Walk Through Hell


"Give it BACK!" I yelled.

"Give it back!" he mimicked in a high pitched voice.

"You ass, just hand it over!"

"Ooh! Look at me! Don't look so seeeeeexxxy in this?"

"Jaaaake! I need iiiiit!" I whined, changing my tactics.

Stupid penisface. Stealing my bra. Damn, it's like he's never seen a bra before.

"But I need it too!" he said.

"What, packing on the pounds these days, eh?" Distract him?

"No. I'm going to sell it."

"You know how much I could get for this in the High School Black Market?"

This had to be planned precisely.

"You are not selling my bra on--" *pounce*

I tackled him to the ground, quickly grabbing MY bra and walking away, victorious.

He retaliated. He knocked me to the ground by grabbing my ankles. I fell down, and the bra went flying out of my hands. We both recovered and tried to get it first. We crawled over. I got it and, still lying on the floor, I held it over my head.

He started reaching and slid up a bit, grabbing it from my hands. He sat up, still straddling me, and did a victory cheer.

I snatched it back when he was doing some weird dance part of it and stuck my tongue out at him.

I pushed him off me and ran up to his room, locking the door.

So, I guess I should explain. We just got back from Saturday school. I fell asleep when we got back to his house, he went through my stuff.

SHIT! I gotta go to band practice.

I picked up my phone and tried to call EVERYONE in my band, to see if I could get a ride, and none of them picked up.

Not a good time to not have a car.

Maybe, I could steal whatshisname's car.

I carefully walked downstairs, into the kitchen, and grabbed his keys off the counter. I turned around and he came running in.

"Why do you have my keys?"

I stared at him. "Did you seriously here those jingle from like, all the way over there?"

"Yes." He stared at me. "Where are you going?"

"Band practice."

"With my car?"

"My parents didn't get me a car!"

"Doesn't matter. You can't take mine."

"Oh my god! Just let me take it once. I'll give you a dollar."

"That's a good trade. A dollar for a porshe."

"I'm only borrowing it."

"Get in. I'll give you a ride."

"What? I don't want to be seen with you! We agreed we wouldn't tell anyone we had to stay together!"

"Then nooo ride!"

Five seconds. Eight seconds. "Finefinefinefinefine."


Jake's POV
This is going to so much fun. I'm going to tell all of her little friends we're dating and trying to keep our relationship a secret, or something.

And I can black mail her! I ran up stairs and grabbed the bra we were fighting over.

I win! I win! I win! I win!

Lexie's POV

Turn Left. Turn Right. Go half way around the roundabout. Fork right. Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah-dy-fuckin-dah.

"Alright. Thank you for the ride. I'll catch a ride home. Good bye."

"No. I want to make sure this isn't any sort of trouble."


"Your mom told me to look out for you!"

"Since when do you listen?"

"Look, I'm sure they won't even recognize me."

I was about to argue back, but the garage door opened up and out came the whole band.

I stepped out of the car. So did Jake.

"What's this scrub doing here?" Mike asked.

Ignoring the scrub comment, Jake said, "Lexie wanted to introduce me to her friends!"

"No I didn't. I needed a ride and he lives next door."

"Oh, honey. I don't care if you tell them." he directed at me. "We're dating. We decided to keep it a secret, but Lexie, baby, you can tell your friends. I don't care."

Wtf? "No, we're not. He's saying that to piss me off."

Everyone stared at us.

"What is that in my pocket, oh. I forgot to give this back to you when we were at my house." He pulled out my black lacy bra.

I've never been so stuck in my life. Like, I couldn't speak at all. My face was pink. Chris, Austin, and Mike were staring at me like I was on crack, waiting for me to say something.

I sighed, grabbed it from him, threw it in his car, and stormed into the garage.

"Come on guys."

"Can I stay and watch?" Jake asked.

"Yeah! Can your new boyfriend stay and watch us?" Chris teased me.

"He's not my boyfriend, and tell him I demand that he leave the premises right now."

"What? Don't be nervous. I'm sure you're great!"

I groaned. This is going to be a looong day.

"Alright! Thats it. Stop talking about stupid Halo 3 and how important it is right now. Let's go, Jake."

"What? Oh, alright. Well, I have to get her home, or else her parents will have a fit. Talk to you later, man?" he asked Chris.

I don't know how the prick managed to do it, but him and Chris are like, best friends now. I mean seriously, way to steal my friends, jackass.

We got into the car.

"So you know something about good music, huh?" I asked him, breaking the silence.

"Um, yeah."

"So.... play any instruments?"


"Way to give short answers," I rolled my eyes. "Wwait wait wait! Turn left!" too late.

"It's fine. If I go straight, it turns into Leafland."

"Yeah, but it takes twice as long." I really wanted to get out of the car.

"Oh, come on. I'm not that bad. Am I sitting on something?" he shifted to the left of his seat, and pulled out my bra. Oh my god. This is so... embarassing. I never get embarassed. What the hell.

He threw it into my lap, and I stared out the window. It started to rain, out of nowhere. Since it took us twice as long to get home, it was pouring when we finally pulled into his driveway.

There were two cars when we pulled in.

He groaned. "Uh, I forgot they were coming over."

I'll sneak in the back. Just unlock the basement door and I'll sneak upstairs."

"Are you sure?"


I ran out through the rain behind his house. I waited until he came down to unlock the door.

I heard the lock click, and I stepped into his house. The air was still on from earlier, and I was a bit chilly.

"Alright, I'll go up first. You follow when it sounds quiet."

I nodded, shivering a bit.

He walked up the stairs and into what I figured was his living room. There was some talking and it started to quiet down, so I decided it was clear.

I quietly snuck up the stairs and out the basement door. I was creaking across the floor to the complicated part, the upstairs.

Apparently, the coast was not, in fact, clear.