I Live to Let You Shine


This picture is not any of my friends or anyone I know.
I am not going to claim it, but use it in my story.
This is for the visual look of what I want the characters to look like.


Left Of The Picture

Full Name -Haylee Lyanne Taylor-

Age -18-

Right Of The Picture

Full Name -Lindsie Roxanne Simon-

Age -19-

This story was made from an inspiration of a song called, Boats and Birds, by Gregory and the Hawk.


Snow capped mountains surrounded the van we were riding in on the way to their duplex.
I still didn’t trust these guys.
Yet, I had a good feeling it would be alright with them.
I sat between Chris and Josh as Matt sat up front with our escorted driver.

“Like the scene?” Chris asked me as I nodded and stared outside without once glancing at him.

I’ve never really seen snow.
England was more a rainy type.

“Snow fascinates you huh?” Matt asked as he turned around.
“Don’t see it that often.” I murmured as he nodded and turned back around.
“There it is” Josh said as I looked ahead of me.

I smiled as a beautiful place stood in front of us.
I need to bring Lindsie here some day.

“You’ll love it in the house.” Chris stated as I nodded.
“Nice and spacious.” Matt added as the van came to a stop.

We all got out one by one and grabbed our belongings.
They placed theirs in their own bedrooms as I was left standing on the door mat admiring the paintings hanging up.

“would you like to sleep in that spot or sleep in your own bedroom?” Josh asked, breaking the silence.
“Oh, the bedroom.” I laughed as he nodded.
“You’ll be in the house with Matt. Chris and I share the one down that hallway.” He said as he pointed down a long corridor to where Chris and he stayed.
“Okay.” I said as we moved along down the opposite corridor.
“Matt’s room, apparently.” He said sarcastically as we passed by Matt’s room that was blasting music so loud the neighbors could probably hear.

I smiled.
Music is the key to life.

“This is your room.” He stated as he nodded and left me alone.

A house full of guys, a foreign country, and no money.
Oh they joys I will have.