

He lay in bed staring at the ceiling, it probably would have been easier to sleep had the sun not peaked to the hottest point of the day, also if he didn’t have so much on his mind, sighing he rolled over kicking the duvet to the floor, burying his face in his pillow,

“Fuck sake”

Marnie poked her head around the door,

“I thought I could still hear you” She said gently sitting on the side of the bed “What’s up can’t you sleep?”

He lay still pretending to be asleep hoping she would leave him alone, how could he explain a sudden closeness with a work colleague to his girlfriend?

She sighed taking the hint, standing slowly and walking back out of the room.

Scarlett grunted loudly, turning the key once more, the engine shuddered and spluttered before once again falling still and silent, she smiled with her middle finger defiantly pointed towards another driver as a car horn screeched past, she slapped both hands down on the steering wheel, groaning as she glanced in the rear view mirror, a car pulled up behind her, she kept her eyes fixed in front of her, becoming increasingly more aware of someone walking up to her window,

“If you’ve just come here to mock then piss off! I don’t fucking need it!”

She screeched without looking at the mystery person leaning on her roof,

“Alright! I only came to see if you’re alright!”

She sighed recognising the voice, she glanced up,

“Hello Kevin”

His eyebrow cocked he tilted his head,

“Do you need a lift?”

“No I’m fine, thank you!” she tried turning the engine over again “I’d like to get this poxy car started!”

Kevin sniggered

“Look go and get in my car I’ve got some rope I’ll bloody tow you and we’ll sort her out at the station alright?”

She sighed defeated,


She rolled her eyes as George whooped with delight,

“Go on Kev” he punched the air as he noticed Kevin had come to Scarlett’s rescue, Bayleaf stood beside him smiling! “You’re a real lady killer!”

She stormed out of the car, still irritated that he had ignored her and even more irritated that he had been the one to come to her rescue, she sat in the drivers seat arms folded, eyes fixed on him as he worked on the car

Bayleaf nudged him, speaking quietly,

“Do you think there’s something going on there?”

“Nah, he’s with that other bird aint he? What’s her name? That and from what I can gather she’s still got the arse with him for ignoring her the other day, they’ve barely spoken to each other, she’s not even offered him a cuppa when she’s making”

“Christ knows but I can’t wait to see how this pans out! I wonder if she knows he’s got a girlfriend”

George rolled his eyes,

“Like a bloody old woman you are!”

The two of them watched, eagle eyed as Kevin worked under the bonnet,

“Try it now!”

He called out, grinning as Scarlett shrieked with joy, jumping out of the drivers seat and launching herself at the unsuspecting fireman, with her arms and legs wrapped around him, she laughed,

“It’s working! Thank you so so much! I could bloody kiss you!!”

“Whats stopping you?”

He smirked, she felt her self blush as a smile crept across her lips. She swung her legs down, suddenly remembering to be annoyed with him again, she cleared her throat and crossed her arms, with a flick of her pony tail she walked away.

George, raised his eyebrows at Bayleaf as he folded his arms and walked away, Kevin scoffed as he walked over to the other two men,

“Bloody women! Can never win!”

Bayleaf frowned,

“You’re the one who wants two of them!”

George sniggered,

“Beating them off with a stick aint ya kev?”

“Scarlett aint interested” Kevin stated mater of factly “She’s annoyed with me in case you couldn’t tell” He laughed “And I’ve got Marnie anyway!”

He said the words almost slowly, like they caught in his throat, Bayleaf looked over his eyebrows at him,

“Kevin, look, not that you would, but don’t give that girl mixed signals, maybe have a word with her tonight clear the air and make things obvious?”

The evening drew in and Hours slipped by and as usual one by one the crew slipped off to bed. Kevin sat shuffling cards, silently willing her to make the first move and open conversation with him, she remained silent reading a magazine at the other end of the table, he cleared his throat, she paused putting her mug of tea back on the table, she looked over at him,


She snapped, he shrugged,


“Well it’s must be bloody something you’ve been ignoring me for nearly two weeks now and you keep lingering around like you’re waiting for something, like a fucking puppy wanting a treat” she hissed as she stood marching towards the kitchen “Or a kicking!” She spat

He threw his arms up

“Don’t be like that!”

“Then give me a bloody hint at what you want Kevin! For Christ’s sake! I thought we were friends then you start acting like this!”

He smirked at her, unable to take her seriously, it was a well-known fact that she was usually placid and to see her getting frustrated was somewhat amusing,

“A cuppa would be nice, considering I fixed your car earlier”

She glared at him, storming through the kitchen and in to the mess room,

“Well make it your fucking self!”

“Leave it out Doll! You know I’m playing”

She charged towards him, he leant against the door, looking down at her grinning,

“Kevin, move!” she barged in to him, he stayed unmoved “I’m being serious! Get out of my way”

“I can’t do that sorry”

He laughed, she pursed her lips frustrated, her eyebrows raised,

“Right” she tutted “I’ll just go the long way then”

She turned on her heels, waltzing towards the other door, Kevin laughed more springing forward grabbing her hand, she continued to walk,

“Fucking hell Scarlett, stop!”

He laughed more, underestimating her strength as she virtually dragged him across the mess room,

“Can’t do that sorry!” He felt a weight lift as he realised she was laughing too, he managed to grab her other hand, she walked backwards laughing at him, “You owe me a bloody apology!”

“I know, I’m sorry okay I acted like a prick!”

“Maybe you can buy breakfast after shift and I’ll think about forgiving you!”

He laughed and nodded,

“You’ve got a deal as long as I can ask something of you” She looked at him waiting, her hands still in his, his stomach tied in to knots, he pulled a hand away clamping it to his neck, “Look I just need to ask if…well…I wanted to know if there was any sort of…” she began to snigger “don’t laugh Doll I’m being serious”

“I know I’m sorry”

She giggled, he pulled his hand away annoyed,

“Just forget it,” He turned and began to walk away “Don’t worry about it!”

“No, Kevin Just hang – “

She was cut off by the bells, she sighed kicking one of the chairs as Kevin rushed away.