Status: This story features very disturbing content including stalking, abuse, suicide, bullying, ***, and lgbt themes! Tread carefully!

Behind Rainbow Eyes

Chapter 2


Home sweet home. That saying is a big lie. There’s nothing sweet about home. Only bitter and sour. At least in my case. But that won’t be for long. Once I graduate, I’ll be delivered from this hellhole. Emerson stopped the car and my heart dropped. Damn it. Since I was the closest to the airport, I was being dropped off first. “You can stay with one of us you know,” Zane spoke up. “I second that.” Of course Emerson would agree. Their faces held many emotions and I could tell they were worried sick. “Look I know you guys wanna help but you can’t. Once I graduate, I’ll be outta here. I’ll call you guys later alright?” If only I could use this bravado at home.

I gave Zane and Emerson bear hugs before I got my luggage and walked to the front door of where I lived. My hand trembled as I got out my house key and unlocked the door. With sonic speed, I rushed inside and shut it. So far, so good. Maybe I can actually get settled before hell breaks loose. I spoke too soon.

I felt something hit me on the back of my head and my knees buckled instinctively. The scent of liquor hit my nostrils full force and it took everything I had to not gag. I fucking hate that abhorrent smell. “Where the fuck have you been you dirty whore?” I forced myself to turn around and face the one person that made my life a living hell: my father.

“I went to California with my friends Dad.” I kept my tone as even as possible to avoid showing my true feelings towards him. “Those little good-for-nothing faggots? They mean you no good.” My entire body grew searing hot when I heard those words. You can beat me, insult me, spit on me, I don’t give a damn. But when you insult my friends, all bets are off. “What makes you any better? You pathetic, ugly, old drunken bastard!” Every ounce of bitterness and hatred I felt towards this man seeped into my words as I stood tall and stared him down. Damn the consequences!

The next thing I knew, I was slammed against the wall with my dad pummeling me over and over again. “Who do you think you are you little shit? Talking back to me like that! Looks like you still haven’t learned how to respect your elders!” Pain shot into my upper torso and face as the man I was forced to call my father continued to punch and kick me as if I were less than human. I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to get away before I wound up going to the ER again.

I grabbed one of my dad’s nearby empty liquor bottles and hit him so hard that it shattered. I knocked him out. Or maybe it was the alcohol taking its toll on his ass. Without saying a word, I grabbed my things and quickly rushed upstairs to my room. After unpacking and putting everything up, I rushed to the bathroom and thoroughly checked myself. Luckily he didn’t bruise me very badly. Nothing I couldn’t cover up. But I was gonna feel this for quite a while. Nothing a bath couldn’t fix. I walked back into my room and grabbed a pair of sweatpants along with my cell phone before walking back into the bathroom.

I made sure to shut and lock the door. A nice, little salt bath should help with the huge pain I’m feeling. As I prepared everything, my phone rang and I instantly knew who it was. The ringtone was With You by Chris Brown which was what I set for the love of my life: Lilith Cecelia Donovan. I promptly answered the phone and smiled when I heard her angelic voice. She never failed to get me through my day no matter what went down.

“Conner! Are you home yet? Lafayette’s tried to call Emerson but he’s not picking up!” Lafayette was her twin brother and Emerson’s boyfriend. “Yes we’re home and Emerson doesn’t like to use his cell phone while he’s driving. You know how he is about that.” If there was a medal for obeying traffic laws, Emerson would win it three years in a row. “Are you alright?” Lilith’s voice took on a tone that I was very familiar with. She knew about what went down with my dad just like Emerson and Zane did. But they didn’t know all of the details.

I stepped inside of the tub and began to relax, my muscles feeling much less tense than before. Good thing my phone was waterproof. “Yes I’m fine Lily. My dad’s passed out on the couch so don’t worry your pretty little head.” If I told her about what just happened, she would flip her shit, tell everyone, and things would just get even more crazier. I had to deal with this on my own. “Conner. I know you’re trying to ride this out but seriously you need to get out of there while you still have the ability to. Things are gonna get worse from here. I can feel it. Please let us help you. We love you and we’re here for you.” I could hear my darling’s voice crack and my heart along with it.

