Status: what am I doing

The River and the Sea


Theo Allaway was not the type of person to be stunned easily, and he was proud of that fact. It was the way he grew up, when tragedy after tragedy struck, he still kept a brave face and refused to let it affect him. He did well in life that way.

Then she walked in.

"T–Theo?" Iselda whispered, staring at him, wide eyed, probably equally as shocked.

"I–I, uh," he sighed, realizing he was making a fool of himself. He shook his head and said, "How–how've you been? It's been awhile."

She nodded. "Eight years."

He couldn't think of anything to say mainly because he wanted to say everything on his mind. Everything he wondered about for the last eight years.

"I should go," she said, standing up quickly, closing her book and running off before he could say anything.
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double update, i got inspired