Status: Will be updated every 2 comment!

Too Scared to Love Again

Chapter 11

A growl filled the entire flat, as Lynn’s eyes opened within few seconds, panic attacking her chest, as she shifted in the bed. The sound of Cynthia’s loud voice reminded Lynn of how paper thin the walls in their flat was, and the sound of angry pacing soon followed her bitter tone.

“I can’t believe you!” Cynthia growled under her breath. “I work as a stripper! How do you find it problematic that I danced with a friend, meanwhile you’re okay that I undress myself in front of men all the time?” the blonde spat at her boyfriend over the phone.

Cynthia kept pacing around in her room, feeling the cold floor against her bare feet, meanwhile she laced her fingers into her blonde locks, yanking angrily as Asher defended the grudge he had held against her for nearly a week now.

“You’re unbelievable! Why can’t you just be happy for me for once? I do everything for you!” she hissed at him, waving her arm in the air, gesticulating furiously.

“Okay, Asher, you know what? I’m done! I’m not having this anymore! If you can’t trust me, then we can’t be together.” Cynthia stated. “Fine? Fine?! Is that all you have to say? Fuck you!” the blonde practically screamed on top of her lungs, hanging up before she said worse things.

The anger was whirling inside her body. She clenched her free fist, feeling her long nails that dug into the flesh of her skin, just as she threw her phone against the wall, the small item shattering into pieces that soon flew into every possible direction in her room, probably awakening the entire building.

“Okay, Mrs Grumpy!” someone voiced from the door entrance, as a rather tired Lynn opened the door. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing.” Cynthia stated, crossing her arms over her chest, still beyond furious after the conversation she had just had with Asher, which also most likely would be their last one.

“You do not get to say that after you wake me up seven o’clock when I’m already hungover.” Lynn cocked her eyebrows at her friend and paddled towards Cynthia’s bed, were she made herself comfortable underneath the sheets.

“It was Asher.” Cynthia whimpered, staring down at her hands.

“I kinda figured that out, sweet.” Lynn said, driving Cynthia into her arms and running her fingertips through the blonde’s messy hair.

“We’re done.” she told Lynn.

“I’m sorry, baby.” Lynn murmured, driving her friend further into her embrace.

“I’m not. He’s a dick.” Cynthia stated bitterly. “And now my phone’s ruined!”

“Luckily people can reach you through me!” Blair announced from the door entrance. “Which is happening right now, actually.”

“Who? It’s early as fuck.” Cynthia said, raising her eyebrows a little.

“Well, obviously. But Jimmy says he’s a immortal or something, and he’s very determined to speak with you.” Blair had a grin curling her lips meanwhile she crossed the room and handed over her Iphone.

“Good morning.” Cynthia groaned, rubbing the back of her hand into her tired eyes, fully aware that she did sound a little grumpy, even when she was talking to a guy she very much adored.

“You’re alive!” Jimmy snickered, his voice a little rusty, meanwhile he propped himself on his elbow, still enjoying the early morning underneath his sheets.

“Unfortunately.” the blonde sighed, sliding out of Lynn’s embrace, as she noticed that her roommie had fallen asleep in her bed.

“Oh. Someone got up from the wrong end today, or?” the dark-haired drummer joked, meanwhile Cynthia climbed out of bed and decided to settle herself in the couch, her bare feet propped on top of the small coffee table.

“Well, you know, I just threw my phone into the wall out of anger because my boyfriend, no sorry, ex-boyfriend, is a fucking jerk. So now I don’t have a phone or a boyfriend!” Cynthia dropped.

“Ouch. Can’t say I envy you.” Jimmy let out, driving his hand through his messy hair. “Perhaps we should get you a new one?”

“Boyfriend or phone?” Cynthia wiggled her eyebrows a little, listening to the sound of Jimmy’s high-pitched laugher.

“Both.” he let out. “But phone first, and a big bowl of ice-cream?” he suggested.

“Only if you pay. For the ice-cream, of course.”

“That I can do.” Jimmy told her. “But only if I get a re-match on that Tabasco sauce.” he added.

“Deal.” Cynthia chuckled a little.

“I’ll message you later on! Now it’s time for a beer and some sleep!”

“Beer? It’s seven o’clock!” Cynthia reminded him.

“And? I’m fucking immortal, silly!” Jimmy answered.

“Right… I’ll make Blair call you then.” she said, realizing that she could probably need a couple of hours of sleep herself.

“Ay-ay!” Jimmy sniggered, before the two of them hung up.

“So, what did Jimmy want?” Blair snickered, a mischievous smirk decorating her lips.

“Nothing.” Cynthia said, sounding almost shyly.

“Girl! He’s into you!” Blair half-sang.

“Why are you up so early?” the blonde changed the topic, while handing Blair her phone back.

“Don’t try to change the topic, Missy!” her friend said. “Did he ask you out?”

“No, he didn’t. I’m going to bed, and you should too.” Cynthia rushed out of the living room and slipped back into her bedroom.

The blonde crossed the room, careful not to step unto the pieces of her old phone, as she pushed Lynn further into her bed, making some room for herself as well.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is pretty much just a filler. How do you guys feel about Jimmy and Cynth? I love how he cheers her up and invites her out!

Please let me know what you think, and thank you all SO much for comments, subs and recs<333

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