‹ Prequel: My Angel in Disguise
Status: Finished- Thank you all for everything!


All About You

(Teegan's POV)

Here I was a month later already, anxiously awaiting the birth of my son. A few nights ago I had started having contractions, so Zacky had suggested it be a good idea if we had gone to the hospital. Fortunately I'm glad we did, because according to the doctor I was due any minute now. I had only asked Val, Zacky and Mike to be there when the baby was being delivered. And regardless of how terrified I was, I knew it was only the right thing to do by letting him be there. Truthfully, you wouldn't be able to tell who the dad was until the baby started to get a little older. Unless of course he was born with a full head of dark hair, then we'd know for sure that Zacky was the father and ultimately probably crush mostly everyone I've ever shared the news of me being pregnant with Chester's baby with. "Are you ready for this?" Val asked softly as she sat beside me at my bed, holding my hand. I just sighed, trying to fight off the tears. Of course I wasn't. I wasn't ready to reveal who could potentially be the father, I wasn't ready to be a Mom on my own.

"I'm scared I'm going to disappoint everyone." I now cried, all of my emotions flooding through me at once. "You're not, Teegan. Everyone will be fine, no one will be disappointed in you. You're doing great." I just sobbed loudly, catching her completely off guard. I just wanted everyone to go away, I wanted everything to stop. I wanted my life to be exactly how it used to be. Just me and Chester, watching movies and touring the world, enjoying every minute of each other as long as we could. I know Zacky is counting on the baby being his, but my odds were definitely in favor of my son being Chester's. As another wave of sharp pains hit me, I knew it wouldn't be much longer before he was going to be making an entrance into this great wide world. I shut my eyes tight as I tried to breathe through them, thinking about Chester.

"You really want to kill me, don't you?" I muttered to Chester as we continued to hike up a steep and rocky hill. He just chuckled softly, gripping onto my hand as we navigated through the trail. It was his brilliant idea to show me something he liked to call 'The Most Beautiful Place On Earth'. He said had discovered it once hiking here with Mike and his wife, so now he wanted to share the breath taking scene with me. I was terrified of heights, but he insisted that it wouldn't be too bad and that he would hold my hand the entire way there. Of course I gave in to him, because I loved him and loved seeing him happy, but as we climbed higher and higher, my anxiety just continued to rise drastically. "Babe, are you sure we're almost there? I'm getting very, and I do mean very, fucking woozy over here." I said in a shaky tone as he continued to pull me along. I knew I couldn't walk with my eyes closed as much as I wanted to, so I just kept my view focused straight ahead of me. "Okay, we're just about there. But you have to close your eyes." I stared at him slightly in shock, my mouth hanging open a bit. "Wait, what?" He just smiled at me wickedly as he now stood behind me, moving my body forward. I just kept my eyes glued shut, praying to God that I didn't fall down and slip off the edge of this mountain. After what felt like forever. I finally felt him stop. "Okay baby, you can open your eyes now." And as I did, my mouth fell wide open again. The scene was more beautiful than words could ever describe. There was a large waterfall that lead to a small pool, with butterflies and birds gathered all around. "Oh my God, it's so pretty." I breathed in awe, looking up at Chester. He just held me close against him, nuzzling his face in the crook of my neck. "Just like you babe. This place reminds me of how beautiful you are, that's why I wanted to bring you here."

"Oh my fucking God, someone please kill me!" I practically screamed out in pain as another round of sharp pains hit my lower stomach. Now this baby was going to come out at any given moment and I was scared to death. "Val! Zack! Fucking somebody!" I yelled in pain mixed with frustration as no one was coming to my rescue. I pushed the small button on the side of my bed that called a nurse. Thankfully as soon as I did, everyone came rushing in. "About fucking time." I seethed, throwing my head back onto the pillow. "Is he getting closer? Are you in bad pain?" Val asked me as she came to my bedside, taking my hand. I just nodded, the pain too unbearable to even try to speak. She pressed the button for the nurse again as Mike and Zacky stood back on the sidelines, talking among each other. I had made Zacky promise not to say anything until we knew for sure who was the father and he swore he wouldn't. Fifteen minutes later a short older woman walked in, a clipboard in hand. She took my blood pressure before asking how bad the pain was. "About a ten." I gasped, feeling another heavy blow. "Okay hun I'll get the doctor in here immediately, it sounds like you're about to go into labor. " My eyes grew huge with fear as I heard those words, gripping onto Val's hand even tighter then before. "It's gonna be okay Teegan. We're all here with you, you're going to do just fine." I admired how sweetly Val was talking to try and relax me, but nothing seemed to be working.

