Sequel: Reckoning

Tale as Old as Time


A week had passed and no sign of William. Brendon couldn't even sense him around which could only mean one of two things. Either he was out of state or the rage in him grew so fierce he became an alpha. William gaining his alpha trait over Brendon was definitely not anything good, rage and empowerment like that could cause a war between the two.

"Still no sign of him." Caleb, a fellow vampire reported just as the sun went down.

"Damnit!" Brendon roared tossing a glass paper weight into the fire place. He angrily stared at the shining shards in the flames. "That'll be all Caleb." He paced his study, his hands shoved deep into his dress slacks thinking about what Lucy's fate would be.



"Romeo and Juliet never ceases to amaze me." Lucille smiled walking out of the theater hand in hand with Brendon.

"Yes two crazy teenagers so in love they end up killing themselves, aren't you ever going to get tired of this play?" Brendon rolled his eyes having seeing this play over a dozen times.

"Never." An innocent grin shown from her face.

"Let's get home, I'm sure Charles is driving your mother crazy."

"Not my Charlie." She mused ruffling his perfectly groomed hair.

"Urie!" A hoarse voice echoed through the shadows.

"James, wonderful to see you." Brendon lied.

"Pretty girl." James complimented stroking Lucille's cheek.

"Keep your hands off my wife." He warned smacking his hand away, stepping half of his body in front of hers.

"So, it's not enough that you took my job but now you can't share your girl?" Rage filling this man's voice.

"It's not my fault you were laid off. They had to fill the position! If it wasn't me it would of been someone else."

"I have nothing anymore! My wife left with my kids!" His voice cracked, a six inch blade emerged from his left coat pocket.

"Lucille run home, now." Brendon's tone was calm but firm as he gently pushed her backwards. "And don't look back." Lucille squeezed his arm and obeyed. She rushed down the street rounding the corner before crashing into the back of someone.

"Good evening." A very sophisticated man in his 30s smiled, white fangs peaking through his lips.

Brendon stared at James' uneasy demeanor, he was sloppily intoxicated. He tried to keep himself calm to be able to anticipate an attack. The thought of this man overpowering him and taking him away from his wife and son made him anxious. Would he go for them next? Or would he be satisfied with just killing him? "James put the knife down, we can settle this in a rational way."

"Rationality went out the window when you took my job!" A firm grasp to the blade, he took a swing at Brendon but missed when he ducked and stepped to the right.

"James I can help you get another job. I know a lot of people in this town I can do whatever to help you out. Violence wont solve anything."

"No, but it's a start." He growled lowly before taking another swing, this time sticking the entire blade into the left side of his neck before pulling it out as quick as it went in. "You're not the only one on my hit list Urie." He spat and rushed off into the night.

"Please help my husband, a man pulled a knife on him. I'm afraid he might be hurt!" She begged the stranger, tugging at his jacket sleeve.

"Alright, lead the way." He nodded tossing his cigarette to the street.

"Brendon!" Lucille's blood curdling scream rang through the baron streets. She dashed to his convulsing body on the ground. She clasped her hands to the inch wide gash in his neck, not knowing how deep it was. Blood was spilling out faster than she could contain. "Please help him!" Her hazel green eyes glistening as tears fell violently down her rosy cheeks.

"I can save him, but he wont be the same." A sinister grin formed around his lips.

"Lucy, Lu-" Brendon tried speaking gripping his wifes hands at his neck.

"Please!" She ordered louder.

"Is this what you desire?" The man whispered a soft town.

"Help." Brendon barely gurgled out feeling his soul leave his body.

Lucille was mortified watching this man bite and suck the blood from Brendon's wound like a fine wine. The macabre of it all made her tremble where she sat, still holding her husbands lifeless hand. After minutes of feeding off of Brendon the man pulled away and let his body go limp. There were no signs of life anymore. He just lay there stiff as a board eyes wide open to the midnight sky.

"Why isn't he moving!? Brendon!!" Lucille frantically cried tapping his face and pulling on the collar of his jacket, hoping to shake the life back into him.

"He'll be awake soon. Just a bit different."

"What did you do to him?"

"I saved him. A few more moments and he would have been gone. No doctor would have been able to save him, this was his only alternative to death."

"But he's not breathing." She sobbed, laying her face to his chest.

"That's because he's a vampire now. We don't breathe." He smirked before turning on his heel to walk away.

"How can I care for him?"

"I'll send my men to fetch him. He'll need to stay under my supervision until it's safe for him to be around you."

"Oh God, how do I explain this?"

"You'll think of something. Now, think of your home and I will send you there. You don't want my boys to find you covered in blood." He smiled helping her to her feet. Placing an index finger to her forehead, he teleported her home.

It took days for Brendon to finally come to. It was always proven the longer it took you to transition, the stronger you'll become. Even the man who changed him was the leader in Leadville and he was the strongest at the time only taking him two days to turn.

"Lucille!" Brendon shouted rising fiercly from his bed. Eyes glowing red as his blood lust began to overwhelm him. "Where am I? Who are you? Where's my wife?" He demanded to know from the shadow in the doorway.

"Just remain calm. My name is Henry."

"Where's my wife?"

"She's home, safe with your son."

"James?" Brendon remembered the attack, carefully placing his fingertips to his non existent wound. "He stabbed me. Why am I not breathing?"

"Brendon when I found you, you were seconds from death. I saved you. You'll learn to adapt to your new life."

"New life? I have a life with my wife and son."

"Brendon, you're going to need to trust me. You'll need to stay under my surveillance until you can control yourself."

"I don't understand."

"You're a vampire now."

"Yeah, ok. Gonna leave now."

"Your gash is gone, you're not breathing, go look at how red your eyes are." He pointed towards the mirror overhead the dresser.

Brendon nearly fainted at how different he looked. His once tanned skin was white as snow. His caramel eyes were now a fire red. "I look like a zombie. You should of just let me die."

"You asked for help. So did your mate."

"Not like this! How am I going to explain the way I look to my family!?"

"They'll adapt, although they'll grow old without you. Whereas you'll stay the same age you are now for eternity. But for now, you have to learn to control your hunger."

"You mean blood?" The thought of drinking blood made him queasy. Tasting blood from a cut lip used to make him nauseous.

"You are a vampire now. Human food will make you sick. You can only survive on blood. Although human blood is the most satisfying, we have to resort to animal blood most of the time to not draw attention to our kind."

"But I feel fine. I won't attack anyone."

"That's because you haven't smelled a human yet." Henry grinned.