QueenBee Diaries

Thursday, May 29th, 2008 @ 9:11 AM

From: sheaface@parkingston.com
To: stellababyy@taylor.com
Subject: morning+algebra=hell

Morning. I'm in algebra, my first class of the day. What kind of bitch puts ALGEBRA as ANYONE'S first class. Everyone is like sleeping so no one understands anything Mrs. Benwick says. Her with her stupid black low-heels she wears EVERY day ugh. Thankfully this will be the last class of algebra. Algebra II next year, I'm thrilled! But all we are doing right now is going over the review. The people who didn't do it get to sit in the hall way and do nothing while those of us who did do it get to ask questions on the review. WhatEVER. I wouldn't have even done it if I didn't know I'd get 5 extra credit points on the exam for it. Like I even need that. I could do horrible on all my exams and it would be fine because I've had As in every class all year long.

And honestly, our families are freaking DIFFERENT. My parents are like STILL madly in love, which is adorable, I must admit :) Haha...fuckbuddy...

Mmmhmm and we shall hang out with Mason and Trace in your penthouse, that sounds like a fabulous idea and I'm sure they'd love it. But you'll see them anyway at all the best end-of-the-year bashes and our senior friend's graduations where we see them one last time before they go off to the Ivys.

Too matchy-matchy...*rolls eyes* Like your white flats with the black logos totally don't match your black and white bangles. :) And those are very cute flats but you wear them like every other day and you have zillions of other cute shoes, buttt at least if you are going to choose something to wear a lot it's Chanel. That almost makes up for it ;D

Ooh and your hair sounds fabulous. And I got your text about putting up the pictures of Delia and Whitney so you may see how much they've changed so as promised...

Here is Delia...
I just took this with my iPhone when we were redecorating her little sister's room, so she's not really looking at the camera ;D

And here is Whitney...

So those are the pictures of Delia and Whitney and you already have that silly picture of Noelle! :D I just used all these pictures because thats what I use for my contact picture on mah cellular and being in math class that's the easiest thing, but you'll see them for yourself when you come and visit. What day did you say you're arriving? Because there's this party on June 7 that Delia and I are co-hosting. Delia is doing most of it though, since, you know it's her tradition to have a huge and ah-mazing party at the end of the school year. It's being held in her estate in Rochester, New York. We are all meeting at her home here in NYC and then she's having limos drive everyone that's invited to the mansion where we will party it up :D I'm enclosing the picture she sent me of the house it's being held since they bought it this year and you haven't seen it...
If you look at the left side of the picture you see that the house continues and whatnot so it has plenty of space.
Oh and of COURSE we will see Mason and Trace there so we can make the plans with them then.
This is going to be a wicked summer, I'm telling you that. :)

Je t'aime

Sent from my iPhone
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Hey there, just want to put a disclaimer on all the pictures we use in this story. So yeah...thanks to whoever posted the pictures ;D
Much love, Kellyface