QueenBee Diaries

Tuesday, May 27th, 2008 @ 7:48 PM

From: sheaface@parkingston.com
To: stellababyy@taylor.com
Subject: Salut!

Hey there!
Mmmmm summer :) So you get out June 6? Well I get out on June 5 :P So auditions for Theatre Class Placement were amazing and after singing my sixteen bars of and song and presenting my monologue, my theatre teacher went on a rant on my singing abilities and authentic acting :D
Agreement with your summer plan. It shall be amazing, oh and send me pictures and names of your skanks so when I meet them I can skip the introduction part and just be like “Hey hoe, I’m Shea.” :) Although about London, Paris, Rome…hmmm tempting although I don’t think all three, we have to save at least one for a later vacation such as Thanksgiving Break ;D
Oh and uhm, the MALL? Don’t you mean Fifth Avenue, Bendel’s, and of course our favorite, Bergdorfs :D And of course, there is no place like NYC for our ah-mazing fashion. From our skinnys and Dior coats for winter to summer's BCBG dresses we are all freaking fantastic-looking :)

And YES. Gossip Girl is ah-mazing, especially considering how parallel it can be to my fabulous life :) Mehh yeah it needs to come back on air! Oh and did you see Blair's outfit at the end of the episode? Beautiful! Oh yes, when we're at your house in Cali, bored of the beach we'll feel so stupid and immature while we eat icecream and have a GG marathon :D

By the way, are you excited? Summer is the ultimate season for hook-ups ;D

Je t'aime!
♠ ♠ ♠
For those of you non-french-takers...
Salut means "Hi"
Je t'aime means "I love you"
And those of you that don't watch Gossip Girl should totally get caught up before the third season starts because it's ah-mazing!

Much Love, Kellyface