Sequel: Angels
Status: try to update as much as possible

My Angel in Disguise


(Teegan's POV)

As I anxiously awaited the next weeks to come, I had spent majority of my time hanging out with the guys and some local photo shoots. It was a boring Thursday, Chester was supposed to finally be in town tomorrow and I was currently engulfed in my latest issue of 'Cosmopolitan' on Val's couch when Matt had decided to interrupt me. "Yes?" I asked as I raised an eye slightly. "Your presence is requested in the bathroom." He said while pointing towards the staircase. I huffed under my breath before tossing my magazine aside and heading up the stairs. "You ok in there?" I said from outside the door. Val opened it slowly, peeking her head out cautiously. We had become very close friends the last couple of years as her and Matt got more serious, but I was horrible with keeping in touch unless she usually called first. She understood my friendship with the guys as well did her sister, Michelle, Brian's girlfriend, but I just never was the sort to really maintain a great friendship with other females due to previous experiences. But these girls weren't really your average high class, beachy type. Although there were few occasions were Val had tried to take me tanning. Definitely not gonna ever happen. "Get in here." She hissed, proceeding to yank me inside. She shut the door quickly, locking it behind us. "What's the matter?" I said in a hushed tone.

She pointed to a little plastic test sitting on the bathroom sink. A pregnancy test, great. My eyes instantly grew wide, making her face turn red with embarrassment. "I'm too scared to look at it. I haven't gotten my period since last month. I didn't wanna tell Matt because I know he's been so caught up with the band and everything. I'm sorry, I know this is super awkward but I couldn't tell my sister." I gave her hand a squeeze and smiled. "Val please don't be sorry it's not a big deal. I'll look at it and tell you but don't kill me ok?" She laughed lightly at my comment, shaking her head. "' I'm pretty sure.." I struggled with the directions on how to read the results, getting more frustrated by the moment. Finally getting the right section, I looked by down at it. A wave of relief washed over me. "It's negative.You're gonna live." She shot up from her spot on the toilet seat and tackled me in a big hug. "Thank you thank you thank you." I hugged her back, tossing the directions in the trash. "Make sure you get rid of that." She nodded as she grabbed the trash bag and exited the bathroom.

I followed behind a few seconds later, trying not to make anything seem suspicious. Almost instantly I smacked into Matt who was hiding behind the corner of the stairs. "Jesus Christ Matt, what the hell?" I muttered. He threw his hands up in defense, shrugging. "Sorry I just wanted to know what was going on." He replied sheepishly. I shook my head and proceeded down the stairs back to the living room. "Nothing, she just needed to borrow a tampon. Jeez what is it with you guys? Can't two girls be in the bathroom together without anything seeming sexual?" Matt's face turned red and a cheeky smirk tugged at his lips. "You're gross, Sanders." I flopped back down on the couch, checking my phone once I was comfortable. I had a text from Chester. "Oh my god." My jaw fell to the floor as I opened it, revealing a picture of him in front of the Capitol Records building in downtown L.A. "HE'S HERE A DAY EARLY!?!" I screeched loudly causing Val's dogs to bark at me frantically. "Dear lord woman what the hell is wrong with you?" Matt asked as he plugged his ears, yelling at the dogs to please shut up.

I shoved my phone in his face, only recieving an evil smirk in the process. "Big deal! It's not like it's gonna be your first time meeting the guy. Unless you're falling in love or something. Oooh." Matt cooed and made noises like a child. I shook my head, shoving him aside. I texted Chester back only for my phone to start ringing. Perfect. "Hey Teegan. I actually got here yesterday, I wanted to finish up early. Are you available to meet up?" My brain suddenly went dead, causing me to fall silent. I was extremely nervous, to put it lightly. This was going to be my first time being alone with one of my idols. Sure, I've met a lot of famous people and even some of my other idols like Ozzy and Cher (don't judge me.) But Chester was...different. I quickly remembered I was still on the line, hoping he hadn't hung up. "Wow, sorry, got lost for a minute. Uh sure I'm not doing anything. Did you want to come out here or?" I peered over my shoulder, seeing Val and Matt listening in from behind the kitchen door.

