Status: what am I doing

The River and the Sea


They kissed once in seventh grade.

It was during spin the bottle at Ryan Lahey's birthday party. It was Theo's turn and when the bottle landed on her, they both started laughing so hard it made everyone else in the circle uncomfortable.

"Kiss already!" Ryan exclaimed, waiting for his turn so he could try and kiss Melissa Boyd.

"No, we can't!" Iselda said, still laughing.

"That would be so weird!" Theo grimaced.

"Just do it!"

She was still giggling slightly as they both crawled towards the middle of the circle. Theo was suddenly realizing that he was about to kiss his best friend and wanted to make it as brief as possible. So he pecked her ever-so-slightly on the lips and pulled away as fast as he could.

Iselda rolled her eyes at him and nodded.

"Definitely weird."
♠ ♠ ♠
for Sam, 'cause she asked :)