“I’ll be ok Lilith. I can handle this on my own. This is something I have to deal with by myself. Please don’t cry. Once I graduate, we can start a life of our own together like we planned. Just be patient.” I made my voice as soothing and smooth as I possibly could in an attempt to ease Lilith’s worries. In a desperate attempt to change the subject and lighten the mood, I talked about Comic-Con which luckily worked. Lilith and Lafayette couldn’t come with us because they went to Disney Land with family members. That would’ve been awesome too. Yes I’m a Disney fan and damn proud of it.

After I sent Lilith all of the Comic-Con pictures I took and talked with her a bit more, we exchanged our goodbyes and I got out of the tub. I was still feeling a bit sore but the pain was more of the dull, hollow kind. I put on my sweatpants and put my dirty clothes in the basket I had in my room. Good thing I did my laundry before going to Comic-Con. I’m not calling Emerson or Zane until tomorrow. They’d be far more persistent than Lilith and I can’t handle being grilled by them both.

I settled down in my bed about to fall asleep when I heard my bedroom door open. This was the part that I kept a secret from everyone. The part that I kept locked away in the back of my mind so I wouldn’t relive it over and over again. Feeling my dad’s hands rubbing my back, I turned over and grabbed his wrists. “Fuck off.” That was all I was able to get out before Dad broke out of my grasp and grabbed me by the throat, rendering me speechless and unable to breathe.

“Shut your mouth you filthy pig. Time to make up for lost time.” He forced my sweatpants off and I could feel him stroking me. Before I could black out from lack of oxygen, he let my throat free and pinned me down. I already knew what was coming and had to accept my fate. It’ll all be over soon. I just had to ride it out until then.


My house was a few blocks away from Conner’s but there were so many ways to get there that the distance could be shortened in an instant. I couldn’t help but worry about Conner. I knew he was hiding something really bad but he wouldn’t tell us. Yeah I already knew what was going on with his father but there was something more that Conner wasn’t talking about. “He hasn’t called us yet. Lilith talked to him though. Lafayette is going crazy ya know!” Just imagining the guy worrying over Emerson made a chuckle escape my throat. “I’ll call him when I get home. Conner is probably cleaning his dad up like always. I’m sure he’s fine.” Emerson was trying to be hopeful but I could tell that it was faltering big time.

Switching my mind to other things, I began to think about that girl we met on the plane. Recca. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t interested in her. She’s gorgeous and reminds me a lot of myself. I hope to get to know her better as time goes on. I might even call her tonight. “Thinking about Recca? Love at first sight perhaps?” Emerson waggled his eyebrows and laughed, causing me to elbow him in his side.

“No idiot. Love at first sight doesn’t exist. But I have to admit that yes I am thinking about her. I might call her tonight or tomorrow. See where she lives so that way she can ride with us to school.” There was no way in hell that Recca was catching a bus to school now that she was hanging with us! We had to do that before Emerson got his car and it was absolute hell. Just thinking about it made me wanna kill myself.

“We’re here. Have fun talking to your new girlfriend!” Emerson teased with a wink. “Shut up and suck a dick.” “Oh I definitely plan to.” “Too much information dude.” I got my luggage and walked inside. “Welcome home Zane! How was your trip?” Enter my mother. She’s in the U.S. Special Forces and just got promoted to Lieutenant General. She’s one of the toughest women I know and I wouldn’t have her any other way. “It was pretty cool. I had a good time. Where’s Dad and William?” William’s my older brother by four years and Dad’s a retired Marine turned chef. “Your dad’s upstairs and I don’t know where William is. He hasn’t come home since you left.” Sadness and worry filled Mom’s voice and it broke my heart.

To make a long story short, William is basically the problem child. A bad boy if you will. Sure I’m pretty bad myself but he makes me look like an angel. His heart is in the right place but he’s just not legit. To make matters worse, he has a history of depression and has attempted to kill himself. Twice. Something happened to him to make him change but he won’t tell anyone what it is. Just like Conner in a way.

