‹ Prequel: Handle With Care
Status: Finished! Thank you all!



(Jade's POV)

I was being selfish, I was being childish, and most of all, I was being stupid. I had stayed locked up in our bedroom for the last two days, leaving Chester to sleep on the couch and away from me at all times. But the thing that broke my heart the most was the fact that regardless of how I acted towards him, he still stayed persistent with telling me that he loves me and that he wasn't going to give up on us if it was the last thing on earth. He slipped me little love notes that piled up beside me on the nightstand. They were incredibly sweet and always made me cry. He still didn't tell anyone about the diagnosis either, just like he had promised me. I knew I couldn't hide in here forever, that I had to face him sometime, but it was just too hard. I was dying, I had a disease that could kill me at any moments notice. Sure I could possibly be saved but that was only a temporary fix. What if the chemo didn't end up working? What if none of the medications helped me feel any better? What if there was just no way to cure this? What if it worked only to come back months or years later even worse than before? I didn't want to take that chance, I didn't want to risk any sort of false hope only for things to end badly. So for now, I had decided against any sort of medical help and wanted to ride this out on my own.

"Jay, babe? I'm going to Mike's to pick up some stuff he needs me to sign for our next record deal. Do you wanna come with me? Get out of the house for a while? We could go to the aquarium." I was currently laying in a ball curled in the fetal position on our bed. I hadn't move from this spot for the last three hours already. "No." I said bluntly, hoping he would take the hint and just leave me alone. I could hear the sadness in his voice as he said goodbye to me softly. But he always made sure to say I love you every time no matter what. "I love you, Jade. I'll be home soon with a surprise for you." I felt extremely weak and honestly, I was already ready to just call it quits. No one understood what it was like to barely be graduated from high school and already your life was ending. I had a few texts from Shae and Melody, asking how I was and hopefully they would see me soon. I just turned my phone off completely, tossing it inside the drawer beside me. I finally got up from the bed long enough to look at myself over in the mirror. I still looked the same except this time my eyes were bloodshot and defeated. I really wasn't sure I could keep this up much longer. "God, why am I pushing away the only person who loves me more than life itself? Why am I being so cruel to him? He doesn't deserve this." I was crying to myself now, slamming my fist into the large mirror.

"Because he loves you and would do anything for you, you're his world." I looked up fast, seeing Chester standing there with his arms wide open. I finally gave in and let him hold me, the tears rushing down both of our faces. "I thought you were gone. How did you even get in here?" I sniffled, seeing a small smirk on his face as he held up a key in his hand. "No, I heard you getting upset so I said enough was enough, I need you." I cried heavy into his chest as he just held me tightly, rubbing his hands in soothing motions on my back. "We can't just give up so easy, babe. I know it's your life and you can live it how you choose, but if it were up to me, I'd like to spend another 100 years with the girl of my dreams." I sobbed uncontrollably at this point, unable to even breathe. I knew he loved me, I knew this had to be the hardest thing ever for him to have to witness, he finally meets the girl of his dreams and now here she was pushing him away when he needs her and in reality when she needs him the most. He ran his hands through my hair now while whispering sweet words into my ear, trying to get me to calm down. But nothing seemed to work, I was a fucking wreck.

"I love you so much, Jade. Please, can you at least just come out with me today? See the sunlight for a while?" As much as I didn't want to, I reluctantly gave into him and got ready as best as I could after I had calmed down enough to shower and get dressed. I was feeling completely on edge because I didn't want anyone to see me looking like this, then they instantly would know that something was wrong with me. But Chester reassuringly told me a million times as we started to drive over to Mike and Shae's house that everything would be fine. I only hoped he was right, I couldn't handle having to break this sort of news to them especially with Shae being pregnant, she wouldn't be able to handle that much stress. So of course, I begged him to keep quite about everything and as always he promised me he would do whatever I wanted. God I loved him so much. Finally after a good half hour ride over there, we pulled into their driveway instantly being greeted by the both of them. I got out slowly before giving Shae a light hug. "I thought you weren't ever going to come over." She joked as we started to walk inside the house. I chuckled uneasily, trying not to make it obvious that I honestly didn't want to be here in the first place.

