Status: what am I doing

The River and the Sea


In the first grade, Theo's mom told him one morning that they couldn't afford to buy food, so she couldn't pack his lunch. She made a point to give his father a look when she said it and he grumbled about working harder than she did before stalking off to his car to go to work.

Theo sat at the end of a table in the cafeteria, watching everyone in his class eat their packed or bought lunches while his stomach grumbled in envy. He rested his head on the table for five seconds until Thomas Waters, Harry Minnick, and James Everton came up to him and laughed in his face.

"Theo's too poor to have food! Ha ha!"

"You suck, Theo!"

"Oh, shut up, Thomas!"

All four of them looked over at Iselda Holm, angrily staring at them holding her Barbie pink lunchbox.

"I heard Miss Johnston say that she needs to call your parents because you got an F on the spelling test, Thomas. At least Theo isn't as dumb as you!" she said, with conviction in her voice. The three boys ran away–Thomas crying–and she took a seat across from Theo, who was in awe.

"Do you want half of my sandwich? It's peanut butter and marshmallow!" she said, holding out half.
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lil babies