“I’m sure William will be home soon Mom. He can take care of himself. Don’t worry about him.” I was saying those words to myself more than I was saying them to her. No matter how William behaved, he was still my big brother and I loved him. I walked upstairs and unpacked everything in my room before going to find Dad. He was in bed snoring like a locomotive. One of my biggest pet peeves is people who snore incredibly loudly. Seriously?!

I quietly snuck into my parents’ room and surprised Dad by jumping on him. “Wake up solider! Sound off like you got a pair!” I made sure to imitate R. Lee Emery in Full Metal Jacket as I wildly shook my dad and wrestled with him. “Alright, alright I’m up! Your presence is known Zane! Aren’t you a little old for that?” “Consider it revenge for using pots and pans to wake me up in the morning.” “Maybe if you woke up on time for school, I wouldn’t have to do that. How was your trip?” “It was nice. Emerson and Connor had a blast. No William’s not home if you were gonna ask that.” I wasn’t gonna tell Mom and Dad about Recca! That would lead to embarrassment and humiliation.

“You’re hiding something Zane. You’re not fooling anyone. What else happened?” Damn it! I hate it when Dad does that! One thing he knows how to do is read people which can be both a good thing and a bad thing. “We met a girl on the plane. Her name’s Rebecca but she prefers to be called Recca or Revy. She’s moving here from California and we’re going to the same high school.” “Is she cute? You seem to like her judging by the way you just talked about her.” Dad’s smirk only made me roll my eyes. “No Dad. I just met her and I wasn’t looking at her like that. Besides I’m not trying to get involved with anybody like that. Not after my last relationship.” I promptly pushed those memories out of my head, not wanting to even think about that.

“Whatever you say Zane. You’re a terrible liar. Now get out of here. I’m trying to sleep!” Dad let out a loud yawn and I knew what time it was. I quickly got the hell outta there and heard voices downstairs. “Where the hell have you been William?! You’ve been gone ever since Zane left! He just came back and you weren’t here to greet him!” My mother sounded distressed and angry. William had that effect on people sometimes. “Mom chill! I’m fine! I was out with my friends alright?!” “Up to no good I bet! Have you been using drugs?” No Mom! I just had a few drinks! God stop worrying!” William let out a noise of annoyance and growled as he went upstairs. He placed a hand on my head and ruffled my hair. “Hey squirt. I see you’re back from Cali. Did you see any honeys there?” “No dumbass I didn’t. When are you gonna stop fooling around, get some damn help, and actually, oh I don’t know, BE LEGIT?”

“Don’t worry about me baby bro. I know what I’m doing. You just focus on graduating from high school and going to college so you don’t end up like me.” William flicked me on the head as he went to his bedroom and shut the door. That boy was gonna get himself in huge trouble one day. Maybe even end up dead. That was the last thing I wanted.


As I parked my car in the driveway, I checked my cell phone and saw that I had ten missed calls from Lafayette. Good God! I almost forgot how much of a drama king he could be. After I got out my luggage, went to my room, and unpacked everything, I finally returned his calls. “Lafayette you watch Final Destination way too damn much with your clingy ass!” “Well excuuuuuse me if I wanted to make sure that you didn’t die on your way home!” I could tell Lafayette was pouting on the other end and couldn’t resist laughing. “Dude chill. We would actually be more likely to die if we drove instead of flew. Too bad you and Lilith couldn’t come with us. How was Disney Land?” “It was pretty straight. You’re gonna love the pictures we took! I even took some very special ones just for you.” Lafayette’s voice took on a seductive purr that always made me weak in the knees.

“Lafayette. Behave. Keep it PG-13 please.” I was able to maintain my composure, not wanting to fall victim to his charms so easily like a puppy. “Chill the pictures aren’t explicit like last time. Why do you keep trying to resist my charms? You’re putty in my hands darling.” “Because I’m not like all of the other guys you’ve been with that’s why. You gotta work if you wanna get close to me remember?” “I’ve already been close to you. Several times in fact.” My face burned intensely as Lafayette spoke those words, those memories going through my mind and then some. He always had this effect on me no matter how I tried to escape it. And to be honest, I didn’t want to.

