Moving to Hawaii

First Assignment

“Go ahead, you can do it”, Beth whispered as Charlotte nervously listened to the ringing on the other end of the phone.

“Hello!” She exclaimed, then winced at how excited her voice had been. “Is Jacob around?”

Charlotte glanced up at Beth, Dog and Tim as they watched her. Dog nodded, signaling her to keep going.

“Oh ok, well this is Stacy. We met at a party the other night, yeah, he asked if he could borrow some money...” Charlotte glanced up to Beth. “I told him I could get it to him but I forgot where to meet him.”

“He’s going to wake him up”, Charlotte said with her hand over the mouth piece to Beth and Dog.

“Good girl, honey”, Dog said. He wrote down an address, “tell him to meet you here in a half hour.”

Charlotte nodded as Jacob picked up the phone, “Hey Jacob, remember me? We met at that party the other night... yeah, yeah that’s the one. I got together the money you asked to borrow. Yeah, can you meet me tonight? I’m afraid my roommate will take it if I keep it at my house.”

“She’s a natural at this”, Tim whispered to Dog who nodded in agreement.

“Yes, at 468 Rainbow Ave, I’ll meet you in the parking lot. Yeah, maybe we can hang out sometime soon too, ya know, not at a party”, Charlotte blushed. Beth had told her to make the call as believeable as possible. She couldn’t believe she was on a phone call after working here all of an hour.

When she hung up Duane Lee and Leland were walking in from getting the vehicles ready to go.

“Charlie got him”, Dog announced to them, “let’s suit up.”

Charlotte smiled at the nickname, it was what her dad used to call her too.

“Someone is staying here with Charlotte”, Beth announced. “She’s too new to be on a bounty and she’s worked here an hour, I can’t leave her alone.”

“Beth you stay”, Dog Said as he strapped on his vest.

“You need a girl, Duane! This guy isn’t going to stroll up to a guy named Stacy”, Beth spoke, sounding agitated.

“I can stay with her”, Duane Lee spoke up.

“That’ll work, come on let’s move”, Dog said, not giving it much of a second thought.

Once everyone had rushed out Charlotte made a pot of coffee and sat at the receptionist desk. She was nervous as hell.

“You can relax you know”, Duane Lee joked with a grin. “Sunday’s are generally slow days, that’s why we spend most of them hunting.” He sat in a wheeled chair and rolled over closer to the receptionist desk.

“Honestly I didn’t know what day it was”, Charlotte admitted. She sipped her coffee and studied Duane Lee.

“Dad filled us all in on your story earlier”, Duane Lee confesses. “Said he was going to call you when we got back from that last bounty and see if he could help you out. But when we got back Beth had already taken care of that.”

“Your parents are amazing people”, Charlotte said. “I will forever be grateful.”

“Beth is my step-mom”, Duane Lee said. “She’s great if you stay on her good side, she is a tough woman.”

“Noted”, Charlotte said with a smile. They chatted for a while about the family and the business. Charlotte learned that Leland ran another location on a different island but visited often and vice versa for bounties, that Tim wasn’t actually a family member but Dog considered him his brother, and that soon another of Dog’s children named Lyssa would possibly be joining the family business.

“How old are you anyway?” Duane Lee asked. “You look young.”

“I’m twenty two, not that young.”

“Guess not, I’m thirty three though, so you seem pretty young to me.”

“I would have guessed younger”, Charlotte replied. “Are you married?”

“I am”, Duane Lee confirmed. “Got a son too.”

“That’s cool. What about Leland and Justin?”

“Justin is too, uh, free spirited”, Duane Lee answer, using finger quotes. “Leland is married, he’s got two boys.”

“Really?! How old is he?”

“He’s twenty seven.”

“Well, I guess the fresh air is doing you guys good.”

“You think we’re cute?” Duane Lee asked with a smirk.

“Stop it”, Charlotte responded, blushing. It’s not what she had meant but they were all attractive when she thought about it.

“Aww, Charlie's got a crush on us!” Duane Lee teased.

“Oh my gosh! You’re ridiculous!” Charlotte exclaimed.

They heard the bell on the front door ding as everyone came filing back in.

“We got him!” Dog announced with a laugh as he entered.

“Awesome!” Duane Lee said before high-fiving Leland and Justin.

“He realized he messed up as soon as Beth turned around and by that time I was already on him”, Tim added with a laugh.

“Did everything go ok here?” Beth asked Charlotte.

“Just peachy”, she replied. She could see Duane Lee smirking at her out of the corner of his eye.

“Alright guys, I think we can call it a night”, Dog announced. Everyone began saying goodbye and it hit Charlotte, she didn’t have anywhere to go. As everyone exited the building she hung back by her car, waiting for them to leave.

“Do you have somewhere to stay, honey?” Beth asked.

“My car”, Charlotte answered, “I don’t have enough for a motel tonight.”

“You can come home with us”, Beth declared.

“Oh no, I can’t inconvenience you like that”, Charlotte began.

“Save it”, Beth answered. “It’s not a free ride, nobody gets a free ride. You can stay with us as long as you need but you’re expected to help out.”

“Yes, m’am”, Charlotte answered, remembering the conversation she had earlier with Duane Lee about staying on Beth’s good side. She got into her car and followed Dog and Beath as they led the way to their house, wondering the whole way what to expect.