‹ Prequel: City of Dark Angels

Delilahs Darkness


“Just breathe Delilah.” I hear a soft voice say as I look over my final project. “Your tongue is going to fall off if you keep biting it.”

“Are you sure it’s good enough?” I ask, looking it over once more before sending it to my professor.

“Its fine babe, seriously.” Travis’s voice reassures me through the speaker of my laptop. I sigh and take a deep breath and send the project.

“There, you did it.” He says, his smile deepening.

“I did it.” I repeat. “How are things there? Sorry I haven’t stopped by in awhile I’ve been so busy with all these projects I have on the go.”

“It’s no worries, I have Riley helping me. I think he just wants an excuse to spend more time around here with Erika.” He says, raising an eyebrow. “Death hasn’t stopped by in awhile either, but I have support groups going and next week is City of Angels Prom so Erika has been helping plan that.”

“Sounds like you’ve been quite busy.” I say, taking in everything he told me.

“Not as busy as you’ve been.”

I let out a small laugh, “Hopefully I will be able to go there by next week for a few days.”

“Hopefully on the 25th specifically.” He says, hinting at the day of his birthday.

“You know I wouldn’t miss it.” I say, smiling and checking the time on the corner of my laptop. “I guess I should head to bed, I have class in the morning.”

“Alright, I have a meeting in the morning so I should probably head to bed too. It was great talking to you again Delilah, I miss you.”

“I miss you too Travis.” I say, feeling a sense of something missing in the pit of my stomach.

“Goodnight Delilah.” He says before ending the Skype call.

I close my laptop and get up from my desk, it’s nearly 10 pm and my roommate isn’t home yet. This isn’t like her to be out so late without letting me know where she is. My eyes suddenly close and my vision suddenly goes black, something doesn’t feel right.

I find myself staring into an area of pitch blackness, nothing to be seen in sight; and then suddenly off in the distance a candle ignites. I make my way towards that candle slowly and cautiously.

“Feel familiar?” A sinister, unfamiliar voice asks me.

“What is this?” I ask the voice, even though a part of me knows exactly what it is.

“It’s the darkness Delilah.”

“I thought we got rid of that.”

“Not quite, it’s still inside of you.” Raveria appears in front of me, smiling his sinister smile. “And I’m going to use it to my advantage.”

He snaps his fingers, and I am back inside my dorm room.