‹ Prequel: I Need a Gangster

Monster in Hiding

"Now Miss Sanders, as you know, all new inmates must have their first session with you upon arrival." Mr. Compton, my boss, spoke as he stood in the doorway of my office. His usual cup of coffee in his hand, but there was an odd look on his face. "Of course, Mr. Compton, that's the way it has always been. I'm assuming by your presence in my door way that we have a new inmate among us." I sighed, removing my glasses from my face.

Mr. Compton's body seemed to tense ever so slightly as my eyes raked over him. His hand shook as he reached down into his pocket and pulled out a handkerchief. There were beads of sweat pooling together on his forehead.

He was stepping around whatever he had come to discuss with me. Whatever it was, it was making him nervous, making him sweat. "Miss Sanders, I've come to offer my assistance with our new inmate. As you've been with us many years, I am not just going to pull you away from your job- however if you feel, for any reason, that you cannot handle it, I am more than willing to take over." His words had taken me by surprise. As nice as Mr. Compton was, in all my years working for him he had never offered to take on anyone's work load.

"Will you just tell me what's going on?" I sighed, more than ready to just get this over with so I could go home.

Shaking his head, Mr. Compton let out a low sigh before turning to look at whoever was standing behind him. "Bring him in." His voice was soft, as he stepped to the side to allow whoever it was into my office.

I watched as two guards dragged the large body into the room, bound in chains and locked him to the chair sitting in front of my desk. "What the fuck is going on here?" I growled, pushing myself up onto my feet. No one answered me. "You let him go right now! What is this, some kind of sick joke?!" I raised my voice as I looked at Mr. Compton.

"Elle, please, there's nothing we can do. He's been charged, he has to serve his time." Was all Mr. Compton said to me. Moving around my desk, I fell to my knees in front of the man sitting in the chair in chains. No, he wasn't just some random man, random inmate. "Matt. Matty, what's going on? Baby, what are you doing here, this is a joke right?" I could hear my voice shaking.

Matt had never done anything wrong in his life, there was no way that he was supposed to be here right now. My hands shook as I placed them on the sides of his face, and made him look up at me. Only what I saw made my heart stop. Looking in his eyes, I could feel my breath pause in my chest. His normally golden eyes had gone dark, and he had a wicked smile on his lips.

This was not the man I married.