Walk Through Hell


Seriously, it's a high school dating game, pretty much.


All the good stuff from high school.
  1. [01]
    Let's get acquainted!
  2. [02]
    In which the step-mom buts in.
  3. [03]
    In which there's trouble afoot.
  4. [04]
    In which we work together!
  5. [05]
    In which some skipping occurs.
  6. [06]
    In which... gym...
  7. [07]
    In which we take a trip.
  8. [08]
    In which there's a cliffhanger... sort of.
  9. [09]
    In which there's some alone time.
  10. [10]
    In which the coast might be clear.
  11. [11]
    In which we hear a poor Chef impersonation.
  12. [12]
    In which you should probably listen to "A Walk Through Hell" by Say Anything and "Tonight on the WB" by the Comas to fully understand.
  13. [13]
    In which we hear some songs.
  14. [14]
    In which we get a paycheck!
  15. [15]
    In which... Ricky knows all.
  16. [16]
    In which "dude, you tapped that?"
  17. [17]
    In which *shocker* there's some conflict.
  18. [18]
    In which "this is getting sexy"
  19. [19]
    In which we nip it in the bud.
  20. [20]
    In which he's pretty persistent.
  21. [21]
    In which... well read it.
  22. [23]
    Umm... I think 22 got deleted from quizilla...
  23. [24]
    In which '7'
  24. [25]
    In which the step-mom buts in. Again.
  25. [26]
    In which CAAAR
  26. [27]
    In which there's a prank.
  27. [28]
    In which there's some make-up... of some sort.
  28. [29]
    In which we say goodbye.