"I can go to you. Just send me the address and I should be there in an hour or so. Make sure you have your camera." He laughed softly. I felt goosebumps all over my body, making me shiver. "Ok, not to worry I always have it." I tiptoed over to the kitchen and promptly hit the two of them with the door earning loud groans. "Great well I'll see you soon." I said goodbye before proceeding to freak out in the middle of the kitchen. Val put her hand over my mouth, shushing me. "Calm down! Lets get you ready then you can freak out!" She said firmly as she pulled me up the stairs and into her bedroom. I just stayed quiet while she began to work her magic on my hair and make up. I was in no mood to protest anything at this moment anyways.When she finally had finished and told me to look myself over in the mirror, I was completely shocked. I looked like an entire different person just by adding a few touches. I hugged her tight, saying how thankful I was. "It's no problem, Tee. Now come on lets get downstairs I'm sure he's going to be here any minute." I nodded as we rushed into the living room.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Zacky sitting at the table with Matt. Well this was going to be really awkward. "Whoa, what the hell happened to you?" His eyes stared at me up and down causing my cheeks to turn red. "She's waiting for Chester." Matt chimed in. I quickly shot him a glare as I saw Zacky's face sink slightly. "Oh. Well have fun." He muttered simply before returning his attention back on Matt. I rolled my eyes slightly. "Yeah well you too." I stated as I heard the doorbell ring. My heart pounded in my chest as I opened the door slowly. Chester stood there in a dressy button up black shirt and pants and handed me a rose, which I shakily took. "Hey there, ready to go?" He asked. I smiled and nodded yes as I said my goodbyes to everyone and headed off to the pier with my camera in tow. "You look great.I mean you looked great the first time I saw you but you look great today too." He stammered over his words a bit making me laugh. He seemed more nervous than I was. "Well thank you, you look great too. Where do you wanna shoot? We can try on the boardwalk, but I'm almost positive people will recognize you." He scrunched his eyebrows together before pointing over towards the rock jetty. "How about over there by those rocks?" I grinned in approval, following alongside him over there.

I must have snapped over a few dozen pictures until I was finally satisfied with a good ten of them. Chester was a good model, I must admit. The way his eyes seemed to sparkle in the sunlight made my stomach feel full of butterflies. He took my camera from me after I had sat down on a flat rock for a quick break, eagerly insisting that he take a couple pictures of me. After my many protests I eventually gave in and let him. I did a few funny faces and a couple serious ones until he came and sat down beside me. "Now let's take one together." I just about froze in place, not sure what to really say. "Smile!" He exclaimed suddenly as the camera flashed in our faces before I had any time to react. He handed the camera over to me and my mouth hung open. Chester took the picture while he kissed my cheek. "Wow, I like it.I think we look good together." He said with a sly wink. I just sat there with a blank look on my face. I definitely liked the picture too but that wasn't what kept my attention. "You think so, huh?" I replied with a smirk, winking back at him. He laughed loudly, standing on top of a rock and heading more out to the ocean. At any moment I was waiting for him to suddenly slip and fall but he managed to make it all the way. Once he circled back around, he hopped down and handed me a beautiful seashell. "For you." He said with a slight bow as he beamed up at me. I gladly accepted the shell, tucking it away in my camera bag.

As the night sky began to set in and the wind started to pick up, I really wished that I had decided on borrowing a jacket from Val. "If you're cold, we can go?" Chester suggested as we walked around Main Street, stopping every so often to look at a few stores that caught his attention. I was enjoying myself immensely and really didn't want today to end. "No no it's fine." I tried to contain my shivering as long as i could but I knew the jig was up. "Come on Teegan, I'll take you home." He said as he put an arm around my shoulder while we walked back to his car. The ride back to my house was pleasantly silent and comfortable. I texted Zacky before we pulled into my driveway, saying that I was sorry if he was mad at me for some reason. "Well this is it." I chuckled, stretching my arms out wide. Chester got out and opened the door for me like a true gentleman. "Thank you for today Teegan, it was great." He pulled me in for a hug which I accepted gratefully. "I should be saying that to you. I just wish it wasn't over." I chuckled lightly, seeing him staring down at me. "Well I'm actually gonna be in town for another day, so if you'd like, maybe we can go to dinner or something tomorrow?" My face instantly lit up making a grin spread across my face. "I'd love to, see you tomorrow then." We parted ways and I couldn't seem to contain my excitement as I bolted inside my house, jumping up and down.

"Fun night, huh?" I whipped my head around to only see Zacky sitting in my kitchen. "What are you doing here?" I asked in surprise as I hung my camera bag up and sat in the chair across from him. He simply shrugged his shoulders. "I couldn't be home, it's too empty and everyone else is busy. And I'm pretty drunk honestly. Can I stay here?" His words were semi mumbled and slurred. I sighed, feeling a knot twist in my chest. I felt horrible that Zacky wasn't handling this break up well but I knew he needed someone to just listen. "Sure Zee, you can crash in my room." He nodded, stumbling around as he got up. I helped him down the hall to my room and he instantly fell onto my bed. I went into the bathroom to change into some pajamas, noticing that he was already passed out once I came back out. "Goodnight Zee." I muttered as I got in bed beside him. He suddenly stirred, pulling me close. "Goodnight Teegan." He whispered still half asleep. I just sighed before closing my eyes.

This was going to be a long recovery.
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Again thank you to my loyal 4 subscribers and my commenters, it means the world to me that people are actually giving this story a chance. I wish it had more feedback but I'll happily take what I can get! with that being said, thank you to everyone whose read this so far, ideas and thoughts are greatly appreciated! I hope you enjoy :) this story will have lots of twists and turns, I can guarantee that!