Sequel: Angels
Status: try to update as much as possible

My Angel in Disguise


(Teegan's POV)

I was going to be Chester's wife. I was soon going to be known as Mrs.Teegan Bennington. The amount of love and support I had recieved from everyone was tremendous. It made me feel completely overjoyed that people truly cared so much about me. Nothing was set in stone about a date yet seeing as the band was going to be writing and recording a new album in this upcoming year, but I was more than fine with waiting seeing as I still had my own career to focus on. Christmas spent with my mom and Chester was simply amazing in its own way. She was ecstatic and thrilled when we told her the news about the engagement, Chester had put together a huge dinner for the three of us and even managed to get her a gift so I didn't feel upset about not being able to give her anything. She kept saying how he was going to be the perfect son in law she always dreamed of having and how he was going to be the perfect husband for me. I smiled proudly to myself as I knew he was the one I was meant to be with. I hadn't spoken to Zacky at all after the Christmas party a few days ago, but seeing the reaction on his face after I had said yes to Chester clearly said enough on its own. I knew I had probably broken his heart, but it was for the best for me and for my life. I chose like he had asked, just not the one he was hoping for.

Chester and I were laying in bed snuggled close together binge watching Sons of Anarchy on TV when my phone had started to ring loudly. It was about 10 in the morning, we had already been up for the last couple of hours but I was in no mood to talk with anyone really. I just wanted to enjoy my alone time with my new fiance without any interruptions for once. I let it go to voicemail, not bothering to check who it was. I looked up at him, seeing his eyes fixated on the screen. He was so cute when he got lost in something, the way he seemed so passionate, it made me smile big. Again suddenly, my phone started to ring making me groan in annoyance. "Baby why don't you just see who it is?" He said as he still kept his eyes glued to the screen. I huffed but gave in, reaching over to get it from atop my nightstand. It was Matt and the one before that was Brian. They both left frantic voicemails for me to call them back as soon as possible.

I kept my fingers crossed as I dialed Matt first, praying that nothing serious had happened. Immediately he picked it up on the first ring. "Tee-T-Teegan." He was bawling and sobbing as he spoke into the phone, I couldn't understand what he was saying. "Matt? What's wrong?" I shot up from my spot on the bed pleading for him to calm down enough and answer me. "It-it's-Oh my God." He cried out in agony, a loud crash could be heard in the background. "Matt what the fuck is going on?" I begged as the tears started to fall from my own eyes. Chester looked over at me in worry, furrowing his brows. Nothing could ever prepare me for the news I was about to receive, it was something so devastating and heart wrenching, it all felt like a horrible nightmare that I wasn't able to wake from. Something that no one should ever have to wake up and hear.

"Jim-Jimmy. Jimmy is dead."

(Chester's POV)

I watched as Teegan collapsed to the floor, dropping the phone from her ear. She didn't cry or say a word, she just stared with her mouth wide open at the ceiling. She suddenly let out a horrid bloodcurdling scream, making me jump. I rushed to her side and immediately pulled her into my arms. She was gasping for air, frantically trying to take in sharp breaths. I tried my best to calm her but she only resisted. She thrashed around, crying and screaming like she was being attacked. She clawed at her arms, causing some nail marks to leak out blood. "Teegan baby please you're going to hurt yourself. What's wrong? Talk to me!" She threw herself in to my chest sobbing uncontrollably. I could hardly comprehend anything she was saying, but ultimately the words "Jimmy." kept being repeated over and over finally clarifying that something must have happened to Jimmy. "What about Jimmy baby? What's wrong?" She cried more before looking up at me, her eyes swollen and red. She sniffled greatly, choking on her words as she spoke softly "Jimmy died. They found him a couple of hours ago at home. His girlfriend did. He wasn't breathing."

I did the only thing I knew that might help ease her pain as I held her tightly in my grip, I kept kissing her face all over. I felt terrible that I couldn't do more for her but I knew she needed me regardless. "Baby I'm so sorry." I whispered in her ear as I rocked her back and forth. I reached from behind her and grabbed her phone as it began ringing. "Hello?" I answered sadly, trying to control my own tears. It was Val, Matt's girlfriend. "Chester? Can you-can you please bring Teegan over here to my house? We need her here, it's a disaster." I looked down at her, she was shaking violently and still trying to manage a steady breathing. I knew I couldn't keep her away from them, they needed her, she needed them.

