Walk Through Hell



"Let me go!" I told someone. I was over someones shoulder, pounding on their back. I had been taken from my home. Taken from my life.

It wasn't a someone who was holding me, I soon realized. It was a beast. After what seemed like hours of walking, he threw me on the ground. I layed there in the dirt, ruining my gorgeous burgandy gown. I tried to stand up and run, but the beast pushed me back down.

He flung me over to a river, where he leaned his head down and started to drink.

I tried to think. I tried to find a way out of this situation. A thousand flawed plans flew through my mind.

There was no escape.

I started breathing heavy. It had seemed that the perfect dream life had turned into a nightmare.

The beast started approaching me, when a silver sword flung right be his head. He turned around, and a battle ensued. It was too dark for me to see who was fighting off the beast.

Back and forth the battle was thrown. I wanted to get up, to help him.

I tried to find the strength to stand up, but I couldn't.

I was starting to fade out, when I saw the man slay the beast. My insides jumped. I was closer. Closer to being ree.

I woke with a start. What a weird dream.

"And if I was brave, I'd climb up to you on the mountain,"

Was that singing? I followed the noise to the closet. The door was ajar, and I opened it a little more and stood in the doorway, listening to Jake sing.

I think I've heard him sing this song before. He does this sometimes. Sit in the closet and play his music and sing. Usually he plays on an electric, though. He doesn't plug it in, and he sings really quiet.

This song was really good. When he finished, I told him I liked it, and we decided to go down stairs and get something to eat.

While he made a pizza, I went to go see if there was anything on TV we could watch.

There's nothing on. At midnight, apparently, all people want to watch is infomercials and Dr. 90210.

Hmm.... Drive me Crazy? It's going to have to be. Woo hoo. Just started. I'm being sarcastic in my head. I'm a loser.

Jake walked out with two plates of pizza.

"It's hot."


We ate and watched in silence.

I felt myself drifting off to sleep again.

The slayer of the beast stood there, chest heaving, staring at what he'd done. He put his foot upon it's torso and pulled his sword out.

He looked down at me, smiling, and I stood up. He stood up straighter, and started walking towards me.
I walked towards him. Our pace quickened, and then he embraced me.

I was in love. I held him as close as I could, sheer joy glowing on every inch of my body.

But my smile started to fade.

Something was wrong.

This couldn't be.

I said something to him. "They've still got me."

"I'll save you," he said. "Just... you're kind of laying on my chest."

"Huh?" I shot awake again.

"You're laying on my chest." I got up off his chest.

"Sorry... I didn't... mean to."

"It's fine. You want anything to drink?"

"Uh, no thanks."

He walked off, and I sat up correctly. That was weird.

And what's with that dream?


I went out to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

She fell asleep on the arm rest. Half way through the movie, I didn't even notice for a while, she had moved over to my chest.

I looked down at her, and she looked distressed. She started fidgeting. She bit her lip and started breathing heavy.

I brushed some of her hair out of her face, debating on whether or not to wake her up. She looked absolutely traumitized.

She whispered, "Save me,"

"Uh, You're sort of laying on my chest."

Her eyes shot open, and she looked around for a second.

Then I told her I was going to get some water, and here I am.

Thinking again. Thinking about her. Thinking about us. Thinking about our past, recent and long. Thinking about...

Thinking about how I can't like her.

It was a lapse of mind.

That's it. I'm just gonna go back out there, and be cool.

I'll be calm, I'll ignore her the usual amount, I won't look into her eyes. I won't be drawn into them.

It could work.


I started watching the movie again. I'd been out for a while. She was meeting her dad at the dance.

Jake came back a few minutes later. The guy was on top of the big silver thing.

This was really weird. We've been... nice to eachother lately.

It's like, there are a thousand different versions of me, and I don't know which one is really me.

Around my friends, I can be this super fun, good time, partier. I'm always the center of everything.

But around Jake, I don't know. I feel so vulnerable. Especially right now.

I feel like what I'm wearing is wrong. I feel like what I'm saying is wrong. I feel out of place, but it feels so right.

I can't even explain it right.

In the movie right now, these two kids are now running up to a tree house, after their parents hooked up. That's kind of weird.

This situation is so comfortable in its awkwardness.

"Well that was lame." Jake said, abruptly haulting my thoughts.

"WHAT? That movie is a classic!"

"It isn't a classic! It's a typical teenage story. Two kids from different groups meet up and fall in love, after much trouble along the way. That's Romeo and Juliet. That's... that's like, every "romantic comedy" today."

"Yeaaaah, but this one's special."

"Why is this one special?"

"Because it was the only thing on besides Dr. 90210 and infomercials." I yawned.

"Alright. I'm tired, too. Let's go to bed."

And then we went upstairs, and off to dreamland.