

“Ey! I can hear you!” Val snapped.

Jade sighed, before she got up from the bed and paddled towards the door, finally letting her friend in, as Val walked in, placing her look at her twin who was still curled up in her bed.

“My, my,” Valary chuckled, shaking her head. “Man, you feel like shit, don’t you?” she giggled at her twin.

“Oh, you have no idea,” Michelle muttered. “Just let me die here alone.”

“Nope, not today, sweet,” Valary exclaimed. “We’re eating breakfast together.” she announced.

“Not happening,” Michelle stated. “I need more beauty sleep.”

“Don’t be difficult, ‘Chelle. You’re getting up, into that shower and downstairs.” Val pointed her fingers while talking.

Michelle only yawned, still not able to get up from the comfortable bed.

“Seriously,” Val placed her hands on her hips, obviously tired of her twin’s attitude. “What will it take to get you into that freaking shower and downstairs?”

Her twin rolled over to her stomach, soon propping herself on her elbow and then smirking at her sister.



Michelle smiled at the plate in front of her. It was loaded with pancakes and melted chocolate on top, just like she had grown up with when the twins visited their grandparents. She shoved her fork into the pancakes, loving how the chocolate melted on top if her tongue, before she shoved slices into her mouth.

“Jesus, you look like you’re having a fucking orgasm.” Matt commented from across her, completely mesmerized by the way Michelle ate her breakfast.

“Like you would know.” the brunette flipped him, as laughter filled the table.

“You’re a fucking fire cracker when you’re hungover.” Johnny snickered, taking a swig from his coffee.

“She’s awful,” Valary rolled her eyes.

The group of people ate their breakfast in peace, just as the old woman from yesterday turned up, asking if anyone wanted refills on their empty coffee mugs. Just as the woman was about to refill Brian’s cup, she noticed the two dark-haired adults that had stumbled into the diner yesterday. A bright smile curved her lips.

“Ah, does this mean she wasn’t impressed on your date?” the old woman chuckled, nudging Brian, who looked like he was about to choke on his bacon.

Jade glanced over at him, her eyes widening a little, as silence filled the entire table. Val instantly started rubbing her temple, and both Johnny and Zack looked like they wanted to be anywhere but in that diner. Jimmy almost spilled his coffee, which Jade was convinced he had mixed with a little bit of rum, and Matt dropped his fork.

“E-Excuse me, ma’am?” Michelle quipped, her gaze shifting from her ex-boyfriend and over to Jade. “What do you mean?” she half-stuttered.

“I’m sorry, I’m just rambling,” the waitress chuckled, before she looked at the pleading gaze Jade sent her. “Or maybe I thought you were someone else.” she lowered her voice a little, but the anger was still visible in Michelle’s eyes.

“I think I lost my appetite...” Michelle mumbled under her breath, grabbing her purse and getting up from her seat.

Jade could feel the guilt that circled the pit of her stomach, meanwhile Michelle gathered her belongings and all but stormed out of the diner, leaving her pancakes behind.

A heavy sigh left Jade’s lips. She rubbed her fingers firmly against her temple, before she clenched her fists, feeling beyond stupid.

“Just let her go.” Val said, resting her hand on top of Jade’s.

“I think I need some fresh air.” Jade voiced underneath her breath, not caring that her cup had just been refilled, as she got up from her seat and grabbed her coat.

The brunette stepped into the cold morning, soon slipping into her jacket and then bringing her hands into the pockets of her coat, meanwhile she soaked up the frosty smell that lingered under her nose.

She felt so bad. Jade had been hesitant on taking this trip, mostly because she knew it would be difficult to spend so much time with Michelle and Brian. The two of them were still avoiding one another, and being trapped between them was a dreadful experience. Jade loved Michelle to death and there was nothing she wouldn’t do in order to make things right again.

But does that mean cutting Brian out for good?

“Hey, are you okay?” a deep voice snapped her out of her thoughts as she saw Brian standing next to her.

Concern filled his whiskey brown eyes, and he had just lit a cigarette that he soon brought out from his lips.

“Not really,” Jade confessed, staring down at the ground. “I feel really stupid.”

“You shouldn’t,” he said, gently placing a hand on her shoulder. “Michelle’s hungover and sensitive.”

“Well, there’s no wonder why she gets so emotional about this, Bri,” Jade sighed again. “I’m a terrible person.”

“Jade, you’re not. Stop beating yourself up all the time.” this time it was his turn to sigh.

“I shouldn’t have come.” she shook her head.

“Of course you should’ve come. Jimmy would go completely nuts if you didn’t!” Brian said to her. “I would too, even though that doesn’t really matter.”

Jade looked up at him, feeling how his dark eyes held the sight of her face. Jade was obviously devastated. Her teeth chewed on her bottom lip, and her eyes were wide and filled with regret.
“Please don’t think about it,” Brian all but pleaded. “I know it’s difficult, but you can’t keep beating yourself up.”

“I deserve to feel like this,” Jade shrugged. “I made a horrible mistake.”

“Yeah, a mistake,” Brian repeated. “You regret doing it, and would never do it again.”

“Of course I wouldn’t.” Jade muffled under her breath.

“Exactly. You wouldn’t do it because you genuinely care about her, and she knows that.”

“I don’t know if she does,” the brunette announced. “I’m so comfortable thinking that everything’s gone back to normal that I sometimes forget that I still messed up.”

“Michelle knows that. You’re trying, and that’s important.” he comforted her.

“I should really check upon her,” Jade voiced. “Thanks, Bri.” she smiled sincerely at him.

“For what?” he chuckled a little.

“For being you.” she shrugged.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's been ages, and I seriously have no excuse!!! Right now I'm in the middle of my exams and on top of that I have this really ugly cold, so instead of reading I just write fanfic instead.... good priorities....

Anywayyy! Let me know what you think! I have a new story that I'm working on that ya'll should check out when I post the first chapter!