Sequel: Welcome to the Family
Status: FINISHED! Thank you everyone!

Vengeance Is Mine

Not Your Rebound

(Zephyr's POV)

That voice, that goddamn voice. There was a total of 6 people. including myself, and no one couldn't tell that there was someone coming upstairs and into the room? Zack pulled away suddenly, shoving me aside as his eyes widened in shock. The last person he was expecting to see was standing right behind him. "How could you?! You asshole!! And you, you're nothing but a slut!! I knew you were a backstabber!" A hard slap soon came across my face but the guys quickly intervened, pulling Zoey away from me. I held my cheek, shaking my head. "Me? A slut? You're the one who slept with four different guys in one whole month while Zack was away at a gig up north this summer. You were the one who was throwing herself over some scumbag at the bar a week ago, not me! It's not my fault he finally figured out what he wanted!" She was trying to lunge at me but thankfully Matt kept a tight grip on her. Jimmy and Brian stepped in between us while Zack just stood there silently, not making a sound.

"What he wants? Zack wants me! That's why he's been texting me every day and night, making sure that I'm alright, saying that he loves me. Don't believe me? Ask him yourself." Suddenly all the attention was focused on him now. Everyone's eyes, including mine, were practically burning holes into his skull. He threw his hands up in clear defeat, groaning loudly. "Is that true, Zee? You're still talking to my sister and saying that you love her?" He looked over at me briefly before shifting his gaze away towards the floor. That sealed the deal right there. How I could ever be so naive, so stupid, to finally think that things were going to change after only three whole days, is beyond me. It's my own fault, for being so goddamn gullible. I just finally, truly thought that Zack had come to his senses and realized how much that I had loved him, how much that it made sense for us to be together and not him and Zoey.

I could feel the tears in my eyes begin to swell up instantly and ultimately pour out of my eyes. I felt so stupid, so embarrassed. I couldn't believe that Val was right all along, he really was just playing me. "In my defense, I told you that I hadn't broken up with Zoey yet, you knew I was still technically with her." My blood grew hot now as I fought off the urge to punch him right in the face. "Yes, you're right, I did know. But that doesn't mean you can go around and tell her that you love her while you're sleeping next to me, in your bed, kissing me, whenever you want to. Now whose the one that looks like a slut, Zack? You're playing both of us. Regardless of whether or not I hate my sister, I still don't think she deserves that. I'm over this, I'm over you. You said I need to grow up, when really, it's you. You need to grow up, and figure out what it is that you really want. I'm out of here." No one said a word as I grabbed my bags that still weren't fully unpacked and left out the door.

I noticed the loud sound of footsteps following close behind me until I reached the living room. I casually went over to Zack's mom, thanking her for letting me stay at her home and taking good care of me. She's slightly puzzled as to why I was leaving, but the sudden sound of Zack and Zoey yelling could soon be heard. She sighed deeply before shaking her head in utter disappointment. Val placed an arm over my shoulder as we all walked out of the front door and started on our walk to Central Park. Literally all of us lived within a few blocks from one another, so distance was never an issue. I basically cried the entire way there, mentioning how stupid I was over a dozen times, eventually causing Brian to tell me to politely shut up. He did it with a hug and meant it in the nicest way possible. "He's an asshole, he knew what he was doing the entire time. He's lucky I didn't punch him." He finally said after we pulled apart. I knew they were trying to cheer me up, but it wasn't working.

"Let's just forget about it for a while and try to relax, my head is killing me from all the geometry homework I did today." Matt spoke as he pulled out a couple of 40's from his backpack and cracked one open, taking a large drink. He then handed over the other one to Jimmy who offered me some in return, but I wasn't in the mood. Depressed and drunk only could end up in a total disaster. "You can stay at my house tonight Zeph, it's really no problem. Besides, my parents love you." I smiled weakly at Val who hugged me tightly into her side. I was grateful that I still had places to go, but it didn't ease my pain none as my phone soon started to buzz like crazy, signaling that I had multiple new text messages. They all were from Zack of course, except with only one being from Zoey.

I scanned over them quickly, nothing too much was said. She insisted that I stay away from Zack if I knew what was good for me, because he clearly only sought me as a rebound, a girl he felt sorry for. All of Zack's messages were redundant, asking for me to forgive him and to please come back so we could talk. I didn't respond to any of them and eventually shut off my phone all together. "Just give it some time, I'm sure things will blow over. I know he's a douche for playing you, but you can't really blame the guy, he's a sucker for love." I rolled my eyes some at the comment Jimmy made before sitting on a lone log and looking up at the sky as the colors started to change from a pinkish glow, to pitch black. Now would be a really good time to receive some sort of sign or signal from my dad, I really needed it. But of course after a few minutes of solitude, nothing happens, like usual.

A few hours seem to finally pass before we all decide it's time to start heading home as the moon is rising higher in the sky. It was barely Thursday, everyone else besides me had to get up for school in the morning. I actually kind of wished I was there, that way I could be distracted by something and not constantly thinking about all of this. When I finally did turn my phone on, the screen flashed brightly, signaling I had more new messages. I ignored them again until it started to ring loudly. It was Zack. I walked a few feet ahead of everyone before answering it. I knew I really shouldn't of, but I honestly wanted to hear what it was he had to say to me. "Hello?" I say flatly, sighing lightly. "Zephyr, I'm really sorry, I mean it. I really am going to break up with Zoey, I do love you." I bit down on my tongue as I fought back the words that desperately wanted to come out of my mouth.

I wanted to tell him that I loved him too and that I would be willing to wait for him to break up with Zoey. But my conscious wouldn't let me, I just couldn't stoop that low. "Zack, you really messed up. You played me, like a fool. You told me you loved me, you made me believe that you really wanted to be with me. But you're still not over Zoey, clearly. You've been texting her and still saying that you love her too. It's not fair, I'm not your rebound Zee, I'm your best friend. Not just some girl whose always hanging around you like some groupie, your fucking best friend, since preschool. You really hurt me, I don't even know if I can ever forgive you. It's fucked up Zack, you fucked up." The tone in my voice was changing fast as the tears started up again and I started to choke on my words.

He stayed silent on the end for a good five minutes before he even decided to speak again. "Please don't cry, Zephyr. I know I fucked up, I know I, but I swear to you, I'm over Zoey. I broke up with her after you left, I told you I was done and I meant it. I love you, Zephyr, please, come back, come spend the night, please." Again I fought off to say what I really wanted to and stood my ground. I wasn't going to give into him that easy, not anymore, not after all this. "I'm sorry Zee, but it's just not that simple. I'm going to stay with Val and Michelle for a while, until all this goes away or gets sorted out. I need my space, so just leave me alone, please? I can't deal with you right now." And that's all I had said before hanging up on him and shoving my phone back into my pocket.
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Almost 100 readers, I can't believe it! Thank you all for the feedback and support, it means the world to me! I hope you all are still enjoying and I appreciate all the patience! Love you! xo