QueenBee Diaries

Wednesday, June 3, 2008 @ 7:09 AM

From: stellababyy@taylor.com
To: sheaface@parkingston.com
Subject: RAWR!

Hi baby! How're you my dearest Shea (:
I hope you and your lover are well, cause I AM SO FUCKING PISSED OH MY EFFING GOD.
If I was in New York City right now, Adriana would be dead. D-E-A-D.
How dare she shove her tongue down Trace's throat. >:|
She makes me so mad, she always has.
Remember back in the Preschool days, when we were all in the same class and she always tried to join our clique?
I find it extremely amusing that we had a clique back when we were five, it's like we were destined to turn out like this.
But anyways, and every time we were on the verge of being "Sure Adriana, you can totally join our group," she'd do something extremely bitchy like find our Barbies and chop off all their hair cause we were taking too long to make our decisions.
Thank God we never DID actually let her in.
And now I'm so scared that Trace will start liking her.
Cause you know, she's like.. THERE. And I'm all the way in California.
God, this sucks so bad.
But thank you so much for telling me all this.
If you didn't, I would've still been freaked out cause he wasn't texting me back, but atleast now i know why.
But I know exactly what you mean with the dreadful exams cause same here!
No fun. But so far they've all been fairly easy, so basically just a pain in the ass.
Atleast we get halfdays? So in the afternoon we can go shopping for bikinis and flipflops and adorable sundresses.
And flats, of course.
Hhahahaha. You know me, so you know I can't live without flats.
OH, so there's a FTSK/ATL/Metro concert in Orange County August 2nd, so we MUST go to that when you're in town.
Only like 3 days left (:(:(:(:(:

And write back soon, prettyy please.
OH and Trace should get a regular SideKick if he has T-Mobile. (:

You know you love me!
Stella <3
♠ ♠ ♠
lalalallaala (: