Status: working on it

Skin + Bones


Syn Cole - Feel Good

Cecilia was woken up by a vibration under her cheek, her eyes cracked open, feeling groggy. Her body felt stiff as she glanced around, recognizing she was in her own bed, her jeans uncomfortably tight around her legs. She could feel the sleep lines from her sheets on her arms and face. She hadn't even realized she had fallen asleep.

Coming to, she grabbed her phone, which she had fallen asleep on. Displayed on the screen was the time, 1:34pm. Below that, was a notification.

Park Jimin has added you as a friend.

She blinked a couple times sitting up and stretching. She left her phone on the bed as she changed into a pair of sweatpants instead, wanting to be comfortable. She stuffed her phone in her pocket as she made her way to the kitchen, her parents wouldn't be home until later on, so she pulled out some chicken from the freezer, setting it down in the sink.

Unlocking her device, she stared at the friend request.

Why? she thought, isn't he still in class?

She shook her head before hitting accept and putting it back in her pocket. After her nap, she felt a bit motivated for the first time in a while, so she put on some music and gathered her laundry, of which a mountain was beginning to grow, taking over most of her room.

Her phone dinged in her pocket as she turned the washing machine on. Pulling it out she found another notification.

Jimin: hey cutie

Her hands froze.

Cecilia: what

Jimin: I said hey :)

Cecilia: uh… hi

Jimin: what's up?

Cecilia: um nothing hbu

Jimin: in class it's so boring, I wish you would've let me follow you instead :(

She walked back towards her bedroom, typing as she went.

Cecilia:don't be creepy.

Jimin: wanting to hang out with you is creepy?

Cecilia: no, but following people is.

Jimin: explain social media then.

Cecilia: creepy.

Jimin: lol

She couldn't help herself any longer. She tapped on his icon, the app taking her to his profile. His photo was a selfie, as he sat cross legged on the floor, holding a pair of chopsticks. There were plates in front of him full of food. He was wearing a white shirt and black pants, but Cecilia's eyes were on his face. His lips were slightly puckered in a half growling look, showing off his teeth a little bit. His jawline was what caught her attention most. She swallowed hard, admiring his features, wondering why him of all people was talking to her.

She scrolled down his profile, seeing posts that he had been tagged in, some were pictures with friends, others were memes and funny videos. A weird feeling settled in her stomach when she scrolled to a photo of Jimin and a girl. He had his arm wrapped around her, smiling wide. She was cuddled into his side, her head reaching his shoulder, just barely.

Immediately Cecilia began to compare herself. The girl was skinnier, her jawline as equally as sharp as Jimins. Her hair was long and silky black, where Cecilia's was chopped short at her shoulders and a muddy brown. The girls makeup was expertly done, the no makeup-makeup look suiting her so well. In her head, Cecilia imagined all the times she had tried the look and ended up just looking dead. She couldn't go a day without eyeliner over her lids. Examining the photo more, the girls fashion sense was incredible. She wore thigh high socks, a pleated skirt with suspenders and a black tshirt. The look was cute, her shoes a bright white.

Cecilia looked down at herself. Her sweatpants were covered in paint and her t-shirt was clearly just a bit too tight. She sighed, closing her eyes and letting her phone fall to her lap as she sat on her bed. She held back the tears, wishing she could even come close to looking like the girl Jimin was pictured with. Her phone dinged again. and again. and again.

Jimin:are you coming to school tomorrow?

Jimin: what classes do you have?

Jimin: if you do come, we should get lunch together.

She shook her head, her brows coming together, her suspicions raising.

Cecilia: why

Jimin: because I wanna :)

Cecilia: no.

She locked her phone, putting it in her pocket as she stood up. She needed to do something to distract herself as she began to feel anxious. So she took out her homework, trying to get something done.
♠ ♠ ♠

sometimes social anxiety can make u do dumb things, like not go hang out with cute boys who are interested in u lol

awkward main character is awkward

- Becca ♥