
In the world of Miopia there exists four families of wizards. Each family was blessed with a unique gift. The Hale family, said to be the first wizard family, were given the gift of healing. The Zaa family were given the power of teleportation, which aided in the protection of the magical world. The Dawn family were given the power over the land, they cultivate the vegetation and care for the livestock. Last came the Gaul family, who were given a gift so rare and difficult to master. The gift of mind control. This was meant to aid in keeping the magical world a secret. The Gaul family began to use their gift for pranks and torture of lesser beings, the humans.

Theirs was an uneasy peace, with the Gaul family constantly yearning for more power. They were getting it. More and more novice wizards were aligning themselves with the Gaul’s. This created an imbalance in the magical world. In order to balance this, nature sent forth a gift.

A child from both the Zaa and the Hale family were born, each with and incomplete and intricate set of birthmarks. Master wizards were called to interpret the meaning of these interesting births. According to the ancestors the babies were meant to merge the two families in order to heal and defend the magical world. They were called Gemini children.

The legend states that when the head of the Gaul family, Augustus Gaul, heard of this he went to The Order, the governing body of Miopia. They ruled that this could wipe out the other families and that these babies were to be placed in the care of the Order. From that day forward any child found to be Gemini were taken to the Order for the rest of their lives.