

I'd entered the building and caught sight of my lawyer. She was grabbing coffee, which gave me some time to speak with her.

"Mrs. Hollis?"

She turned. "Nina? I thought they let you go for now. Is there something you need?"

"I need to confess," I whispered. "Can we go to one of the rooms?"

She nodded.


The detective walked into the cold room. He sat down. With everything going on, I'd forgotten his name. But it wasn't important.

"Victoria says you want to tell me something, Nina."

I hesitated. "Isaac killed my dad, but I was with him. He'd done it because he thought that's what I wanted. My dad was a mean drunk, and I told Isaac I wanted him to stop."

"Nina." His eyes narrowed. "Did you ever tell Isaac to murder your father?"

"No!" I snapped. "Even though my dad was a bad person, I didn't want him dead."

Victoria hovered in the corner of the room, her hands around her cup of coffee. "Take it easy on her. She's come here to tell us the truth, and she's doing that. Can't you see how hard this is for her? Her boyfriend is responsible for her father's death, it's difficult to walk around with that knowledge."

I nodded. "What do we do now?"

The detective glanced at me. "I think you should call you mom and sister, Nina."