What She Found

Chapter 22


"How many cups of coffee have you had so far this morning?"

Reese blinked at the nurse standing next to him. He groaned and dragged a hand down his face.

"Believe it or not, this is my second," he answered, He glanced over at Maya, who was still asleep. "How is she doing today?"

"She's getting better," the nurse replied, moving to check her vitals. "She's had a rough few days. I think she just needs more rest. You'll be able to visit her later tonight, Detective Danvers."

Reese stood up and stretched. "Will you let me know if there's any changes?" He handed her a white card.

"Of course."


Reese watched her through the window; Hayden was sitting behind the desk, her fingers furious as she typed.

He knocked on the glass, and she jumped.

"Good morning," he said, as he opened the door and stepped into the waiting area. "How are you feeling?"

He'd expected her to yell at him for the way he treated her at the hospital. But instead, she simply nodded and went back to typing.

"I'm sorry," he murmured, hovering in the doorway. "I'm an asshole."

"We can agree on something then," she said, glaring at him. "What is it that you want, Detective?"

So, he wasn't Reese to her anymore.

"I wanted to speak with you about Mason. We're getting closer to finding him, Hayden."

"Good," she responded, disinterestedly. "Thanks for the update."

Before Reese could reply, the door behind him opened, and someone slammed into his back.

"Sorry, sorry," the man muttered. "Oh, Detective, hello."

Hunter Copeland smiled thinly at Reese.

"Good morning, Mr. Copeland," Reese replied. "I'll get out of your way. I was just leaving. I came to update Hayden on the investigation."

They slipped by each other, and as Reese exited the office, someone was coming in. The man rammed his shoulder in passing. And before the door shut, Reese heard the man address Hayden. She answered enthusiastically, and used his name.

Ryan Dowd.

Reese turned his head, dug out his phone, and texted Hayden.

Keep Ryan there. I need to question him.