What She Found

Chapter 44

December 25th - 1:30AM

Reese's hands clenched as he hung up the phone. He glanced at Maya, who was sitting across the room. Then he threw his phone, which luckily for him did not break. He went to get it, and felt his heart thump against his ribs.

"Reese," Maya murmured. "Come on, we can't do anything else until later. Let's go home and get some rest."

"I can't," he said, moving around to his desk. He dug through it, not really searching for anything specific, but he needed something to do.

He couldn't look at her. Not now.

"What are you looking for?" she asked.

"Nothing," he told her. "I just need something to keep my focus on."

"Look at me," Maya demanded. "Reese, please."

"I can't," he repeated the words, but for a different reason.

"Why not?" Maya's voice had an edge; she knew. "Tell me why you can't look at me. Tell me the truth right now."

He lifted his eyes to her face. "I won't be able to forgive myself if anything happens to her. She's important to me."

"Why?" Maya whispered. "Why is she more important than all of your other cases?"

"Don't," he snapped. "Do not make me say the words. You already know, stop pretending."

Maya's mouth twisted and she stood, gathering her things. "I'm going to my place. Please don't follow me. Stay here until he calls again."

When his office was empty, Reese collapsed into his chair, his head in his hands.