QueenBee Diaries

Sunday, May 31st, 2008 @ 10:36 AM

FTStellaK: sheaabbyy!
sheafacee: forever the stella kid (:
FTStellaK: hhaaha
FTStellaK: we're great
FTStellaK: anyways
FTStellaK: whats up?
sheafacee: in la traffic on the way to brunch.
sheafacee: ugh
FTStellaK: ewww
FTStellaK: tracy and may?
sheafacee: mmmhmm
FTStellaK: no fun
sheafacee: I'll be sure to inform you of whatever ridiculos outfit they wear though hahaa
FTStellaK: dude, do it
FTStellaK: thats always fun (:
sheafacee: k'so it turns out there is like a dining room in the MOMA
FTStellaK: wtf is moma?
FTStellaK: haha
sheafacee: haha thats the shortened version of the Museum of Modern Art
FTStellaK: ohh well pshh
FTStellaK: hahaa
FTStellaK: so what else are you doing today?
sheafacee: uh I dunno. I think I'm supposed to study for exams tomorrow D:
FTStellaK: urghh i wish school was out already :|
sheafacee: I know. rawrrawrrawr.
FTStellaK: but were gonnna be sophmores next year YAY! (:
sheafacee: mmhmm and I'm freaking excited for Delia's party
sheafacee: me too
FTStellaK: i misss youuu dammit ):
sheafacee: rawr me too. guess who else is excited for your homecoming?
FTStellaK: delia and whitney and such?
sheafacee: wow way to forget noelle :P
sheafacee: but honestly, someone elsee...
FTStellaK: ahaha just kiddding
sheafacee: actually, HIS name is...
FTStellaK: :O
sheafacee: TRACE
FTStellaK: no way!
FTStellaK: YAY!
FTStellaK: hahaha
sheafacee: mmhmm, we were texting
sheafacee: and he was all "when is stella cominggg"?"
sheafacee: and I was like "oh, why?"
sheafacee: and he's like "I don't know...just wondering."
FTStellaK: haha
FTStellaK: LIES!
sheafacee: and I was like "mmmmhmm...."
sheafacee: and he was like
sheafacee: "becausewe'vebeentextingalotanditmakesmerealizehowmuchImissher"
sheafacee: and I was like AWHHHH
FTStellaK: awwwh! that's adorable
sheafacee: I know
FTStellaK: YAY
FTStellaK: so speaking of which;
sheafacee: fantastic his mother decided to be a fucking bitch and pick mason up at like 7am this morning which sucked because I was already tired from waking up early yesterday morning ugh
FTStellaK: blergh
sheafacee: I think Mason may come to brunch a little late (his mother picked him up so the family could all go to early breakfast with his family that came down from ireland)
FTStellaK: ohh well maybe, are you almost there?
sheafacee: eh like a few more minutes, traffic is killer
FTStellaK: blergh, i remember ny traffic
FTStellaK: hence why we would always get out of the car like a block away from school and walk cause it was so packed
FTStellaK: ah, good times
sheafacee: but yeah I really hope Mason's ireland family people go away soon because his mom likes him spending so much freaking time with them when they are here
FTStellaK: must be cause their like never here, but thats lame
sheafacee: yeahh
sheafacee: trace's family is coming to brunch
FTStellaK: awwhh
sheafacee: so I'm going to quiz him about you
FTStellaK: i miss his little skinnyy ass ):
sheafacee: fuck it.
FTStellaK: what?
sheafacee: I'm getting out of this car.