We sat down at the dining room table while Chester and Mike headed off to the back to read over some forms and have a mini meeting about starting the next album. Shae had started telling me all about the names they had started choosing for the new baby when I suddenly started to feel my nose bleeding. She handed me a tissue with a slight look of concern but thankfully she waved it off, blaming it on the hot and dry summer weather we had been having here so far. Thank God for that.

(Chester's POV)

"So what's been up with you guys lately? After the whole movie thing I haven't heard from you two lately. Even Shae started to get really worried she thought maybe you guys were mad or something. Is everything good, man?" Mike asked me as we continued to read over the forms sent to us from the record label. I hated lying, I was never any good at it and I particularly didn't ever enjoy doing it. I know Jay had made me promise on her life that I wouldn't say anything to anyone but I truly felt that this needed to be said, that she needed to know that she had the support of her friends and her family throughout this entire ordeal. She needed to know that she wasn't going to be alone through all of this, that she had all of us to lean on during everything. I sighed, rubbing the sides of my temples slowly. I didn't know how to begin or even where to begin. "If I tell you, you have to promise me that you won't tell Shae or anyone else. You have to swear to keep this to yourself." He nodded, gripping onto my shoulder. "Of course, Chester. You know me better than that I won't say a word I promise." I took in a long deep breath before beginning, here goes nothing I guess.

"Jay is sick, man. She's really sick and-an-she's not really doing too good. She's been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, she found out just a couple of days ago. But she started feeling sick a couple months after we left for tour, except she honestly didn't think it was anything bad and neither did the doctors, that's why she was so happy when we came home and just wanted to spend all of her time with me. She told me she could see herself marrying me someday and I said the same, I love her. But after the movies she got a call from the doctor confirming the results of a mass that they had removed from her stomach that she was in the early stages and that with the right treatment, she could get better. But she refused, so they gave her a five month to half of a year chance of surviving. So she's getting worse every day she's not taking any medication. I've tried to get her to just do the treatments, so she could live to see her dreams of us being together forever come true. But she's been locked in our bedroom the last two days because she just wants it all to go away already. I don't know what to do anymore, Mike. I feel so powerless, I'm just watching my whole heart waste away right in front of me. I don't want to lose her, she's my everything." I was crying, hard at this point. I couldn't hold back anything anymore, I was too destroyed over this whole thing.

He hugged onto me as I cried, my heart breaking as I kept having to think that she was out there, hiding a huge secret from all of her friends. I know I had broken my promise to her but it needed to happen, someone else deserved to know the truth. A few moments later I suddenly heard the backroom door open, revealing Shae and Jay both standing there with a concerned look on their faces. Mike and I both had tears streaming down our cheeks when they came closer to us. "What's going on, babe? Is everything alright in here?" Shae asked Mike as she sat beside him and pulled him into her arms. He didn't say a word, only looked up sadly at me and over towards Jay who's face instantly turned from worry to hurt. "Chester...what did you do? Don't tell me you..you didn't, did you?" I reached out for her but she only shoved me away. "Chester! What the fuck! I told you not to! You fucking promised me!" She snapped angrily, the tears escaping past her eyes. I put my head down in shame, I had let her down. But she didn't understand that people deserved to know the truth. "Jade please, don't do this babe. They need to know, it's not fair to hide it from them!"

Shae looked at all of us, her eyes trying desperately to read everyone's facial expressions. "What the fuck is going on, seriously! What's wrong with Jay? Why are you all so upset and angry?" I looked over at Jay who gritted her teeth hard, almost as if she was daring me to say something. And of course, against her wishes again, I did. "Jay has cancer, Shae. She has a few months left to live because she doesn't want to take the treatment. I promised her we would keep it a secret between only us because she didn't want to put any sort of worry or stress on any of you guys, but I couldn't just let it all get swept under the rug like it was no big deal. I'm so sorry, Jay. But they deserved to know, you need them. You can't do this on your own, you have to keep fighting. If not for me, at least for them. They're your friends, Jay. Your family. You're my heart and I can't live without you."

(Jade's POV)

Chester had finally betrayed me at all costs, after he had promised and swore to me that he would keep this a secret for the sake of our relationship. I had said something I never in my life imagined I would ever say to him, but it just came out without any warning. "Then I guess you better be ready to die with me then, because I'm not going to be living very much longer."
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So so sorry it's taken me so long to update, work takes up too much time! But this was another sad one! Sorry for everyone whose sensitive to this type of stuff, but I promise it won't be all sad! Hope you all enjoy! xo