‹ Prequel: Love on the Brain
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Make You Feel My Love


I'm dying.

There was no other explanation. Her head was pounding brutally, meanwhile the brunette shifted in Michelle’s bed. She was still wearing yesterday’s clothes and one of her heels. The brunette soon rubbed her eyes, realizing that she was also wearing yesterday’s makeup as well.

Her memory was filled with huge gaps, as she had no idea how the two of them had managed to get inside Michelle’s house. The last thing that had gone through her mind was the taste of another shot of tequila, as well as old school Rihanna, and after that, Jade was pretty convinced she wasn’t able to recall anything.

“Fuck my entire life,” Michelle groaned from next to her, as she ducked under the sheets when the sunlight became too much. “Fuck, I’ll have to tell Brian to invest in better curtains,” she growled, while shoving her face further into her pillow.

“I never wanna see tequila again,” Jade mumbled.

“I’m with you on that one,” Michelle agreed.

The two of them slept for a couple of hours, still refusing to leave the comfortable king-sized bed, as the sound of the front door caught their attention.

“I think you have to break up with Brian and instead become my girlfriend, Michy. This bed is way too comfortable,” Jade announced.

“Let me think about it,” her friend said, her eyes still shut.

“Well, thanks a lot,” Brian said groggily from the entrance, as he was looking over at the two women who both looked like hell.

“Morning, babe,” Michelle said, her lips curling into a sincere smile.

“You two look like hell,” he answered, his lips already tugging on a cigarette.

“And I feel even worse,” Jade said to him, kicking off her other shoe and snuggling into his sheets.

“How was it yesterday?” his girlfriend asked, not even looking over at him.

“I don’t remember much,” Brian announced, before he walked over to her and made himself comfortable next to his girlfriend.

“If you guys are gonna have sex, can you please just let me borrow some headphones? I’m too hungover to move,” Jade told her friends.

“I’m in no condition to fuck now,” Michelle admitted. “Sorry, babe,” she said to him, feeling his arm that slipped around her body.

“Fuck, you guys smell like shit! How much tequila did you have?” he wrinkled his nose, genuinely surprised as he was not expecting the strong smell that greeted his nose.

“Two bottles?” Michelle guessed, moving herself closer to his chest.

“You guys are fucking nuts,” he chuckled, digging his hand into her light brown hair.

“I think Lacey threw up,” Michelle said, looking over at Jade as though she wanted her friend to confirm her theory.

“I can’t recall anything after Gena played ‘Shut up and drive’,” Jade admitted.

“I think Will had fun last night,” Brian said, glancing over at Jade, whose back was facing him.

“I don’t know if I would be able to punish you if he didn’t,” Jade spoke thoughtfully. “But that’s good to hear,”

“Did Zack had fun last night?” Michelle asked, unsure if her boyfriend was able to recall any of that.

“He got a lap dance that Jimmy paid for. It cost him a fucking fortune,” Brian spoke, his lips meeting her hair.

“Of course you guys went to strip club,” Michelle chuckled.

“I don’t need a stripper when I have you,” he sniggered, brushing his lips passed her temple, making Jade cringe.

“God! Make it stop!” Jade groaned from the other side of the bed. “Let me live!”

“I’m sorry, honey!” Michelle apologized. “How about we order some breakfast?” she suggested, knowing that no one had the ability to prepare something eatable after the rough night.

“That sounds like a brilliant idea, Michy,” Jade mouthed. “Haner, get your ass out of here and fix it,” the brunette ordered.

“Gosh, are you always this knocked out after a night out?” he said teasingly, as the brunette all but threw one of his pillows at him, nearly hitting him.

“I will murder you! Mark my words!” she told him. “I’m a doctor! I know exactly where to turn the knife!”

“You crazy motherfucker,” Brian shook his head, as he made his way out of the bed and all but paddled into the living room, watching as the girls fell asleep again.

“Dorks,” he chuckled.


The three of them were soon gathered in the living room. Jade had borrowed one of Michelle’s sweatpants and had even used their shower in order to wash out the throbbing headache she was left with.

“I can’t believe Gena and Zack are getting married in two days,” Michelle said, sipping from her orange juice, with her bare feet placed in Brian’s lap.

“That’s fucking crazy,” he agreed with his lips pressed against his cup of coffee.

“Everyone’s turning so old,” Jade muffled, dropping the aspirin on top of her tongue and chasing it down with a swig of water.

“Are you saying that marriage is for old people?” Michelle cocked her eyebrows, twirling her noodles around her chopstick.

“Maybe,” Jade said, avoiding the way her friend was rolling her eyes at her.

“You really are something, Perez,” Michelle told her, her mouth loaded with food.

“So they say. I think I should text Will,” Jade announced, her phone resting in front of her. “He’s probably already up and working,” she sighed.

“Oh, he’s that kinda person,” Brian muttered rather dryly.

“I know. It can be a pain in the ass,” Jade agreed. “Like, he can drown a bottle of vodka and go for a run in the morning without any problems,” the brunette told them.

“God, is he even human?” Michelle frowned.

“I ask myself everyday,” Jade assured them.

A barging sound soon arrived into the living room, as a tiny ball of fur ran towards his owners, stopping by Brian’s feet.

“Since when did you guys get a dog?” the brunette asked, putting down her chopsticks, and watching as Brian brought it up to his lap.

“Pinkly? We’ve had it for a couple of months now,” Michelle explained, running her hand through the soft fur.

“And you never told me?” Jade cocked her eyebrows.

“You hate dogs, Jade!” Michelle reminded her. “And it’s not like you’ve introduced me to the kitten you bought!” she added.

“I’ve seen it,” Brian announced, his eyes resting on Pinkly.

“What?” Michelle let out, almost causing the Maltese to jump in Brian’s lap. “You invited Brian to your new house?” the brunette asked her best friend, genuinely offended.

“I didn’t invite him!” Jade told her. “He and Jimmy just walked in,”

“We were about to caught them in the act, babe. She didn’t want us there,” Brian assured his girlfriend, brushing his hand over her bare thigh.

“You and Jimmy walked in on them?” Michelle asked, unable to hide how amusing she thought this was.

“They hadn’t gotten that far,” he said.

“Sadly,” Jade added.

“Jeez,” Michelle chuckled, shaking her head. “I can’t believe Brian’s got the chance to walk in on you guys, and I haven’t,”

“I’m sorry, Michy. It happens a lot, so you’re more than welcome to join,” Jade winked playfully at her friend.

“Thank you,” Michelle smiled satisfied.
♠ ♠ ♠
They're all so ridiculously cute and I just LOVE Michelle so much! I also like the character development in Jade, and I hope you do too! Please remember to comment, subscribe and recommend! The next chapter is already waiting for you in the draft!

Lots of love ♡♡♡

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