FTStellaK: hahahaa, how far are you?
sheafacee: I can't STAND sitting in traffic
FTStellaK: dude, me neither its just a waste of my life :|
sheafacee: like 3 minutes away walking and like 7 minutes away driving
FTStellaK: hahaha then just walk!
sheafacee: I am
FTStellaK: im like not doing anything today till like, maybe 4 cause my mom and giselle left this morning at like 8 for an early flight so im home alone
FTStellaK: and its the drivers day off and my dads off in like, germany or something
FTStellaK: and brittany is gone to like her grandmas house today anndd bayleigh and amber can only come over at 4 cause they have other shit till then
FTStellaK: hahah SO YEAH right now i'm sitting in my bed like drowning in my super squishyy comforter and pillows cause the air conditioning is SO FUCKING COLD
sheafacee: hey sorry for going all MIA
FTStellaK: jesus that took you forever hahah
sheafacee: I was checking into the MOMA's fancy smanchy dining room
FTStellaK: hahaha always fun
FTStellaK: i got a new macbook air (: came in the mail this morning when i checked when i was saying bye to my mother
sheafacee: oh my lord, so weird, my mother said she'd get me one if I got all As on my exams
sheafacee: which is kind of gay
FTStellaK: you can get one yourself... hahah
sheafacee: haha
sheafacee: jkjkjklololol I HEART YOUR FUCKING MAKEUP
FTStellaK: omg i love your hair!
FTStellaK: is that a new tattoo did that piercing fucking hurt?
FTStellaK: haha thats what i should ask trace
sheafacee: haha with the monroes?
FTStellaK: haha awh yesss
FTStellaK: i heard he pierced his nose tooo?
sheafacee: mmm I think so, but he doesnt wear rings just like little stud madnesses haha
FTStellaK: haha awwwh i wannna see!
sheafacee: alright so I'm sitting down at mah table with mah family, and noelles family
FTStellaK: always exciting hahaha
FTStellaK: i think i shall text someone (;
sheafacee: text trace, I think he's coming over to my table now
sheafacee: and I'll be able to see the look on his face
FTStellaK: NO SHIT who do you think i was talking about? i just texted him(:
sheafacee: awh, what a shame I thought you wanted to text may!
FTStellaK: nawww, ill pass
FTStellaK: AWWWWH no way!
sheafacee: he's like trying to type
sheafacee: and failing
sheafacee: he dropped his phone
FTStellaK: awwwwwwh lmao
sheafacee: picking it up
sheafacee: looking embarresed
FTStellaK: you should be like "having issues trace?"
FTStellaK: "would you like some assistance?"
sheafacee: haha I just said it.
FTStellaK: hahahahaa
sheafacee: he said "no" all embarressed sounding
sheafacee: haha I think you turn him to mush
FTStellaK: i think so too (;
sheafacee: tell me what he texts you
FTStellaK: and all i said was "heyy(:"
FTStellaK: i wonder what he does when i actually start flirting
FTStellaK: have a seizure? PASS OUT!?
FTStellaK: "hey cutie (;"
FTStellaK: awwwwwwh
sheafacee: alright
sheafacee: he has safely made it to his seat
FTStellaK: hahahaha lmfao
sheafacee: h/o ordreing food...
FTStellaK: mkay
sheafacee: I'm a fattie, I just ordered waffles wif whipped cream and chocolate dipped strawberries
FTStellaK: hahaa holyy jesus fatass! (:
sheafacee: but I figure I'll need this overload of calories to survive tracy and may
FTStellaK: hahahahahhahaa
sheafacee: guess who just walked in wearing matching dressses from juicy couture?
FTStellaK: I WONDER hahah
sheafacee: tracy-lime green, may-hot pink
FTStellaK: hahha they just make me laugh
sheafacee: so freaking gay
FTStellaK: hahahaha so lame
sheafacee: those outfits are WAY too bright for the morning
FTStellaK: no shit are you getting blinded?
sheafacee:I'm trying to concentate on my phone aim until the food comes haha
FTStellaK: haha
FTStellaK: who the fuck is at my door
FTStellaK: at this time in the morning
sheafacee: oh, God, I feel so bad for Delia and Whitney (at the table next to me)- Tracy&May sat with them
FTStellaK: awwh
sheafacee: ew doorbell D:
FTStellaK: blergh, brb
♠ ♠ ♠
This is alllll an aim conversation on Shea's iPhone and Stella's MacBook
