Anticipating Forrest

Jalena Amethyst Rose has lived the past 5 decades in total solitude, watching everyone elses lives go on without her while she remains the same age and appearance she always had since that day many years ago. A strange young man crossed her path and nothing has ever been the same since, she believes this man to be her soulmate. Ever since that day their eyes met, she went home and hasn't aged or changed the slightest. She doesn't sleep so every hour remains the same, pacing back and forth looking for the man, for answers. Out of no where, a letter mysteriously appears at her doorstep signed from a mysterious "Forrest Jaspar Pierce". He requests her attendance at a dinner party for the next evening, and a beautiful blue ballgown appears on her bedroom door once she awakens. Hastily she goes to this dinner party, but what awaits her only brings more mysteries and less answers.