Sequel: Angels
Status: try to update as much as possible

My Angel in Disguise


(Zacky's POV)

The entire ride back home these last two days were far from boring and it felt good to have Teegan near me again. That girl had a way with keeping me centered. I definitely had missed her, thats for sure. We caught up on all the things we had done and things that had happened over the last few months. She mostly talked about odd jobs and her dad passing away. I felt completely terrible that I wasn't there for her. I knew they weren't really that close, but I also knew it still hurt to lose a parent. I told her that I was still working things out with my on again-off again girlfriend, but wasn't so sure anymore. She gave me a good squeeze on the shoulder and told me that everything would work out because I was such a great guy and only deserved the best.

I knew she was just being a supportive friend, I could tell her in eyes she was slightly bothered by the topic. I always had feelings for Teegan ever since I first laid eyes on her. She had beautiful black hair and a heart melting smile. She had a couple boyfriends who never really worked out, mostly because of us, they were too jealous she had a whole group of guy best friends. I was always there to comfort and support her which she also always returned the favor, but I definitely felt stupid for never letting her know exactly how I felt about her.

When she stayed behind to finish school I knew it was a lost cause then. She promised to always be there to support us all and wished nothing but the best. I tried my hardest to explain myself to her, but never found the right words to say. Instead, the night of our going away party she and Matt's girlfriend Val had thrown us, I ended up hooking up with my now current girlfriend, instantly regretting it when I saw Teegan crying. She tried to play it off as she was just really going to miss us, but I knew deep down I had probably just broken her heart. So now as I sit here in my empty house pacing back and forth waiting for my girlfriend to show up, I always feel nothing but regret.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if I ended up single in the next few hours too. Gena wasn't very happy about me being friends with Teegan. She never really was, actually. From the moment they met when I first brought her to a band meeting, Gena wanted to tear Teegan apart and vice versa. I decided that it was best to keep my feelings hidden from Teegan that way I didn't ruin the amazing friendship that I already had with her. I know it was childish of me, but it was for the best in the end.

A swift knock suddenly came to my front door, breaking me from my thoughts. Well, this was what I've been waiting for. Gena stormed in before I had even opened the door all the way. She stomped around the living room until finally throwing herself onto the sofa. "I'm sick of you always bringing her along, Zacky. It honestly feels like you love her a lot more than you do me." I flinched at those words. I never intended for her to feel that way, I always tried my best to make sure she felt treated just as cared for. But I guess Teegan just had that kind of hold on me.

"You know I care about you Gena, I always do my best to make sure you're taken care of. I cant help it you're jealous. You always do this every time you hear about me seeing Teegan at any time whether I'm home or out on tour." She scoffed, shaking her head at me. "I'm jealous? How am I supposed to fucking feel Zacky? You talk about her 24/7 and always try to include her in fucking everything. It's ridiculous, really."

I put my head in my hands, not really sure what to say. I sat down beside her and grabbed onto her hand. "I'm really sorry, ok? I know we go through this day to day but you need to realize that Teegan isn't going anywhere. I've known her since I was a kid, she's my best friend, Gena. Why is that ao hard for you to accept?" She stared at me hard in the face. Tears came from her eyes like falling rain as she yanked her hand away from me. "It's hard for me to understand because I love you. I love you so much it breaks my heart that another girl has more effect on you than me. And I'm supposed to be your girlfriend."

I stayed quiet, clearly defeated. I was just tired of the fighting and playing games. She knew how important my friends were to me from the beginning of our relationship so I was just basically ready to call it quits. "Then I'm sorry, but I don't think we can work this out anymore. Just go." I said as I pointed to the door. Without another word she got up and left, slamming the door in the process and knocking down a few pictures off of the wall.

What a great welcome home this has been.

(Teegan's POV)

A few days after we had finally made it home, I was relieved when my mom said there was job offers who had called while I was away. After my dad died, I knew my mom wasn't going to able to be by herself anymore, so after I finished college I instantly moved in with her to help take care of the house. It was draining but I knew it had to be done. Luckily my job hardly ever required me to be gone for too long, though I never minded the much needed time away. I called back almost every offer before eventually taking a much needed nap. It was about 4 in the afternoon when I finally woke back up. "Shit." I grumbled as I groggily stared at my phone. I had 2 texts from Zacky and one from an unknown number.

My eyes immediately grew huge when I realized who it was from. Chester had actually texted me, just like he said he would. I replied as quick as my fingers would move before dialing Zacky's number. I didn't exactly have any girl friends to rant to about this, so he was my best shot. He eventually answered on the fifth ring. "Where the hell have you been? I'm in need here." I said as I rolled over onto my stomach. I heard him mutter a few curse words under his breath before responding to me. "We broke up, for good this time." A wave of guilt instantly washed over me. Now I knew this wasn't the best time to tell him my news. "Oh Zack, I'm so sorry. It was because of me, wasn't it?" I knew most of their arguments involved me simply for the fact that Gena was insecure and extremely jealous.

Zacky was my best friend, like a brother to me. I always had feelings for him but they never seemed to be mutual. We always were close, but certainly not the close that I always kind of hoped for. So once I knew they were together, I kept my feelings to myself. Now here I was, still the reason for his heartbreak. I took the agonizing silence as a yes. "It doesn't matter, I'm never going to pick anyone over my friends anymore. But what did you want to tell me?" I paused for a moment. I guess there was no use in dropping it now. "Oh, well it's not really important, but um, I uh actually got a text from Chester." I heard another round of mumbled obscenities before finally just his voice again. "Oh well that's just great. I'm happy for you." The tone instantly made me feel stupid for even saying it. "Yeah well I gotta go Zee, I'll talk to you later." I sighed, abruptly hanging up.

I cheerfully replied to Chester's message, delighted that he truly wanted to keep in touch. My heart proceeded to pound in my chest as I read his response "May I call you?". I didn't exactly know what else to say besides yes, I just hoped I wouldn't make a fool out of myself. My phone suddenly rang violently loud making my anxiety sky rocket. Not wanting to seem desperate, I answered on the third ring. "Hello?" I took in a quick deep breath. Here goes nothing. "Chester, hey. How are you?" Keep calm, Teegan. Keep calm. "Fine thanks. Sorry if this was so sudden, I just couldn't wait any longer to talk with you." Hearing those words come from his mouth made my stomach start to do backflips. Now keeping calm was definitely not an easy task. "No no, it's totally fine. I was just surprised you actually texted." I chuckled as I picked at my nail polish on my fingers nervously. Again, I'm horrible at small talk.

"Well listen, I'm gonna be in LA in a week or two, do you think maybe we could meet up? Maybe do a photoshoot? I have some meetings at the record label but I'd be free in the afternoon." I practically fell off of my bed, smashing into my laundry basket on the way down with a loud thump. He actually wanted to see me?! I groaned as I rubbed my now sore back. "Sorry. Yes, of course that'd be great. Just call me whenever." I heard faint talking in the background, probably his bandmates. "Awesome well I have to get going, gotta start rehearsing. I'll text you." I grinned widely, jumping up and down in silent victory.

"Cool, I look forward to it."
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Firstly thanks to my only commenter, my few subscribers and readers! I know not many people are probably interested in this sort of material, but I appreciate everyone whose stuck through so far. As always feedback is greatly welcomed, thank you! ♡