Nothing Without You

The Return

The hotel Klaus and I ended up at was entirely underwhelming, in fact, it was practically a roach motel. It looked run down and forgotten, though the sign outside still flickered "vacancy."

"Why would they chose to stay here?" I asked, not sure why this place wasn't shut down.

"Because no one else will be here." Klaus shrugged as he emerged from the car. We walked up to a certain door and the moment Klaus knocked, he had the most serious look on his face. The soft, sweet, even playful Klaus I knew was no longer there and in place of him was an undeniably superior and cold blooded fiend.

A distraught looking Stefan answered the door. "It's about damn time."

"Oh Stefan, don't be dramatic." Klaus smiled devilishly, seemingly enjoying the pain he was inflicting. "Let's get this over with"

As we entered the room, the vile smell of sweat, blood, and vomit overcame me. I started gagging and coughing from the putrid stench. "He's been hallucinating." Stefan said, as if I were supposed to feel sorry for him. "Give him your blood, he'll bring Molly's memory back, and we'll all go our separate ways."

"Just one thing." Klaus started as he grabbed Stefan's face, forcing him to stare into his eyes. "Guard the door. No one gets in our out without my permission, including you and Damon. You will die before either of you leave this room without my say so." Compelling him to behave. Smart, I hadn't thought of that. He let him go and turned to Stefan's sick brother who was mumbling something about a gun and a Katherine. Klaus bit his arm and shoved it into Damon's mouth. He almost immediately came out of his foggy state and devoured the blood that ran from Klaus' arm.

Klaus ripped his arm back and stood away from Damon, waiting for him to come back from this awful state he was in. "You're such an asshole, you have no idea what you're getting her into." Damon warned, though still out of breath.

"You have no idea what kind of harm you can cause someone by making forget why they were in danger in the first place." He snapped, though seemingly keeping his cool. "Do it. Now, otherwise you'll be right back in that bed again, dying. I will be sure of it."

He looked defeated, like he'd lost something big. "Fine, Molly, get over here." He demanded, barely wanting to look at me. He held my shoulders and looked me in the eyes, and I noticed he looked close to crying. "You can remember now. Remember everything, everything we've been through, everything you felt and did. Let it back in, and don't panic." The last part scared me, but before I could thinking about it too much, everything came flooding back. All of the memories and emotions all hit me at once, and although I was unable to panic, I could see why I would have. Because for all the good things I remembered, the love and happiness, came darkness and misery. There were things that I finally understood, and I knew exactly why my memory had been wiped to begin with. I sat on the floor and put my head in my hands, trying not to cry, trying to gather myself. "Hey, talk to me, are you-"

"Don't!" I yelled, making Damon back away from me. My hands were shaking and I suddenly felt like my entire being had been broken. "How could you make me forget her?" It was the first thing that came back, the one thing that popped out the most. Silence came as I expected, he was too much of a coward to talk about it. I stood up and got about 4 inches from Damon's face and screamed at him. "I was her mother for fuck's sake! You never let me grieve!" I cried as I screamed at him, more angry and upset than I'd ever been in my entire life. My daughter, my sweet Emily, had been dead more 2 years and it was like it was happening all over again. I never even got to bury her. "Where is she?" I asked, knowing he had to have taken care of it.

"It's not going to help." Damon said, somehow thinking it was okay to not give me that kind of information.

"I will end you Damon, you tell me where she is." I knew why he wasn't telling me, it was because of the gift I had; the reason Klaus ever noticed me.

"I can't do that, I know what you'll do and you can't-"

Before he could finish I slapped him across the face. I knew it did nothing, hurting a vampire was next to impossible, but it made me feel better, and I made my point. "How dare you suggest something like that. You know the rules, it's been too long anyway you fucking prick."

"Sorry, what am I missing?" Klaus said, as I was sure he was very confused.

"I'll fill you in later." I said, dismissing him unlike any person with a brain would do. He wasn't the type to be dismissed but I think he could see I needed this confrontation.

