‹ Prequel: Love on the Brain
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Make You Feel My Love

Kiss and tell

“Fuck, this shit is good!” Jimmy all but moaned out loud, while he started wrapping up another joint from the couch in Brian’s hotel room.

The dark-haired drummer had his feet propped on top of the coffee table, meanwhile Brian was laying on top of the bed, his fingers laced together and placed right under his belly.

Ever since the girls had left Brian had been in a rather bad mood. Meanwhile the others had been out every time they got the chance, the guitarist had instead stayed inside at his room, chain-smoking and drinking whiskey all by himself. He had no idea what caused this mood, the only thing he knew was that he the more time he spent alone, the less damage he’d cause.

“Okay, grumpyface,” Jimmy sighed and got up from his seat. “This mood needs to fuck off.” he announced and all but kicked the tip of his shoe into Brian’s leg, making him hiss a little.

You can fuck off!” Brian snapped back.

“No!” Jimmy replied.

“What do you want?" he sighed.

“Jade rejected you, didn’t she?” he guessed, earning himself a bewildered look from his friend.

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“You don’t fool me!” Jimmy pointed a slender finger at him.

“I’m Synyster Gates, Jim! Do you fucking think a woman could reject this?” Brian got up from his bed, pointing towards his strong abs.

“No, but Jade? Oh, definitely!”

“I’m not into her,” Brian stated. “Not at all.”

“Jeez, Bri,” Jimmy all but rolled his eyes. “Of course you’re into her! Do you really believe you fucked her because you were drunk and nervous about the wedding?”

“Seriously…” Brian warned, not in the mood for this conversation.

“No, I’m dead serious, mate. I know you think you can just twist your fingers and have them in the palm of your hand, and usually that’s exactly what you do and it gets them going, but Jade isn’t a girl you can fuck and then expect to start chasing you,” Jimmy let out. “That’s never been her thing, and that hasn’t changed.”

“Look, us sleeping together was a huge mistake that fucking cost me my marriage and her relationship with Will!” Brian pointed out. “I’m not in love with her!”

“Then why the hell did you try to kiss her and go all toxic masculinity on her when she rejected you?” the drummer asked.

Brian’s eyes widened. He looked up at his friend, realizing that Jimmy wasn’t playing him anymore. The guy was dead serious.

“I know more than you think,” Jimmy told his friend. “And I fucking love the two of you, but you need to sort out your shit, man,” the drummer went on. “If you’re really into her – and ask yourself that before you make an ass out of yourself – then you should fucking tell her.”

“That hasn’t exactly worked out before.” Brian said bitterly.

“That’s because you didn’t show her. You kissed her! That shit ain’t the same!”

“What’s the difference?”

“The difference is that you won’t get her by screwing or kissing her. You gotta fucking tell her that you’re in love with her. Jade didn’t fall for your cheesy ass back in high school, and she won’t do it now either.”

“But what if things doesn’t work out? I mean, she’s still trying to rebuild her friendship with Michelle.”

“Well, you haven’t exactly tried. What if things work out? What if you realize that you fucking love this woman?”

Brian sighed. He had been beyond pissed after she rejected him at the bar, and he had no idea why he reacted that way. Jade had recently lost Will, and she was trying to make it up to Michelle every day. It should’ve been clear to him that she wouldn’t choose him over Michelle again, but for some reason it didn’t appear as obvious as he’d wanted it to.

It had been years since he felt something towards Jade other than friendship. When he first started dating Michelle he had been convinced that they would grow old together, but instead they ended up growing apart after his massive mistake. Brian had even blamed Jade for ruining the relationship, and therefore it felt ridiculous to confess out loud to his best friend that he was in fact in love with the woman whom he had wronged so many times.

Brian pinched the bridge of his nose. He knew that these thoughts wouldn’t get him anywhere, and especially not when they were trying to finish off their tour. The guitarist pushed through another sigh, watching as his friend inhaled a long drag from his joint.

“Want one?” Jimmy offered.

Brian thought about it for a while. It had been a while since he’d been high, and right now he’d do probably anything in order to forget the thoughts that kept spinning his head.

“You don’t have any Molly, do you?” Brian asked, leaning back in his seat, and watching the wicked grin curl on Jimmy’s lips.

“Do you know who you’re talking to, Gates?” Jimmy quipped. “Let’s go to my room!” the drummer exclaimed, apparently forgetting about all the weed he had been looking forward to smoke up, as the two friends got out from Brian’s hotel room and started hunting for Jimmy’s drugs.