I Live to Let You Shine


This picture is not any of my friends or anyone I know.
I am not going to claim it, but use it in my story.
This is for the visual look of what I want the characters to look like.


Left Of The Picture

Full Name -Haylee Lyanne Taylor-

Age -18-

Right Of The Picture

Full Name -Lindsie Roxanne Simon-

Age -19-

This story was made from an inspiration of a song called, Boats and Birds, by Gregory and the Hawk.


-Haylee's POV-

The plane took off as I sat back in my seat listening to Demolition Lovers by My Chemical Romance.
My eye lids got heavier by the second, but a shift of weight in the seat next to mine made me open my eyes again.
I glanced at a group of 3 guys in front of me.
How the plane was arrange, there was a table between yo and the people across from you.
Like on a train, but on a plane.
It's how they arranged planes in England.
I paused my iPod and pulled my ear phones out to meet them.

"Hello." One said cheerfully as I smiled.
"Hi." I said to all of them as I noticed the three were staring at me.
"I'm Matt, Josh, and Chris." One of them introduced as I nodded in approval.
"Haylee." I said as they all glanced at each other.

I hated when guys did that.
Actually I hate guys in general.

"Why are you going to Canada?" Chris asked, trying to strike up a conversation.

I couldn't tell them the truth, not yet at least.

"Runaway." I blurted out as Josh quirked an eyebrow.
"So, your running from jail?" Josh asked as I giggled.
"That's not what a runaway means idiot." Matt said as he smacked him upside the head, which made me laugh even more.
"No. I just can't live at home anymore." I said as Matt and Chris nodded, but Josh sat there glaring at Matt and rubbing the back of his head.
"So, your going to Canada?" Matt asked as I nodded.
"I don't know why I picked Canada, but cheapest plae ticket I ever bought with my own money." I said as they all laughed.
"We live in Canada." Chris stated as I quirked an eyebrow.
"What were you doing in England then?" I asked as Josh broke into a smile.
"We're a band, kind of." He said as I forced myself not to laugh.
"We don't have a singer, or a lead guitarist. We took a trip to England to find anybody that maybe could. But, no one was that good." Matt said as I smirked.
"Oh really." I said as they all nodded in confusion.
"I'm good at both of those. Too bad I don't know you." I stated, sarcastically, as their eyes lit up.
"You don't seem like you have a place to stay." Chris murmured as he looked at Matt who nodded to Josh.
"Would you like to stay with us?" Josh asked as I had the look of, 'I'm thinking about it', plastered on my face.
"We have another room, in our duplex. If you want your own privacy." Matt tried to reassure as a smile spread across my face.
"Sure I'll stay with you."