"Are you out of your damn mind? You're going to tell the biggest threat to your existence everything he needs to know about murdering you?" Damon snapped, and I could see how jealous he was. He hated the fact that I was even in Klaus' line of sight, let alone whatever else his imagination lead him to believe. I didn't care.

"At least if he murdered me it would be real. You left me on my own, with no one and nothing, made me forget everything, and sent me on my way with some idea of a fake life. I'm lucky he didn't kill me on the spot for being this way. Do you even understand how close I could be to being dead because of you? I had no idea I was in any kind of danger, I had no clue that there are people looking for me, right now. Klaus very well could have been one of them and I happened to run into him. That's how close I was and I had no idea." I knew lecturing him wouldn't do anything, in fact it probably went in one ear and out the other, but if I didn't say it I would be running this over in my head for eternity.

"I just thought if you left you'd be safe, if you were away from me.." He sighed and a look of guilt spread across his face. "I wanted to protect you."

I took a deep breath and regained my composure before speaking again. "How can you protect me if you're not around? How can you keep me from anything by getting rid of me? I think you were in a bind and panicked. And I think you did this to try to resolve the trouble we were in. But the only thing you've done is remove yourself from it and make it harder on me. You fucked up Damon."

"I know I did, and I'm so sorry. Please, just come home and we can fix this." He pleaded, but I had to laugh at how ridiculous he sounded.

"Come home? Are you joking? What part of this makes you think I have any interest in going back with you? As far as I'm concerned I hope I never see Mystic Falls again, I hope I never have to go back to Virginia, and I hope I never see you again after tonight." I threw my hands up and sighed. "I'm done, with all of it. Maybe starting new, without you, was a good idea."

"Don't say that." What a pathetic plead. I shook my head, not wanting to hear him talk anymore.

"Can you take me home?" I asked as I turned to Klaus, receiving a gracious nod from him.

"Stefan, you're done here. Everyone can go." He said, relieving Stefan of his bond.

"Wait." Damon said as he grabbed my arm. He turned me around and kissed me, though I don't know what he thought was going to happen. It felt familiar and normal to me, in a way, but this familiar and normal feeling wasn't a good feeling anymore. It was poisoned with evil, with disgust, desperation.

I shoved him and glared, daring him to try it again. "You don't get to do that, ever. You do not touch me." I warned, turning my back to him.

"You lay one hand on her again I will rip you limb from limb." Klaus interjected, and I could tell he was beyond angry.

I put my hand on his chest and quietly said "Let's go." He immediately calmed down and walked me to the car, though I could feel the energy of his anger all around him.

As we left, I couldn't help but take one more look back at the Salvatore brothers. I hadn't realized until then how much I'd missed some of the people I'd forgotten, Stefan being one of them. We were such good friends before, but now..

"Do you want to talk about it?" Klaus asked kindly after about 10 minutes of silence, and no part of me wanted to, but I thought it may be better if I did.

"Well that depends.." I said, giving him a tired side glance. "Do you feel like drinking wine with me tonight?"

"Of course. I have the perfect bottle at the compound." He seemed satisfied with my answer, but I was exhausted. I wasn't sure how well this was going to go, hell, for all I knew he was going to turn on me and kill me once he found out what I was.

We head back to the compound and he lead me to his study. The room was like a library, the walls completely lined with books, shelves upon shelves were covered in old looking books and I hoped I'd be able to read some of them one day. In the very back was a sitting area with a fire place. I sat down on the couch and pulled a nearby blanket over me. Klaus poured me a glass of wine and sat next to me, waiting for me to begin. "What do you want to know?" I asked.

"Everything." He answered, honestly. I smiled, which was a surprise, even to myself. His kindness toward me seemed to have no bounds.

"Then we have a long night ahead of us." I took a sip of wine and readied myself to begin, but all I could think was "God help me."
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I'm so excited for the next chapter. Yay! Finally trying to get the ball rolling again lol leave a comment and tell me what you think!!!1