

"You're confused," I said.

"No, baby." Mom reached out for me, and I let her. "You and Isaac were together, and your dad came in, started yelling, and Isaac, he just lost it."

I stepped back. "If he did that, how come I remember holding the knife and having blood on my hands?"

"Because you did. But trust me, you did not hurt your father. You hated him for everything he did to us—we all did—but you knew the risks if you'd ever acted upon your actions, Nina. You knew you couldn't kill him. So Isaac did it for you."

There are tears in my eyes. My mom blurred in and out of focus. I blinked and turned away. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"I have to go," I said. "I have to talk to Isaac."


She gripped my wrist, hard.

"Don't," she pleaded.

"Let me go," I snapped. "Please. I need to hear this from him."


"No, Mom. Stop."

To my surprised, she released me.

I left before she could convince me to stay.