

Harry and Summer talked for a little while longer, before Harry noticed just how exhausted Summer looked. He walked her home, though it was only a short walk, as they hadn't walked very far from her house. Summer was thankful for it nonetheless. He walked her right up to the door.

"Thank you for tonight," Summer said as they came to a stop. She beamed up at him and he returned the grin. "I don't think I've ever been out to just walk around and talk before."

"Oh?" Harry said. He leaned against the side of her house. "What do you usually do?" There was a crease between his brows as his expression became more serious.

"Well, I like to go out to this bar with my roommate, and sometimes our other friends join us," Summer nodded. Harry purses his lips.

"Bar?" he said. Summer bit her lip, broke into a smile again, and nodded her head again. Harry tilted his head and raised his eyebrows.

"It's an LGBT bar," she said. Harry smiled as well.

"Well, you'll have to take me along sometime," Harry said. "Maybe I'll run into Liam with the cute butt again." He winked at her with an open-mouthed grin.

"Ew," Summer exclaimed, smacking him in the arm.

"Ow!" Harry said. He leaned away, laughing and rubbing his arm.

"I warned you, Styles," Summer giggled. "I told you I'd smack ya."

"Yes, I see now you are a woman of your word," Harry said. He rolled his eyes and leaned back toward her.

What was he leaning in for? Wouldn't it be too soon? She'd only just met the man. Was he really going to kiss her so soon?

Summer swallowed and closed her eyes as he leaned in further. There was the brush of Harry's fingers over and through her hair, a light puff of his breath over her cheek, and then nothing. Summer opened her eyes to find Harry grinning at her, eyes sparkling, with him twirling a lead around by the stem. Suddenly it was a little too warm out.

"There was a leaf," Harry said quietly, that mischievous grin still plastered on his face. He let the leaf fall and straightened up. His voice was still quiet when he spoke again. "You should sleep, Summer. I'll text you tomorrow- well, later."

They both chuckled at that. Summer smiled again and nodded.

"And you should text me, if for some reason you're awake before me," he said, pointing finger guns at her. Summer nodded.

"Of course," she said.

Harry grinned and pulled her in for a hug. Summer stared blankly past him for a moment, and then returned the embrace. Harry tightened his hold on her for a brief moment before pulling away.

"Good night, Summer!" he said. He jogged down the porch and off, stopping momentarily to wave at her.

"Good night, Styles!" Summer called and waved back.

The grin was still on his face before he turned and disappeared around the hedges.

Summer let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. She had only just met him, but the chemistry was undeniable. She fanned herself and sighed before opening the door and heading inside; no need to stand around and be willing mosquito food.

Her jeans were shed the moment she reached her room. She climbed back under the blankets, setting her phone down on the table. It buzzed before she could turn her lamp light out.

good night sweet dreams :) -H

Summer smiled down at her screen. She sent him a quick good night text back and settled further under the covers. But her phone buzzed again.

I'm going to be home late. Again. That damn bitch called in again, and I have to cover a few hours of her shift before her replacement arrives. Fuuuuck my life.

After sending a quick apology text, Summer stared out the window and frowned. Emily. She hoped that girl got fired soon. She shook her head and settled back down again, turning the lamp off finally.

She drifted to sleep, thinking about the way her name rolled off Harry's tongue.