Status: Beneath every lie, is a story that needs telling.

Beneath Your Lies

Chapter 6

Cleaning herself dry, the smug renegade went from classical hobo to upper classed chic.
The after parties for the festivities were always the best places for the juiciest of drama and of course, the best for murder.
After changing into a cropped strapless lace shirt (which could’ve been mistaken for lingerie) and a leather ebony miniskirt that revealed her long toned legs, Isobel snuck back into her little home and waited for Gabe to pick her up.
Instead of going for the usual drastic wig and false contacts, she decided to live up to Gabe’s wisdom and go their in her true nature. She left her hair tumbling in swirls, a perfect combination of seduction and insanity and found some abandoned gloss to smother her cupids lips.
Isobel even went to the trouble of adding kohl to her eyes to make them more mysterious and lure people by just a wink.
She sat down on one of Quince’s chairs that he swore he wouldn’t let anyone sit on other than her and waited until she saw Gabe’s hooded figure come rushing through.
Before she could even say anything, he strided over to her and strangled her neck.
It was five clogged up seconds before her senses finally kicked up and Isobel kneed the guy in his groin and flipped him to the ground, a hand on his neck and arm.
She unleashed his hood to yell some serious curse words to Gabe about his terrible fighting skills when she realized something horrific.
The man beneath her wasn’t Gabe.
He smirked beneath her and let out a golden blond strand of hair droop over his ruthless cold eyes. He couldn’t be much older than Gabe himself. “Nice view,” he choked out. Then he slipped out of her lock and reached for something in his coat jacket but Isobel kicked it out of his hands.
“Who are you and what do you want?” Isobel demanded through her gasps for air.
He only smiled before reaching again to that Pandora box of a jacket he had and took out a syringe with a milky substance inside.
“I’m a cold-blooded man with a need for justice. How’s that?” he said, before pulling her hair and dragging her neck towards the prick of the needle.
She knocked her head back, avoiding the needle to hit the back of his head but only met air. He dodged every kick and struggle she mustered to leave his brace but it felt like everything she tried to do only drained the power out of her.
Then something abnormal happened.
The lights flickered once, twice, then gave up completely. They were in silence in the pitch darkness, the two of them equally huffing for air.
Isobel took the opportunity to step on the man’s shoe as hard as possible and escape his grasp and hide behind one of the counters. Her neck felt tingly in all the wrong ways.
Knowing the place inside and out, light or dark, Isobel trained herself to know every escape route, hidden weapon sites and places to store sneaky things. She took out a knife that was taped underneath of a table and brought it close to her.
She strained her ears to try and find the man with the syringe but only met with dead silence. It was a sickening scream to her.
But then the lights turned on and the man before her eyes had disappeared completely.
Isobel touched the bruises on her head and neck and knew it had all been real but the ghosting had definitely been something out of a sick magic show.
What if he was still here?
The door opened and Isobel flinched, knife pointed out in defense, but it was only a confused Gabe.
He was wearing a ridiculous suit that made him look childish, if it weren’t for the episode that just happened before she would’ve been bent over her knees laughing her heart out.
Instead she started looking around frantically with wild eyes, ignoring the questions that blurted from Gabe’s mouth.
He looked quite concerned or maybe he was laughing.
“Do you think this is funny? Because it’s not!” Isobel shouted, the room spinning as she kept trying to find the intruder.
Not once had she let someone deceive her in a way nor had she had someone to defeat her with.
She saw Gabe’s mouth open but didn’t hear any words come out of his blurry mouth. Why was the world falling today? “I can’t believe you just came her just to make fun of me, I’ve been attacked help me find my knife,” Isobel said, drifting from each wall to make sure the chairs were alright.
She saw Gabe look at her neck in surprise and was there for her when she suddenly collapsed into his arms. “What in the fire’s below happened? Did the intruder inject something inside you?” Gabe shouted. Or whispered, Isobel didn’t know which.
But that wasn’t possible because she had been moving the whole entire time and couldn’t possibly had been…
“Oh Lords above, that bastard canal rat! I know what I’ve been injected with, quick, get me my knife,” Isobel slurred, somehow ripping off a piece of her lace shirt off and gagging herself with it.
“You’re holding it Isobel, God, what is the drug?” Gabe asked, his face sweating as much as her.
Isobel looked at her numb hand with blurry eyes and looked up sadly at Gabe. This is going to hurt for the both of us.
Holding his hand in one hand and the other clutching the knife, she plunged it into her abdomen and waited for the stars to respond her prayers.
She couldn’t tell if she was the one screaming or if it was Gabe himself trying to stop what was happening before his eyes.
Isobel had to lose as much blood as she could as soon as possible. If she was right (which she hoped to the Lords above she was), the milky substance was the same drugs she implanted on one of the three idiots before. The symptoms had matched and she was going to die from it if she didn’t get most of it out of her system now. Even if it means to almost die instead of dying painfully.
The gag made its way out of her mouth and she didn’t look down to see her diluted blood turn a disgusting shade of maroon green. The drug could affect the bloodstream and her mind instantly and she knew right as she saw the syringe that this was immediate revenge from a gang member or family party, she couldn’t care less.
Her diverted eyes tried to catch Gabe’s wild ocean ones, until he finally understood.
He grabbed the gauze she had averted her eyes frantically to and told him through the silent language to wait for a signal until he could actually save her.
She felt herself getting unusually colder and colder and almost more peaceful, as if she could just go to sleep-- Gabe. He was shaking her, saying something that didn’t reach her mind.
She looked down only once and finally shook her head, not knowing exactly why she did but after that, she drifted like a cloud from consciousness to unconsciousness.
She felt someone’s hands around her abdomen and she could almost hear the signs of someone puking afterwards.
Isobel saw her blood on the ground, the one infected by the drug of a patriot to evil itself and dreaded if she would still live with the remaining blood still inside of her.
Time flew by and her eyelids drooped to a dangerous point of no return. A bright light suddenly made its way to her face and she shielded it with a gasp. Then, there was hands all over her, hands that made her want to puke next as they reminded her of the past. She tried to push away but someone’s voice had made its way to existence, Gabe.
She passed out.
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Hey guys, it would be the best thing in the world if you could recommend my story to others or something, it would mean a lot to me! Don't forget me!