Lafayette was a player before he and I got together which was a process by itself. We’ve known each other since we were kids and I was there for him when his heart got broken, making him into the player he was before I took him for myself. Sometimes his past came back to haunt us and we’ve broken up as a result but we pulled through it and got back together before I left for Comic-Con. Who knew love would be this hard?

“Your parents home? I have to see you.” I knew what that tone meant. Lafayette’s voice was husky, deep, and just plain seductive. It made me melt and want him even more. “No they aren’t. They won’t be back until tomorrow afternoon.” Unlike Conner and Zane, I was born into a very distinguished and rich family in the UK. One of the most distinguished families in London actually. My dad fell in love with and married my mother who was poor and struggling to make it in life. His family didn’t respond to that very well and threatened to disown him but my dad fought back and eventually they had to accept their marriage or miss out on everything.

When my mom became pregnant with me, they moved to the U.S. to start a new life and, using some of the family fortune, started their own company. Reynolds Industries Inc. Dad hated the aristocratic lifestyle and preferred to live life the way he wanted to. He is a free spirit and I admire him for that. Unfortunately being the owners of a huge company meant that they were away from home pretty often by the time I entered high school, leaving me to my own devices which I didn’t mind because I had my friends to keep me company.

Before I could say anything more, I was met with a dial tone. Lafayette was really eager to see me. A bit more eager than usual. Not that I minded but he was never this persistent when it came to spending the night. Good thing we didn’t have to sneak around since our parents were cool with us dating. Wanting to look presentable for Lafayette and even surprise him a bit (even though he would always tell me that I looked good no matter what), I took a quick shower and put on a black bathrobe. I wouldn’t need clothes for this visit. I usually never did.

Since Lafayette didn’t live far from me, it wasn’t long before I heard a knock at the door. A smile slowly crept across my face as I slid on the staircase and landed safely on my feet. I loved doing that even though my parents (especially my mom) hated it. Undoing my bathrobe, I quickly opened the door and flashed my bare self for all the world to see. “Damn Emmy! Since when did you get this bold? Not that I’m complaining. I’m really loving this view.” If it were possible, Lafayette would’ve passed out from a massive nosebleed.

“When did you get this persistent to see me?” I grabbed him by his shirt, practically yanked him inside before someone saw us, and shut the door with my foot. “I need a reason to want to see my boyfriend now? I’m hurt.” Why did he have to look so damn cute when he pouted and whined like that? “I’m serious man. You’re becoming more worried about me than usual. Not to mention being a tad clingy. That’s definitely not your style. Is there something I should know about?” I folded my arms and tapped my foot impatiently, waiting for an answer. Lafayette’s silence was beginning to say more than his words or actions ever could.

“Your past is coming back to haunt us again isn’t it?” I felt my chest tighten at the thought of us breaking up again because of one of Lafayette’s exes getting in between us. I wouldn’t be able to take it. I loved him too much and didn’t want to let him go. I just hoped that my feelings were returned. We had way too much history between us for there not to be something to fight for. Did Lafayette feel the same way?

He took me into his arms and held me as if I were about to be whisked away. “I’m so sorry Em. I made a mistake but I swear I’m going to fix this. I can’t lose you again. I love you too fucking much.” “What are you talking about Lafayette? What’s going on?” Lafayette pulled away and held me by my waist. “When we broke up, I slept with someone else. Some guy in college named Jason Battle. After we got back together, I broke things off with him and he didn’t take it very well. He’s going all Fatal Attraction on me and he’s starting to threaten you, saying he’s gonna kill you and all sorts of disgusting things. That’s why I’ve been so worried and clingy. I don’t wanna lose you again because of my past. If you wish to break up with me, I understand.” Lafayette looked completely destroyed and I could see tears in his eyes. Now that shook me to my core. Out of all the years I’ve known Lafayette, I’ve only seen him cry a grand total of three times. He wasn’t really one for expressing his emotions like I was.

