

I stopped by the hospital. I wanted to talk to my mom, to tell her that she was right about the fact that I didn't kill him.

When I got there, it was quiet. It was late and most of the patients were probably asleep, which I was thankful for. Some of them were difficult, I knew, and that made me uncomfortable.

"Good evening, Nina. Where's Kayla tonight?" the nurse on the floor asked.

"She's busy," I answered.

She would be upset if she knew I was here without her. But what else could I do? I needed to do this. My mom needed to know.

"That's a shame. Well, I told your mother you were coming. It seemed to cheer her up."

Entering my mom's room was easier than last time, and I needed feel the overwhelming urge to run.

"I need to tell you something," I said quietly. "It's about Isaac."

Mom glanced at me. "He did it," she murmured. "He killed your father. I know that now. I remembered what I saw that night."

I blinked. "You saw Isaac?" I felt sick. "Why didn't you say anything the last time I was here?" I demanded. "All this time, you lied."

"I wanted to protect you," she whispered, her eyes on me. "I thought you'd never remember what happened. Honey, you saw him too."