"Of course hun, we'll be right there."

(Teegan's POV)

I don't remember driving to Matt's house, I don't remember talking to anyone, I don't even remember telling Chester what had happened. All I could remember and the only words that kept repeating in my mind were "Jimmy is dead." I didn't want to believe it, I had just seen Jimmy yesterday. He was telling me how excited he was to be one of my bridesmaids in the wedding, how he couldn't wait to be an uncle to Matt's son. I remembered he even had left his favorite pair of sunglasses on my kitchen counter, I called him back to come and get them but he refused, saying he'd come over and get them tomorrow. It suddenly appeared as a sign to me, that he might have known all along that he wasn't going to be here tomorrow. This all seemed too surreal, it couldn't be true. Jimmy never once mentioned that anything was wrong with him, or that he was sick and he certainly never would kill himself. So how did this all come to be? I felt a tremendous amount of grief for Leana. To have to come and find your partner like that is truly heartbreaking, I could only imagine how devastated she must be feeling. Hell, we all were. Jimmy was the glue that kept us all together. Without him, we were sure to fall apart. I hugged everyone close to me, we all broke down and tried to console each other but it was no use. And regardless of everything, I found myself holding Zacky to me the tightest as he cried. His green eyes were so dull and lifeless, so sad and cold. I couldn't bare to look in them anymore. "I love you Zee, it's going to be okay." I rubbed small circles on his back trying to soothe him some until eventually I started to fall apart all over again too. "I love you, Teegan. I'm so sorry, for everything." I shushed him, now wasn't the time to talk about that stuff because honestly what mattered most now was the present situation. Everyone in that house needed us, especially Leana and Jimmy's family, they all needed us to be strong for them.

I walked back over to Chester who was standing in the dining room with Matt and Brian. "Can we go, please? I'm sorry guys, but I gotta go. I need some time to think." My voice was hoarse and my cheeks were stained by my tears. They all nodded simultaneously, telling me to take as much time as I needed and that they would be here if I needed anything, not to hesitate to call or just come over. I gave them all hugs and said how sorry I was before we headed out to Chester's car. I wanted to clear my head, I wanted to get a chance to get my thinking straight. I didn't say a single word as we started to drive except I had asked Chester to take me to the beach. It was a cold and grey morning, the clouds hung lowly blocking any sort of light from the sun. I stared deep into the ocean as the waves pounded against the shoreline, the mist spraying my face. I felt the tears start to fall from my eyes again as I kept my gaze fixed on the water. I decided to try and talk to Jimmy, because honestly, I had nothing else to lose. "Jimmy, if you can hear me I want you to know that I love you. That I'm so sorry if I have ever done anything to hurt you or upset you. You've always been there for me, Jim. Now who's gonna be my bridesmaid? Now who am I gonna turn to when things get rough? Now who am I going to talk to whenever I need just a listening ear? I need you Jimmy. Why did you have to go?" As I poured out my feelings, I suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. "I will be there for you. I will always do my best to protect you and help you in your time of need. I love you Teegan and I know Jimmy loved you too. You have to be strong and I will be there every step of the way with you." I turned, being face to face with Chester. His eyes were so strong and full of hope, I knew he was telling the truth.

I leaned in and pressed a long kiss to his lips. I knew this was going to be another hard thing that needed to be done, but I couldn't keep this inside. I knew it was going to probably break my friends hearts and they probably wouldn't forgive me for this, but I felt it was the right thing for me. "Thank you so much babe. I love you too, I really do. But I need you to do something for me." He nodded anxiously. "Anything you need baby, just tell me." I took in a deep breath, feeling my lips tremble as I looked into his eyes.

"I want us to leave. And never come back."
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok everyone, that's it! I know this was extremely short, but I had a horrible time writing this chapter seeing as I hate death and all, but I promise this will help bring in an idea for the sequel! I greatly appreciate all the love and support that I've gotten from everyone and all the feedback from my commenters AJ9, shortygirl, and severide.

I love you all! Thank you for helping me keep this story alive!