‹ Prequel: Monster

The Last Sunrise


The blinding light awakens me. I lift my head slowly, feeling every inch of pain through every movement I do. I wish I was a vampire again. That way I wouldn’t have to deal with all this pain and kick Vince’s ass. The sunlight bleeds through a broken opening of a window into my eyes. I try to shade them with my hair but it’s too dirty to blind my eyes. There’s blood, sweat, and god knows what else in there. When I get out…if I get out…I’m taking a shower.

“Are you awake now, bitch?” Someone spits out at me and pull my hair, pulling my head up to look at them. He’s big and muscular. He looks mean and scary. If I was a vampire, I’d be able to take him.

“What do you want?” I whine, my voice cracking and I’m on the verge of tears.

“Did I just hear a voice crack?” Someone else asks. My eyes wander to the sound of their voice and I see Vince. “Are you crying?” He antagonizes.

“What the fuck do you people want?” I yell, holding back the hot tears that are threatening to fall.

“We- I want something you have.” Vince’s voice sounds like he’s going to start reasoning with me.

“What’s that?” I ask.

“Someone,” He corrects himself. “You have someone I want.” He looks at the big, muscular guy and points to the door. The giant guy walks out and the two of us are left alone. Suddenly I feel intimidated. “You see, it all started last year. I was in the most perfect relationship a boy could ask for. Then someone came in and ruined it all.”

"Jesus Christ, you're not over that yet?" I ask, think about how pathetic this guy is. I mean, break ups happen, then you get over them.

"I can kill you in a second if I wanted to!" Vince yells in my face. "You pathetic humans are all the same."

I ponder what he said. Filthy humans? What the hell?

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

He turned around and started walking in a circle and throws his head back and lets out an evil laugh. Then he turns back to me and smiles, that evil look in his eyes and his teeth. It's compelling. Did I look that scary? Then I put two and two together. He's a vampire. And he can turn me.