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Wild Card

Wild Card

The post apocalypse is a genre that is really popular, with Mad Max, Planet of the Apes, Dr. Strangelove, The Walking Dead. However, one thing I always found interesting is that we don’t see many stories that take place after that. In other words, a post-post apocalypse story. That is the story behind my animated series: Wild Card.

200 years after nuclear apocalypse humanity is no longer the only intelligent species on the planet now there are beings called animus animus are people who have mostly human appearance but have animal characteristics as well for example some of them have cat ears and a tail or bat wings or bull horns. They were made to make sure that humanity survived the apocalypse and would also have enough genetic diversity to continue on past it. Animus or similar enough to humans that we can reproduce with them however they are also genetically diverse enough that when humans reproduce them it lowers the risk of birth defects. In the wake of the nuclear apocalypse America is no longer the country that it once was it has fractured into four different sort of nation states our story is mainly going to focus on the West Coast and the California republic and then mainly in the city of new Angeles.

The World

Animus rights
In the Californian republic animus have it fairly well, they have equal rights with humans and have for a few decades. They have legal equality but that doesn’t mean that law is always reinforced.

Animus can undergo a process called Primal that is similar to archiving Zen (but much quicker, like in a year of so) where they become more in touch with their animal side, their senses are heightened, they’re stronger, faster and more agile. The problem is that this increases their likely hood of going feral, where they are lose rational thought and become mindless beats.
  1. Characters
    The Characters