Status: will i update? will i not? you'll never know

Love Lust & Heartbreak

depression with accessories

depression is drowning while everyone else is breathing normally
he said.
depression isn't that
depression is telling a blind person that it's a beautiful day outside
depression is talking to your grandmother about the newest lingo
depression is hearing a new song on the radio and messing up the words while everyone else knows the lyrics perfectly
depression is not drowning
depression is not being unable to breathe
depression is falling into a pool
of boiling water
and not flinching
because there is comfort in the pain
and staying there is less scary than facing everything else.
depression isn't scary
depression is the old friend you keep around because you can't imagine life without them
depression is pouring the seventh cup of coffee in the morning because you haven't slept in days and any less is death
depression is death
depression is life
depression is all a depressed person has
don't tell me depression is anything
you can't define it any better than I can
trust me
i've tried.

wear a hoodie to hide the weight
wear sweatpants to fit the image
a noose as a necklace
wear a smile to hide the pain
wear my humor to run away
a boy with a death wish