Finally the doctor had come in and examined me, agreeing that I was just about ten centimeters dilated and was going to give birth at any minute. They gave me an epidural which definitely helped with the physical pain, but ultimately it did nothing to help with my emotional distress. "Teegan, I just want you to know that if Chester was here, you know he'd be right here beside you. But don't think he isn't. because he is spiritually, but I'm here for you okay? And I'm not gonna leave your side." In came Mike's soft voice from the other side of me. I reached out to take his hand, holding onto it tight. "Thank you, Mike. I know how much Chester means to you and this means the world to us that you're here." He just smiled big, wiping away the stray tears that ran down his face. I know this was hard for him as well, we all wished that Chester could be here to see this. I then looked over at Zacky who just stayed behind Val, keeping his head low. "Zee, come here please." I cried softly, reaching out my other hand. He eventually gave in and came to me, taking my hand gently. "I know this means a lot to you, too. You're the best friend that anyone could ever ask for. I know you'll be there for us no matter what and I love you always for everything." He just stayed quiet, kissing the top of my hand quickly.

I don't remember much about the next few hours, but I do know that when I felt the rush of fluid and more intense pain, it was time for my son to be born. I couldn't remember how long it took or how many pushes I had to do to bring him into this world, but before I knew it, he was here. He was placed in my arms in a tight little bundle, his eyes closed tight as he cried and screamed. He was so light colored and little, and he had no hair, which made me even more certain that he was Chester's. I wrote his name on the birth certificate and ultimately left the father section blank. Chester James Bennington, born on Friday, April 13th, 2018 at 5:06 pm, weighing in at a good six pounds and three ounces. I couldn't wait for his eyes to open, I wanted to know what color they were going to be, I wanted to know what color his hair was going to turn. But as he stayed in my arms, sleeping peacefully, I noticed he had a certain glow around his face. "Chester, I know that's you. See our baby? He's finally here. I couldn't wait for you to finally get to see him. I hope he's everything you've ever dreamed of. I love you, so much my love. I can't wait until they day we're all together as a family. Thank you for helping me bring this bundle of joy into the world."

Mike and Val each took turns holding him as well, taking pictures and cooing little words into his ears at how much they can't wait for him to grow up already. I cried at how much everyone admired and loved him so far, he was truly blessed to have all these wonderful people in his life.

(Zacky's POV)

As I watched Teegan hold baby Chester tightly in her arms, I noticed right away that so far he had none of my features. His skin was a slight tan and he had no dark hair on his head, so I knew practically that it was already a done deal, that he wasn't mine son. But regardless of it all, I still wanted to be there for her and for him. "I'm really sorry, Zacky. I know how badly you wanted him to be yours. But there's still a chance." She whispered softly as she handed him over to me, his little body looking so fragile and innocent in my arms. I tried to hold back the tears as I felt my vision go blurry. Of course I wanted him to be mine. "No, Tee. There isn't a chance. Just look at him, he has Chester's skin, his nose, that's his baby. And you know what? I'm fine with that now, because he's your angel. That is your special bond, Teegan. Between you and him, that's your miracle baby. Now you know for a fact that you have a piece of him always with you and he legacy will live on." She just nodded her head, watching me with tears in her own eyes as I held the baby close to my chest.

"You're my special little angel too, no matter what." I whispered softly into his ear, before kissing the top of his head softly.
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And that's it! Thank you all so so so much for the tremendous amount of support and feedback for this story! It truly means the world to me, and I am so grateful that this has done so well, better than I had expected! I love you all and without you, my stories never would have survived! So thank you all again! xo