

I felt numb, realizing what I'd done.

I'd been there. I'd been an accomplice to a crime. Even though I hadn't done the killing myself, I could still be prosecuted.

Bile crept into my throat, and I willed it down.

There was a ringing in my ears, and a vibration at my leg. My cell phone. I grabbed for it, and saw my sister's name on the screen.

"Nina?" The voice was not my sister, but my mom. "What's going on? Kayla said you were on your way home. Where are you?"

"Mom," I said quietly. "I'm being questioned."

"Again?" Her voice turned angry. "Why can't they just leave you alone? You haven't done anything wrong."


"It'll be okay, I'll be there soon."

When she hung up, I blinked away tears. A door shut behind me, and a woman walked in. She sat across from me, and set a briefcase on the table. She opened it and took our a file, then looked at me. Her green eyes held mine before she spoke.

"Nina, my name is Victoria Hollis . I'm your lawyer. Now I need you to tell me everything so that I can help you out of this mess."