

"What happened tonight, Nina?"

I blinked at the detective, my whole body aching. "You arrested my boy—you arrested the person responsible for my father's death."

"He says you told him to do this."

I'm shaking, I'm so angry. "He said what?" I snapped, like I hadn't understood. But I had. Perfectly.

He just kept lying to everyone.

"Isaac claims you wanted him to kill your dad. For what he did to you and your family. You told us five years ago that he said he would get help. Did he?"

My stomach twists again, and I'm afraid of throwing up on the files. My files. But I will the nausea down, because I need to tell the truth.

Someone has to.

"My dad got help," I murmured. "He was in rehab for about two weeks before he came home. He was pissed at my mom, he felt betrayed. I tried to stop him, when he went to hit my mom, but he had the advantage. He shoved me against the counter and I hit my head on the cabinet." My eyes pricked with tears, and I wiped them away.

"He shouldn't have done that," the detective said. "And what about your mom and sister?"

"Kayla's wrist was broken, and Mom ended up in a psych ward. She's still there, she's so distraught over everything. She thought it was safer for her to be out of the way."

There's a noise that sounds like a scoff, then his voice is rough. "She left her children to deal with her husband's abuse?"

"She wasn't well. His abuse took a lot from her. I don't know a lot about my parents marriage before my mom had us, but I always wondered if this was a reoccurring thing, you know?"

"We'll look into it. I also want to see if we can get your mom back where she belongs. I'm sure you and Kayla need her now."

"Thank you," I whispered.