I grabbed Lafayette’s face and pulled him in for a hard, passionate kiss. While I was a bit hurt about him and Jason, at least I knew that he technically wasn’t cheating on me like I always feared he would. Besides we weren’t even together then and I was being a bit flirtatious myself while we were apart. My lungs burning for air, I quickly moved away from him and tried to catch my breath. “I’m not leaving you Lafayette. Yes I’m hurt about Jason but I can’t really get mad at you either. I was kinda out there myself during the break-up. We’ll get through this. I know we can. We’ve come too far to give up now.” I was telling myself this more than I was telling Lafayette.

“I really don’t deserve you. Even after everything that’s gone down, you’re still here with me.” “People always do crazy things when they’re in love. Right?” “Not always.” Lafayette’s hands began to wander further, causing my breath to hitch in my throat. So soft and silky just like his voice. “Wait. Do you have any—“ I was interrupted by Lafayette pulling out a roll of condoms and my eyes widened. Oh shit. “What? Are you afraid now?” He purred softly in my ear, even nibbling on it. Shivers were running down my spine as well as his fingertips. His tongue lightly touching my neck brought me back to reality and I knew he wanted an answer.

“N-no of course not!” Way to sound real convincing. Lafayette gave me a look that said “Bullshit” and let out a husky chuckle. “Good. Because I don’t intend to be gentle.” His eyes gave me a look mixed with lust, love, and animalistic need as he snatched my robe off of me and tossed it to God knows where.



I looked around at my new room and sat down on my new bed, completely exhausted. This all felt overwhelming but at the same time I felt relieved. I’m starting a new life and so far it actually seems to be going well. Much to my chagrin, I was beginning to feel excited. I try not to get excited about good things happening. Why? Because something always happens to destroy it. Call me a pessimist but that’s how it is. And I can’t fucking stand it.

“So how do you feel?” I jumped at the sudden sound of my father’s voice and glared at him. “Like my heart’s about to explode out of my chest thanks to you.” Hearing his laugh made me feel warm inside and nostalgic memories I had with him continued to flood through my mind. “Who were those boys you were talking to on the plane?” Damn it. I knew he was gonna do this.

“Emerson, Conner, and Zane. They’re going to the same high school I’m going to so I guess we’ll be classmates. It’s not what you’re thinking.” Dad never did like the fact that I hung out with mostly guys instead of girls. Overprotective as expected. But that comes with being a tomboy. My phone let out a notification ring, signaling that I got a text message. I saw that it was from Zane which shocked me. What did he want from me?

Only one way to find out. I unlocked my phone, tapped the Messages app (Team iPhone bitches!), and looked at Zane’s message. “Yo new girl. You’re carpooling with us to and from school. Thank Emerson for having a car. Catching the bus is NOT an option if you’re rolling with us. Text me your address.”

“Well Dad it looks like you and Kira won’t have to worry about me getting to and from school. Zane said I’m riding with him and the others. Apparently Emerson has a car.” I texted Zane my address and even felt my face heat up a bit. Why did my heart skip a beat just because this random guy texted me? That’s never happened before. I’m not that kind of girl. Never have been, never will be.

“I don’t like the thought of you riding around with a bunch of boys. Who knows what they have on their minds or what they’re involved in?” “Erik chill out. Recca will be 18 soon. She can handle herself and besides you have no room to talk with the amount of girls you hang around with.” Kira was standing in my bedroom doorway, giving Dad a Bitch please look. “Please don’t remind me. I don’t want Recca to grow up! Next thing I know, she’ll be getting married and having kids!” And that’s my cue to intervene.

“Whoa! Hold on! I don’t plan on getting married anytime soon and kids are out of the question! Dad I’m not a little girl anymore. I have to grow up eventually right?” I was interrupted by another text coming from the same person. Zane sent me a shocked emoji which actually made me laugh but his next message shocked the ever living hell outta me.

“You live right next door to me. Look out your window.”

I did exactly that and opened it up. Lo and behold, Zane was at his bedroom window and when his eyes connected to mine, the sexiest smirk I’ve ever seen crossed his face and he waved at me.

“Hey there.”

This just keeps getting better and better doesn’t it?